My Guardian ● Part 1

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I hugged my knees tight, I couldn’t see anything, I couldn’t feel anything. All I could see was black; black everywhere around me from where I sat to the gaping distance around me, just darkness.

I felt alone but not scared, I felt drained and tired like I should give up, stop holding on to something and just relax. I tried to think of how I got here but I had no idea, I couldn’t remember how I got here, what had happened or why I was here?

The room was silent, deadly silent. I could only hear my own small breaths becoming quieter and quieter joining the surrounding peacefulness. My eyes were drooping and my arms didn’t seem to want to hold onto my knees so tightly anymore.

I just wanted to give in, accept the drowsiness I felt and let it take me to wherever I needed to go. Just take me to anywhere but here. I wanted to give up.

That’s when I heard it, the deep husky voice that was familiar but new. “Times not over yet beautiful,” was all it said but for some reason that was all I needed; to stop me feeling alone, to give me hope, that single voice. I let the drowsiness take me but this time I had no fear or feeling of being lost and alone, I felt warm, comforted and safe, like a shield was now protecting me from the dark around me, a shield taking me to a good place.

The next thing I saw was not darkness but the complete opposite; I saw a bright light shining above me, lighting the plain room. Why was I here? I let my eyes drift down my body to see it bruised and pale being covered mostly by a small white blanket and a hospital gown drowning me with its material. What was going on, what was wrong with me?

Removing my gaze from my body I looked up towards the bright light above me nearly blinding my eyes in the process, I felt completely different to being wherever I was a few seconds ago. I felt so different but one feeling in particular stood out, I didn’t feel alone anymore.

In fact, I felt like I was being watched. I turned my head carefully to the other side of the room where the light just reached revealing a tall figure staring at me. His mouth was smiling slightly and he was looking quite smug with himself where he stood resting his back against a wall, arms crossed across his.

“Who are you?” I let my voice say quietly, it breaking slightly from the lack of being used.

“I’m your guardian.” His voice was the same from the room, deep but welcoming, just like his whole appearance, with it also being warm and somehow soothing. He was an attractive boy definitely with chocolate curls resting on his head, muscular arms and long torso stretching his white t-shirt and his smile. It was adorable yet so simple, revealing a small pair of dimples on each side which for some reason just made me want to smile in return.

I stared, confused by his presence and puzzled by the relaxed feeling I felt towards him, trying to figure him out. He didn’t say anything either just let me stare and wonder while he rested with a small smile on his face until I actually did speak. “What’s your name?” Most people would probably ask what a ‘guardian’ was or how they got to be in a hospital but I was most interested in figuring out who he was.

He closed his eyes for a second taking a deep breath. “Harry Styles.”

Harry. That sounded familiar yet I couldn’t remember him at all.

“Do I know you Harry?”

His smile dropped and his face became blank. “No you don’t.” He looked down for a single second before speaking again. “I’m here now though, and I’m the only one you do know in this world right now. I’m here to protect you Sopha, in this life. You’ve been given a second chance at living and you have to do it right, and it is my job to protect you and help you find what you need for your second chance. How I’ve been sent here or more about me you can find out later but right now you have to know whenever you need help, whenever you’re lost or feeling alone, I will be close by. From now on I’m your ‘Guardian’,” he explained with a serious expression on his face. He seemed to know what I was thinking or wondering.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now