Chapter 11

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~•~ 🍅 ~•~

A feeling of a snake slithering across his body awoken the ravenette from his slumber. He knew there was no snake on him, but only the chakra of the snake itself. "Orochimaru" he grumbled in his tired state.

The feeling of the snake continued around his neck and Sasuke flew out of bed and whiped his door open to reveal Orochimaru right infront of him. "What do you want?!" he snapped at his teacher.

"Ah Sasuke, rude as ever I see. I just stop by to see how you were doing before I go and check in on our new... teammate."

The pink haired kunoichi flashed in his mind and he got defensive. "She is working hard to fulfill your request." Sasuke growled. He was met with a soft laughter from the man standing in front of him.

"I am sure she is, but how are you doing? I do not want your emotions for her to ruin this." Orochimaru smiled his wicked smile. His snake like eyes bore into Sasuke's cold emotionless eyes. Even with his cold front, Sasuke felt that Orochimaru could still read his thoughts.

"You do not have to worry Orochimaru, I still have one goal and one goal only, and that is to kill Itachi." He stood up straighter and closed the door in his teacher's face.

~•~ 🌸 ~•~

Sakura woke up gasping for breath. She felt as if she was being sufficated by a snake but there was no snake there. It left her feeling scared and discusted all at the same time. She reconized this sensation and she narrowed her eyes. "Heis here already..." Lowering her senses a bit so she could function properly, she got out of bed and got ready for her 'stunt' later that day.

"I can't heal Zetsu yet... not untill I know exacly what is going to happen... If anything, I should probably find a way to kill him."

There was a knock at the door that interupted her thoughts. The knock did not seem welcoming at all but she knew she had to answer it. With a sigh she opened the door and Kabuto was standing there waiting. "Of course its him, and once again he is blocking my way out."

She furrowed her brow at the sight of him. "Yes, Kabuto?"

"Lord Orochimaru will meet you in the operating room in a half an hour. I suggest you don't be late." With that he turned around and went on his business.

"Hmph" Sakura closed her door and went over to the scrolls on her shelf.

Mind Tranfer Jutsu
Yamanaka Technique

She reviewed the scroll that she took out of the library. "If there is anyway for me to get the upper hand in this, it would be in this scroll."

~•~ 🍅~•~

After his encounter with the Sannin, Sasuke thought it best to clear his mind with some training. On his way to the exit, he had to pass by a red head.

"Sasuke! where are you going?" She ran to his side and grabbed his arm. "It is as if the snake is back... atleast I could handle that."

"I am going to go train." he beushed her off, but he knew that would do little to stop her.

"Oh I have to gather some herbs and but some food! Lets walk together!" She perked up even more. Grabbing his arm they rushed out of the hideout.


Once the hideout was out of sight, Karin broke the silence. "So what's the deal with you and pinky?" she glanced his way.

"Tsk. Why does everyone have to be concerned with who I talk to?!" He was getting annoyed. "It's your own damb faults for bringing her here in the first place."

"But Sasuke, you know we are just useing her. Its the only thing she is good for, she can't even cook!" Karin got closer to him. "Besides... she takes away our time together..." She tried reaching for his hand, but in one swift movement, he raised his hand quickly and sent Karin to the ground and continued walking.

"Atleast she is not as pethetic as you." He growled and made his way to a sandy clearing in the woods.

The light shone brightly theough the leaves leaving a dabbled pattern on the ground. The sand was soft benieth his feet and the breezes rustled the leaves. A lone tree stump stood in the clearing. It was weathered my rain and swords. "I bet Sakura would love to train here... Wait what am I thi king I need to train!"

Charging up his Chidori, Sasuke began his training.

~•~ 🌸 ~•~

Sakura made her way down the dimley lit hallway. Her steps seemed to echo off the walls, but they were not as loud as her heart beating widley in her chest. "Cha! Sakura you can do this. Keep your calm."

The feeling of the Snake chakra combined with Zetsu's chakra made her hair stand on end as she neared the destination. All she wanted to do was turn around and run back to the village and act like none of this was happening. "What have I gotten myself into?"

Standing infront of the door, the pinkette raised her hand to knock on the door, but before she could do so, a slithering voice could be heard on the other side that sent shivers down her spine.

"Come in my dear child. I been waiting."

Gently turning the doorknob, Sakura stepped into the room. Orochimaru was sitting in a chair beside a table. His elbow rested on said table and his head in the palm of his hand. "Have a seat child and lets have us a little chat." He gestered to an empty seat beside her.

With a nod she sat down, adjusting her skirt a little bit. She was sure Orochimaru could hear her heart pounding in her chest. This is it, her true test. With renewed determination, Sakura looked the Sannin straight in the eye. "Yes, lets have a little chat."

Published March 12, 2019

Hey guys. I know this chapter does not flow as well as the others, but it is a transition point and I need to set up the next chapter. Also I did make the picture at the top by editing two other fanmade art made by others. Others put the hard work into it and I just made the cover.

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