Chapter 7

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~

Angry whispers could be heard in the dimley lit room. At first the voices were fuzzy, kind of like the rest of her senses. The pain in her head was making it hard to concentraition.

The pinkette's mind was swirling with everything that she was trying to process and everything just seemed out of reach. Right when she thought she was onto something, her groggy mind went onto something else. "Sasuke..." The ravenette kept crossing her mind.

"Sakura...." a voice was peircing through the fog of her mind. "Sakura!" Sakura began to groan in pain. "Shhh... Sasuke you are too loud... wait!" Her spring green eyes fluttered open and a shadow was above her. The light shone around the figure so it hid his features, but the silhouette was unmistakable.

"Sasuke..." tears began to well up behind her eyes but she swallowed her pain. "I am on a mission. Hold face Sakura." She slowly began to sit up and look around the room. It was empty except for the bed she was in and Karin in the corner. She looked like she wanted to say something but she held her tongue.

Sasuke slowly backed away from his former teammate. With the better lighting Sakura could see the cold hard stare. A shiver went down her spine. It has been a year and a half since he left the village and he only seem to have gotten colder. With her unable to loom at him, she turned her head away.

"Sakura. What are you doing here?" His voice made her jump. It was deeper from what she remember but just as cold.

"I-I left the village... Like you..." She had to take deep breaths. She was trained for alot of situations, but not this.

"Prove it" he growled.

She flinched "I can give you information about the Leaf, that not even you know." She tried to look at him dead in the eyes but eventualy she averted her gaze. He narrowed his eyes.

"Tsk. Why would you even leave?"

Sakura rememberes all the whispers and hard glares. "You think it was easy for me?  Being the former fangirl and teammate of a rogue ninja. Naruto legt as well to get stronger but the village alread turned their back on him for what ever reason! Slowly the whole village turned thier back on me. I wasn't wanted so I left. I left to find a place where I would be wanted and I found Karin!"

With the sudden emotions her head began to hurt again. She knew she had some support in the village and that it was all staged, but the pain she felt was real. Sakura turned her head away and tried avoiding Sasuke's gaze.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

Sakura had thrown her heart out. All the pain was in her eyes. She yet to learn on how to mask her emotions, something she probably would never learn. It was what made her different from all the rest of the fangirls. She was not fake, she was real, and Sasuke started to feel anger well up in him as he heard this story.

"Hn... So annoying" He could see her flinch at his word but she remaind quiet. "Does Naruto know about this?"

The pinkette shook her head. Her swaying with her motions. "Good. Would of caused more problems for me." Sasuke slowly backed away from the bed and nodded to Karin. The red head nodded back and approached the bed.

"So you have been the only medical ninja to survive this... Do you know what is wrong with it and how medical ninja's keep dieing?"

Sakura shook her head and began to pick at the hem of her shirt. "No. I was not able to find anything." See looked at the other kunoichi dead in the eyes as she said this, but Sasuke narrowed his. "She is lying... but why."

Karin sighed "maybe you will be willing to try again in a few days?" hope was laced in her voice and Sakura nodded. Karin seemed satisfied and left the room leaving the two of them there alone.

His former teammate refused to look at him and she continues to pick at her shirt. He was really able to see how much she has changed. Her hair was much longer now, but seemed a little unkept. "New at being a rogue ninja." Her body seened to have more of a curve to it now as well. The biggest differance was her bangs.

Her headband used to help keep her bangs in place. It helped her hair frame her beau- her face, but now, it just covered it. "Where is your headband?"

"In the village. I no longer need it." Her voice was just above a whisper. The blanket below her face had water droplet stains and he noticed the tears run down her cheek. He was once again reminded of that last night that he saw her. With a sigh, he went and sat on her bed.

"Why did you lie to Karin?"

Sakura whiped her head to face Sasuke with shock in her eyes. "How did you- I wasnt lying." Her voice quivered.

"You play with the hem of your shirt when you lied on missions or to anybody else." Sasuke leaned back against the wall as she looked down at what her hands were doing.

"I-" Sasuke raised his hands before she could finish her thought. "I don't want to know. It is none of my concern."

"Then why did you ask?"

"Wanted to see if I was right about something. Guess I was." He smirked as she started to pout a little. "Hn."

There was silence between them for a while before he stood up. "Rest well... next time might not be like last time." With that he walked out of the room. His footsteps echoed loudly in the room. He closed the door behind him and started to walk down the hallway.

Turning a corner he ran into Karin. "Tsk. Watch where you are going." He made an attempt to move past her but she blocked his way. "What do you want?!" he growled.

"Was she your girlfriend?"


"Was. She. Your. Girlfriend?"

"No. Now get out of my way before I force my way through." His blood began to boil. "She is really getting on my last nerves."

"You just seemed overly concerned about her and she herself admits she used to like you." Karin's eyes held jealousy and suspicion.

"You do not know what you are talking about!" He shoved his way past.

"Good!" She called after him. "Because she is not going to last!" Sasuke just walked on in anger.

~•~ Karin ~•~

"I don't like the way he looks at her, or the way he panicked. Sasuke is mine!"

Published March 5th, 2019

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