Chapter 1

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The riseing sun filtered through the curtains. Light danced apon her face as the curtains swayed in the breeze. With a groan she slowly opened her eyes slightly to adjust to the brightness. After a few moments Sakura turned to look at the clock beside her table.

6:28 am

Two minutes before her alarm and she let out another groan. She knew she would be recieving her first solo high rank mission today but she wanted as much sleep as she could. With that, she turned over on her stomach with the pillow over her head and just closed her eyes. Sakura knew she could not fall back asleep, but she can shut out the world for atleast 2 minutes right?

Her mind began to wander. "I wonder how Naruto's training is going... I bet he is working hard... so be can bring back... bring back ... Sasuke" With that thought the menory from a year ago crossed her mind.

"Thank You. Sakura"

That low soothing voice just echoed in her heart as it began to ache. "Sakura get yourself together. He is rogue ninja now and you have a mission that you will have to focus on."

~Beep~ ~Beep~ ~ Beep~

The buzz of her alarm jerked her from her thoughts and she threw the pillow apon her head at the alarm clock. It caused the wretched device to clatter and fall with a loud thud. Sakura flinched waiting for the yell of her mom to keep it down and not to destroy anymore items in the house, but only silence from the house answered her.

"Huh, I wonder where my parents are?" Sakura shrugged and got up and ready for her meeting with the Hokage. She grabbed her blue headband that was beside the picture of team 7 when they were first formed. She giggled at the sight of Naruto and Sasuke glaring at each other and Kakashi Sensei trying to keep them under control.

Her eyes then wandered to her in the center. "Look how happy I am. I was so excited to be put on a team with Sasuke, but more importantly, I was finally a ninja." She furrowed her brow "How nieve I was back then... well what can I do about it now. I got a mission to complete." With that she smiled and tied her head band on and ran out the door to the Hokage's office.


Sakura stood just infront of the Hokage's door. She could hear the voice of her teacher talking to someone, but she could not catch to who and what it was about. She reached her hand up to knock on the door, but heard a strong voice say "Come in."

"Mil Lady, I am here for my-" Sakura cut off her sentance when she realized who was in the room as she stepped in. Behind Lady Tsunade sat Kakashi in the window reading his "book." Shakiamaru stood besides Tsunade and on the other side of him stood Neji. That is not what made Sakura gasp.

Sitting infront of Tsunade's desk was two civilians that Sakura did not expect to be there. "Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" Sakura questioned. Her mother gave her a bittersweet smile as Tsunade answered. "Sakura, this mission is on a need to know basis, and they need to know."

Published Feb. 28th 2019
Edited Alril 25th, 2019

I wonder what the mission is about?
Well I hope I did a good job to keep you reading so far. Sorry for the short chapter. Edited the chapter for typos that I could find.

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