Chapter 22

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~

"SAKURA!" The familiar voice echoed through the night air.

"Naruto?" The pinkette gasped as her teammate landed beside her.

"Sakura! I found you! You will never believe what I saw!" Naruto began to ramble. Kabuto, who was just as surprised decided he had enough.

"Ah, Naruto, what a pleasent surprise."

"Huh? who's there? I can't see you in the dark!"

Sakura facepalmed "I should of known. Clueless as ever."

"Naruto. I can't believe you don't recognize me." Kabuto once again engulfed his hand in chakra and it lit up his face.


"Yes Naruto, now step aside so I can finish this battle." She tightened her gloves on her hand and concentrated her chakra on her hands. She knew she did not have much chakra left since her forehead was begining to hurt.

"Wait you are fighting him? LET ME JOIN YOU. BELIEVE IT!" He smiled and cast a shadow clone which powered up a rasengan.

Sakura smirked. She should of known that Naruto would fight by her side. "Come on Naruto! LETS DO THIS!" She ran straight towred Kabuto.

Kabuto nearly jumped to the side but went steaight into another pair of Narutos that he had failed to see when Naruto made his first clone. The man with glasses was blasted into a tree.

"Naruto, you have groan since last time we met." Kabuto staggers to his feet and looks like he was still ready to fight. "Though you have not grown enough."

Just then one of the clones doubled down in pain and went poof. "POISON!" Naruto yelled out as Kabuto discarded an empty syringe.

"I always have these in case of an emergency." Kabuto aslo popped what seemed to be a fee food pills and brushed his hair out of his face. With a smirk he charged at the pair of shinobi.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

Sasuke had no clue where he was going, but could only follow the tracks left by Kabuto. Anger was clouding his judgment. "Is Sakura with Kabuto? Did she really hust use me to get to Zetsu? How dare she! First my brother now her! You can't trust anyone!"

He continued his journy through the woods.

~•~ 🌸 ~•~

Sakura was running low on her energy as well and reached in her bag for her food pills but they were gone. Kabuto snickered. "Looking for these Sakura?"

Kabuto held up a few food pills that were once Sakura's. "He must of taken them during our hand to hand... So stupid Sakura!"

"Don't worry Sakura. I can fight him by myself!" Naruto promised her, but Sakura would not have it.

"No Naruto. We fight together!" She went and stood by Naruto's side. They both nodded at each other and got ready to fight. Before they could move a giant glowing toad appeared and shed light on the sureounding area. On top of the toad was Jiryia.

"Im sorry to inturupt this fight, but I suggest this ends now." The sannin glanced at Kabuto and Kabuto quickly made a run for it.

"HE IS GETTING AWAY!" Naruto started to make a run for it, but his teacher stopped him. Sakura leaned against a tree and slid to the ground. Naruto looked toward his master and questioned him.

"What are you doing here Pervy Sage?"

"I could ask you the same thing Naruto. What is the big Idea sneaking out in the middle of the night and leaving this note."

He held up a note for both Sakura and Naruto to see. It read:

Dear Pervy Sage,

I am going to see what is wrong with Sakura and find out why she is on a wanted poster like Sasuke and other bad people. Don't fallow me.

        Believe It!

Sakura sighed when she saw the note and went to punch Naruto. "You idiot! You spelled follow wrong!" She then went to give him a hug. "but thank you Naruto."

He gave her a hug back. "Any time Sakura, but seriously, why are you on a wanted poster?"

Sakura shrugged it off. "Was bound to happen. If you are the apprentice of the greatest medical ninja, you are bound to get a bounty put on you." She smiled at her teammate.

Naruto looked closly at her like he did not fully believe her. "And what about Kabuto?"

"Oh he uh.." she started to play with her shirt "He found me while I was on a mission and I guess I wanted info about Sasuke so I kind of attacked him..."

Naruto nodded "Makes sense to me! Did you get any Info on Sasuke?"

Sakura looked at her feet. She could feel the warm tears behind her eyes. She forced them close to hold them back. She looked up as Naruto with a forced smile and scratched behind her head. "No I am afraid not." She could only pray that Sasuke got her note.

~•~ Kabuto ~•~

"Tsk. That Sannin. He just had to show up." The silver haird teen leaned against a tree and eumaged theough his bag and pulled out a sealed scroll. "What did you leave behind?"

He tried to open it, but could not figure out the seal. Growing tired of it he through it in a bush. "Can't let Sasuke see this." he mumbled to himself. He weaved a few hand signs and a snake appeared.

"Go take of the girl before she gets to close to the village and the sensory ninja detect you." he gave the order and the snake slithered away.

Published  April 15th, 2019

Sorry for the shorter chapter. Depending on how this next part goes, the next chapter might be the last chapter. We will see. Hope you enjoy the story so far.

Also, after I publish the last chapter, I will go through this and fix typos and what not. Hope it does not take away too much from the experience.

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