Chapter 16

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~•~ 🍅 ~•~

The raven haired ninja paced in his room. He was mulling over the events that happened earlier today. He was unsure of his feeling and actions. "She is a rogue ninja now, like me. There is nothing wrong with training with her now. We were on the same team before so it makes sense that I feel trust her by my side, espesaly since she could heal me if things get dicey..." Kabuto's warning rang through his head. He remembered how they were planning on killing Sakura at the end if the month anyway.

Apon that thought his blood began to roar in his ears and he felt anger grow in the pit of his stomac. "It shouldn't matter... I warnd her not to follow me that night.... though her intention when running away from the village was not to die..."

He paced the room and glances up at the clock. It was past midnight and he let out a sigh. His stomach growled to let him know that he was hungery. Dinner from earlier was full of sweet things, so he did not eat much. "I might as well see whats in the kitchen."

He walked out of the room and down the hall. Everything was quiet as everyone was asleep. He passed Sakura's room and noticed the light from undernieth the door. "She is working so hard... and for what?" He shook his head and concluded it was none of his concern. Orochimaru himself said this could help defeat Itachi.

Sasuke felt torn, and he hated this feeling. "I need to focus on my goal!" he thought as he browsed through the fridge. He picked up a tomato and started to walk back to his room. Images of the pinkette, kept filtering through his mind. Her smile, the way her eyes looked in the sun, when she felt free. These images brought a smile to his face.

He was intrupted from his 'day' dream when he heard a scream from Sakura's door. Without thinking he ran to her door and burst through. She was drenched in sweat and her hands were in the release hand sign. Her eyes rolled back and she began to collaps to the floor. Without a moments hesitation, Sasuke was by her side and holding her tight as she fell.

Activating his sharingon, he looked around the room for any danger. He still held her close. There was no light and it looked like Sakura just blew out the candle since a thin line of smoke wisped into the air from the wick.

He turned to the kunoichi, when he heard her mumble something. Looking down, the sweat covered her face and her hair was a mess. A worried expression frozen apon it. He gently brushed the hair from her face and held her tighter. This time he heard her mumble something that sent him into a rage.

"...I-ta-chi..." Her soft lips murmered his name. Hearing that name, normaly sent him into a fit of rage, but hearing it from her as she laid helplessly in his arms sent him over the edge. His chakra turned cold and malicious and Sakura's body shuttered at the sensation.

He glared at the candle knowing exacly what happened. Itachi must have put her under a genjutsu using smell. For what reason, he did not know. "He did it again! He goes after anybody I am close too! Sakura... I swea-"

His thoughts were inturupted by a warm sensation on his arm. Looking down he saw that Sakura had rolled onto her side and cluched onto his arm as if her life depended on it. She blinked open her emerald eyes that still seem to reflect the little light from the hallway.

"Sas-uke?" she mumbled out his name. His hear was cought in his throught at the sound of her voice. The anger he had hust moments before slowly began to melt away as he looked into her eyes. Those pools of green that did a horrible job of hiding her emotions.

"Sas-uke?" she murmered again and squeezed his arm. He held her closer to him and slowly began to stroke the back of her head. He could only imagine what genjutsu Itachi put her under, but it must have scared her pretty bad. "I swear Itachi I will find you and KILL you." but Sasuke knew at that moment he had to be there for Sakura.

She burried her head in his chest and tears began to fall from her cheeks. It stained his shirt but he did not care.

"Don't go Sasuke... Don't die..." she kept mumbling to herself as tears rolled down her cheeks. "What did he show her?"

"Don't worry Sakura... I won't die, I am right here." He was finaly able to speak. He tried hard not to let the anger lace his voice. She seemed to calm at the sound of his voice and she drifted into an uneasy sleep. He held her like that for a while before he picked her up bridal style and gently laid her on her bed.

She still had a firm grip apon his shirt so he sat next to her on the floor. Sasuke decided it was best anyway to keep watch since obviously Itachi had something against her. He wish he knew more and that he could do a better job of protecting her.

Memories of him and Sakura filtered through his mind as he slowly nodded off into a soft slumber.

~•~ Naruto🍥 ~•~

"Hey Naruto! Time to rise and shine for some more training!" A pervy old guy yelled outside of the knucklehead's tent.

"Five more...minutes...." Naruto slowly drifted back into sleep; which was a huge mistake. He was greeted his a frog's tongue slipping inside his ear. It was an awful sensation and had Naruto bolting out of his tent.

"IM UP! IM UP!" he yelled at his master.

He slowley packed his things. "Hey Pervy Sage? Do you think we can get some ramen before we start training. Im hungery!" he complained as his stomach growled.

Jiryia inly laughed. "Only if you can beat me to the village!" and took off running with a hearty laugh.

"WAIT NO FAIR!" Naruto scrambled to finish packing and took off after Jiryia.

Apon reaching the gates he saw his master already flirting with the waitress. Letting out a sigh of defeat, the ninja made his way to the ramen shop. On the wall iutside the shop was a bunch of wanted posters. Not too many of them cought his eye, except one in particular.


Published March 20th, 2019

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