Chapter 13

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~

It has been a week since she spoke with Orochimaru, and she has been doing everything she could to figure out what to do. "Orochimaru did not say as much as I would like. Sasuke has not given off any urgency about this si I doubt he knows. I doubt Kabuto would give anu information as well, so my best bet is Karin."

Sakura leaned back in the chair she was sitting in. Papers were spread around her. Books were stacks beside her chair and table as scrolls were piled on the other side of the table. Her mind was just as messy as her head.

"Uhg! I need a break!" She flopped her upper half of her body on the desk causing some scrolls and paper to fly off. With a groan she bent down to pick them up. One of the scrolls that rolled off was the History of the Yamanaka Clan. She skimmed through it and knew most of it was about the heads of the clan but she thought she should probably take a closer look at it.


She was deeply engrossed in the scroll when she heard a knock at her door. It startled her but she quickly up the scroll away and opened another book before she could let the person in.

"C-come in!" she stuttered. Her heart was racing slightly. She still has not told anyone about the mind transfer jutsu and she planned to keep it that way.

A very familiar face poked his head in. "Hey Sakura. I know you are working hard for Orochimaru, but would you like to take a break and go train?" His face made her heart skip a beat and his deep voice caused her heart to swell.

"Y-yeah. Let me get ready and I will meet you at the exit!" A smile grew on her face. All of a sudden she felt giddy and full of energy like she could conquer the world.

"Hn, don't be long"

"Ok Sasuke!"

He closed the door and she quickly tried to organize things as best as possible. It was still a mess but atleast she could say she knew where to find things. "Time to go see that sun!"


She ran down the hall to where Sasuke was. She felt like she was a young genin going to go train for the first time as a fl fledged ninja. "I wonder how much stronger Sasuke has gotten? Well he will be in for a surprise when it comes to me." A smile plastered her face as she saw his figure at the end of the hallway.

"Hey Sasuke! I'm ready!"

He smirked and his only reply was "Hn" before he turned around and lead them both out of the hideout.

As the door opened the sun came filtering in. It was much brighter than the candles that littered the interior and it took a moment for their eyes to adjust. Sakura never knew how cold it was in there untill the warm light hit her face. The fresh air filled her longs and she felt free again.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

Sasuke opened the door to the outside world and the sun beamed in. He could hear a gasp from the person behind him and he smiled. "How ling have you been cooped up in this stone cold place Sakura?" He waited for her to fully step out before made it hidden again.

From the corner of his eye, he could see that she was taking in everything. "You don't belong in hiding or in the shadows like me." He softly smiled at her as she bubbled with excitment.

"Lead the way Sasuke!" her excitment overflowed in her voice. It reminded him of their genin days and how things could be so carefree at times.

"Hn." He replied to her and started walking towred the training grounds. They areived there in no time and Sasuke walked to the center of the clearing before he turned around. "Lets see what you got Haruno!"

~•~ 🌸 ~•~

He turned around and challenged her but Sakura was one step ahead. She had already disapeared into the trees. "Right now, I know he has his Sharingan and Chidori. With those eyes it will be hard to do anything so I just have to trick him."

She made a few handsigns and some clones appeared beside her. Knowing that could possibly give away her position, they all scattered to other trees. A total of four Sakura's surrounded the clearing. She cursed herself for not being as strong as Tsunade yet (she has not finished training), so she had to make do with simple tricks.

A clone threw a kuni at Sasuke but he nearly dodged. "Tsk Sakura, got to do better than that. Now I know your position." He dissapread and appeared behind the clone to attack. He went to slash but the clone dissapreaded and in that instance the real one threw a punch at him.

She hit him square in the arm and he went flying into the tree behind him. As he stood up to brush off the dirt, Sakura was already back into the trees.

"Hn clever." He activated his sharingan. "I wont go easy on you!" he called into the trees. Another clone threw another Kuni and he went to the spot. "That trick wont work twice." He slashes and turns to grab the on coming punch. He went to stab the puncher, but the 'clone' he slashed grabbed him from behind.

"I am not a fool to play the same trick twice." Blood dripped from where he slashed her. She took a needle from her back bag quickly and in one swift motion stabbed it in his arm. With a poof Sasuke's clone dissapeared.

"Wait what the!" She felt the edge of a blade apon her neck and his chest apon her back. She froze. "You and Naruto are not the only one who can use clones." he whispers in her ear.

"Cha!" She struggled a bit and started laughing. Sasuke relaxed the knife off her neck a bit and Sakura took this moment to raise her hand up a little and swing it back a little, hitting him in the knee hard.With that move she was able to escape and face him head on.

She smiled "Show me what you got."

He stood up and smirked "No more tricks Sa-ku-ra." he taunted and charged right at her.

Both of them started throwing punches and dodging the other. Sakura went for a hich kick and Sasuke ducked to go for a low kick. Sakura planted her hands on the tree brank and pivited her weight to land on another branch.

"Man he is good. I am giving it all I got." Sakura panted. She was funning low on energy and she could tell Sasuke was on the edge as well. "I am pretty sure I have last good punch before I am through." She was trying to figure what she should do next when Sasuke lunged at her catching her by surprise.

They fell to the floor below and landed with a thud. Sasuke had her pinned and a knife up to her neck. The wind was knocked out of her and all she could do was look at his handsom features.

They stared at eachother for a moment and Sasuke leaned in close. They touched heads together and he smiled as he put his kuni away. "You have gotten stronger Sakura..."

Published March 13th, 2019

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