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~•~ Third Party Point of View ~•~

A "young" blond slams her fist on the table as she faces the people before her. The tension in the room was high as the echo of the collision vibrated through the room. She clentches her fist as she tries to keep her calm. Losing her temper here would do her know good and she knew what she was suggesting was absurd. With a strain in her voice she faced the rest of the people in the room and addressed them.

"Do not doubt my star pupil. She is young yes, but she is the perfect canadate for this mission."

An elderly woman raised her hand to silence the blond. "Tsunade, we do not doubt that you have trained this young kounichi well, but this is still a high ranking mission that we can not allow a mere chunin to go on." The rest of the people around the room seemed to nod in agreement.

An elderly gentleman with bandages over his arm and eye then drcided to put his own input. With a raskley voice he addresses Tsunade. "This mere chunin is also the apprentice of the Hokage with lots of access to village secrets. If you think we would let an untrained brat to put this village in danger you are sadley mis-"

He was cut off by a loud sound of crumbling stone as Tsunade punched the wall behind her creating a small crater behind her. "Danzo, I will remind you that this 'brat' has gone on plenty of missions and can handle herself quite nicley." Taunade then turns to the rest of the group. "I understand your concerns about this decision, I understand that this is possibly putting my favorite pupil in danger and even possibly the village, but I have faith and trust in her. I have trained her well and there is no denying that she is the perfect canadte for this mission, given her situation with her teammates and her abilities."

There was only silence as Tsunade glared at all the people around the table. No one could deny that she was right and the small chance that this kounichi were to leak information about the village was out weighed by the real danger that lurks outside the village walls. Taunade turned on her heels and walked out of the room without a word and slowly people slowly followed suit. The only one left in the roon was Danzo.

He stands up with a scowl and two root ninja appear behind him waiting for further instuctions. He growled out his orders which slightly echoed in the otherwise quiet room. "Keep an eye on that young pupil that Tsunade has. If she starts to leak any information about this village you will take her out and leave no trace of her left."

"Hai" the two ninja said in unison and dissapeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Tsunade, I will not let you make a fool of this village." With that Danzo walked out of the room.

Published Feb. 28th, 2019
I  Hope you all enjoyed the prologue.

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