Chapter 2

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~•~Third Person Point of View~•~

Somewhere deep in the forest in an underground hideout, another body hit the floor. A red head with glasses that was watching sighed. She turned to her partner and with a squeaky voice gave him the report "Another one dead. Why do all these medical ninjas have to be so pethetic?!" Her partner just rolled his eyes and chukled. "Karin, why don't you just do it. You are a medical ninja and an Uzumaki, so shouldn't you have enough chakra?"

"Suigetsu! I am a valuable asset to this team, I wouldnt dare risk my life for this nonsense! What would you do without me?!"

"I would get some peace and quiet thats for sure"

Karin then punched Suigetsu and his water form splashed on the walls. "Hmph Lord Orochimaru needs me. Unlike you." She crossed her arms and pushed her glasses farther up her face.

Suigetsu replied once he had his full for again. "But Orochimaru really needs this specimen alive. Do you really think Orochimaru would really approve that you are holding back on him?" He smiles his toothy smile as the red head gulped.

"I...I Still have 7 months untill Orochimaru needs him alive. If we can not figure out something by then... then I will gladly give my life for Lord Orochimaru." Karin had a crack in her voice but she knew either way she would end up dead if they did not figure out something soon.

"Remember Karin, Lord Orochimaru hates to be kept waiting." With that Suigetsu waved his hand as he turned and walked away. Leaving Karin alone with her thoughts as she stared at the ground.

After a few moments she turned to the dead medical ninja and went to go pick them up. She left through another passage way and to the world above to dispose of the body. Karin looked down at her hands and they were trembling. She was afraid, very afraid.

~•~ 🌸 ~•~
-Back at Konoha-

Sakura's jaw dropped at what Lady Tsunade had said. She quickly closed it though to save herself from looking like a gapeing fool. The room was silent and all eyes were on Sakura. You could probably hear a pin drop of it was not for the blue bird singing out the window.

"Wh...what do you mean that they need to know..." Sakura asked timidly. A million thoughts were going through her mind. Her parents were civilians and were not part of the "ninja" world. A sudden throught crossed her mind "Are they in Danger?!?"

Tsunade raised her hand to silence Sakura. "I will explain. You better listen carefully." Sakura nodded and stood up straighter. She felt awkward with her parents standing there, but there was nothing that she could. Taunade let out a sigh as she leaned back in her chair.

"You have probably heared of the medical ninjas that have been showing up dead near our border with the land of Sound." Sakura nodded. How could she not. She was a medical ninja herself and she knew that put a target on her back. Tsunade continued. "We believe that this is much bigger than just a random guy targeting medical ninjas for the fun of it. We believe that it is a much bigger organization than that and we need for you to go undercover."

Sakura was stunned. This was a bigger mission then what she planned for. "Mil Lady, I do not mean to question your decision, but is it wise to send me on this mission instead of someone more properly trained? I just became a chunin." Once again her mind was running at a million miles as she tried to wrap her head around this.

"You are well known through out the lands as being my pupil so this puts a bigger target on your back. Not only were you trained by me but by the Hokage. Also with the situation with your teammates... it would not be too far fetched for you to become 'rogue'. Plus you are not as highly trained as the upper ranks so it will not look as suspicious."

"Wait! What? I have to go rogue? You know better than anyone I would never do that! The village also knows me to well to believe that I have betrayed them! You yourself just said that I was known through out the land-"

"Sakura be quiet! You don't think I have not thought of that? This is where your parents come in" Tsunade snapped at her apprentice and leans forward on her desk. "We are going to spread false rumors about you and get the village to slowly turn on you. Between your love for Sasuke" Sakura flinched at his name "and Naruto leaving you behind to go train on his own would be the best amunition to spread these lies-"



Sakura shut her trap and continued to listen. "I know that is the real reason, that is why we are spreading fake rumors about you. I have already told your parents about the situation because I know they would fight tooth an nail for you."

Sakura turns to her parents who she nearly forgotten about. She realized how awful this must be for them. Having the watch their own village slowly turn on their daughter. Tsunade began talking again.

"Shikamaru, Neji, Kakashi, and a few others around the village already know of this plan. They will help spread these rumors..." Sakura looked to her friends who could not meet her eyes. She then looked at Kakashi who had a sad expression on his face and nodded. He then spoke. "Sakura, I believe you can do this. Tsunade consolted me before hand and you have grown so much since you first joined my team. No matter what people say, you have my word that you have people behind you all the way."

Sakura nodded at her sensei's words. She was trying hard to hold back tears. Tsunade dismissed her parents before she continued on what she was going to say next. As the kounichi's parents left the room, her mother gave her a big hug and wispered in her ear. "We will have special dinner for you tonight" Sakura nodded and her parents left the room. She then turned to her mentor.

"Sakura you should also know the dangers of this mission. Between now and then I will train you harder and faster so you can have a better surving chance." Tsunade looked at the pinkette right in her eyes. "I will give you a scroll of fake information that you can "leak" to these people, but... if you give out any vital information... we will have to eliminate you..."

Sakura's eyes went wide. She could see in her mentor's eyes the pain that this was causing her. She did not want her favorite pupil to go on this mission at all, but she had to put the village first. Sakura then turned to Kakashi who had since turned away.

"Sakura Haruno! Do you accept this mission?"

"H-Hai!" Sakura stood up straight. "I know I really do not have a choice, but I don't think I can do this. Atleast I know Tsunade and Kakashi have my back. Shannaro, what have I gotten myself into?"

Published Feb. 28th, 2019
Edited April 25th, 2019

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Is this mission sort of a stretch for Sakura? Yeah, but it was the only thing I could thi k of to get her out of the village without her really betraying it.
Edited it for typos and formatting issues.

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