Chapter 12

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Chris's POV

I am already on my way home. I have called Sofia several times but finally she picked up.
"Hello" I felt relieved  when she picked up
"Hey Boo" she responded
"Hope everything is fine?" I asked her
"Yeah  what about you?" She replied
"Great. Actually I wanted to talk about your sister" I told her.
She sighed " I wanted to tell you something also" she paused and continued " I think I hurt my sister badly, I didn't mean to say those horrible things to her. And my parents were also mean."
"What happened?" I got curious
Sofia told me everything and she started crying on the phone telling me how much she cares about her sister. I felt pity for her because she poured out her heart to me. She is really feeling guilty about everything. She thinks that it was her fault that her parents were mean to her sister.
I consoled her and she began pressuring me to go home early. I didn't understand why she began to sound so worried.

I got home and quickly went inside without locking my car. Sofia was still on the phone because she asked me to not to hang up. I went directly to Cherish's room and guess what I found! She was lying down lifeless. I got panicked and shouted "What the fuck!!" Sofia was on loud speaker so she asked what is going on. I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I told her while trembling. I hanged up the phone and called for an ambulance . But I checked her pulse and lucky she was still alive. I prayed silently and carried her out. I can't believe she tried to kill herself. I put her into my car because I couldn't wait for the ambulance.
I rushed her to the hospital. I continued praying for a miracle to happen. I felt like I'm losing a part of me. I have regretted the times I was mean to her. I hate to see her suffering so much and she doesn't want to share with anyone.
I am still waiting at the waiting room. I couldn't sit down. I keep walking back to back waiting for any news from the doctor. After 30 minutes, the doctor came out.
"Doctor, is she okay? Did she make it?!" I threw questions at the doctor
"Calm down Mr Johnson, she is alright. It was just an overdose of sleeping pills. I think she was having a hard time sleeping. Thank God, she is alright. She will wake up soon." He tapped my shoulders and went away. I sighed feeling relieved and happy. I prayed to thank God for keeping her safe.
I went inside to sit by her. I kissed at the back of her palm. I didn't feel pity but what I felt was different.

Cherry's POV

I want to sleep! The sleeping pills are not working. I have taken in two already then I guess I should taken in plenty that way I will sleep.
I woke up on a hospital bed. My head hurts as fuck! What the hell am I doing here?! Wait someone is holding my hands tightly while resting his head on the bed. I tried to get up but my head is hurting so much. I groaned and the person woke up. It was that dumbass idiot fiancé. He looked so worried, I think something bad happened to me.
"What happened" I asked him.
"You overdosed." He gave me a piercing look.
"Oh" that was what I could say. Fuck I'm so embarrassed.
"Wait let me call the doctor" he excused himself.
The doctor came in and asked me how I'm doing. I explained how I'm feeling to them . The nurse administered medication and left.
"Chris please don't call my family to inform them about anything. I'm really okay" I turned to get back to sleep
"They are already on their way here" he announced
What the fuck!

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