Chapter 18

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~

Sakura was in the kitchen washing off her face. A million things running through her head. "So Itachi's warning is real. Is he just bluffing just so I help out his group or is this above it all? Well If I help Orochimaru, there is a possibility that the Leaf is in danger, but if I don't help him, nothing happens... Seems simple enough."

She looked up at that moment and saw Sasuke standing on the otherside of the counter looking at her. "If I help, Sasuke could be in danger, but if I don't... I betray him... the answer is still clear, hust not simple anymore." She felt pain in her heart. Never in a millon years did she ever want to betray Sasuke. She stood up and wiped her face in the towel and forced on a smile.

"Good morning Sasuke!"

"Hn, Morning" He narrowed his eyes slightly at her. "How are you feeling?"

The pinkette began to panic, she was not ready for that question. "O-oh you mean the food on my face? I-it was nothing. I-I am fine." She stuttered and tried to wave it off. Sasuke narrowed his eyes more and flashed on the other side of the counter and in feont of her.

"How are you feeling after last night?" His eyes gave away nothing but she thought that she heard a trace of concern in his voice.

Sakura's shoulders slumped a little and she let out a tired sigh. "To be honest, I feel like I just fell from tge Hokage's faces in the village and hit the ground full force. That is how I feel right now."

"Was it Itachi who put you under that genjutsu?" Sasuke asked. It cought the kunoichi by surprise. "How did he know?"

"I will take that as a yes." he sighed and leaned on the counter and looked up at the cealing.  Anger masked his stare and Sakura became slightly scared. She was not afraid for her her own saftey, but for Sasuke's. It was the same look he gave when ever he talked about Itachi.

A feeling grew in the pit of her stomach. The same feeling she has when she feels powerless and things out of her control. "Sasuke..."

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

He could feel her emerald gaze as he looked up. Concern was coming off her in waves. It was the same gaze she gave him when he left the village and hust like then, he could not face her. His determination to find and kill Itachi was renewed, but  Sakura, once again, was something he had to consider.

His talk with Orochimaru that morning turned out to be fruitless and he felt like he was so hopless again. "I can't even protect her... even while she is in Orochimaru's hideout... Why did you have to show up... I told you not to follow."

"Sasuke?" her soft voice broke his thoughts. He glanced at her and made eye contact with her. Pain stabbed him in the heart when he saw her worry. This is what he was trying to avoid. Having to cause her worry. He siged.

"I am going to go train. Do what you want." his voice was cold. Colder than what he planned, but there was no going back. He turned on his heels and started to walk away. Before he got far, he felt a hand grab his arm.

"Let me... let me go with you." Her voice was pleading and almost pitiful. He knew he wouldn't be able to train properly if she tagged along, but at the same time, he did not want to leave her alone.

"Ok." Sasuke murmered.


They were in a large room. Once again it was lit by candles like everything else. Even had that gloom like the rest of the hideout, but it was perfect for some training.

Sakura agreeded to help him in his Taijutsu and she was holding up pretty well. She was not as fast as him and lacked the sharingon, but she could take a hit and throw some punches. They talkd as they sparred.

"I trained with ... Lady Taunade ... I almost match her in strength ... but I left the village ... before training ... was done..." She did a high kick and threw two lefts and a right hook. The right hook skimmed Sasuke's jaw and he nearly lost his balance. Sakura went in for a low kick but fell into his fall and landed on his hands to spring out of the way from her kick.

They stood facing eachother panting and sweaty. Neither one of them wanted to give in. Sasuke knew that Sakura wanted to prove herself to him, but it would not do any good if he let her win, plus he wanted to win himself.

Sakura started to charge at him and he ducked as she threw a punch. This created an opening and Sasuke took it and jabbed her in her side and sent her skidding to the side. She did not lose her balance and charged at him again and they once again were throwing fists and dodging the other.

In the end Sasuke was too quick for her and out laster her in stamina. Both were panting by the end of it.

"I thought you would last longer than you did, don't you have large amount of chakra and perfect control to go along with it" Sasuke asked as he watched Sakura sit along the wallas she sipped water. She did not look at him as he answered.

"I do." She rubbed her forehead. "I guess I am more out of shape than I thought." Her other hand was fidgiting with her water bottle. Sasuke figured she was not telling him everything but decided not to push it any farther.

He slid down beside her and she offered her water to him. He gladly accepted. The room was filled with their heavy breathing as they cought their breaths. They seemed content. Sakura finaly broke the silence.

"Do you have any summoning animals?" She seemed naturaly curious and just trying to strike up a conversation.

Sasuke almost flinched at the question. He was good with summoning a snake, but he was still working with the hawk. "Yeah. Snake and a hawk." He toom another sip of the water and handed it back to Sakura who in turn took a sip.

"Oh you got two? Nice... I am just working on the slug. I can summon small slugs, but not Lady Katsuyu... not yet atleast."

Sasuke nodded. Orochimaru explained each summoning animal and their uses. Slug was great for medical ninja's if you could summon the right one and it took lots of chakra.

"Can I see the hawk summons?" She asked out of the blue. Sasuke really flinched at this one. The one thing he could not do that well. She looked at him expectedly and he let out a sigh.

He bit his thumb and made the summoning hand signs and in a poof of smoke, the same old hawk appeared. It had grown a bit bigger since last time but not much. It looked durpey as ever according to Sasuke, but Sakura seemed to have a different thought.

"Oh my, what a beautiful bird!" She held out her hand and it just tilted its head at her and cawed. She giggles slightly. "Now what is your name?" she asked the bird but it only cawed.

"It has not told me his name yet... doubt it ever will."

"Well why don't you name it!" Sakura suggested excitedly.

"What would I even name the thing?"

"I don't know, maybe Taka?" she suggested.

"What a dumb name. I am not going to name my hawk HAWK."

Sakura pouted slightly. "Name it Tomato since you love those so much." she said sarcasticly.

Sasuke sighed and knew Sakura would not let this topic go untill he named the stupid bird.

The bird cawed at him and he let out a sigh. "How about Garuda?"

Sakura thought about it and smiled. "Oh the creature of Birth and Heaven... nice... but isn't Garuda the enemy of snakes?" Sje inquired.

Sasuke shrugged. "I don't know.. good enough name for me." He leaned his head against the wall. He seemed at ease for once.

Published March 25th, 2019

Garuda is the name of Sasuke's hawk in the show and the name comes from Hindu Mythology. 

According to google: Garuda is a bird creature from Hindu mythology nthat has a mix of eagle and human features. He is the vehicle (vahana) of Vishnu and appears on the god's banner. Garuda represents birth and heaven, and is the enemy of all snakes.

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