Note From the Author

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Well, I finished my first story. I really can't believe it. This was just a spur of a moment kind of thing. Well I hope you enjoyed.

As promised, I will go back and fix up the typos and miss spellings. I am a math person, not a spelling person, so please bare with me.

I want to thank you all for reading all of this. It made me so happy to watch the view count go up and even get a few likes along the way.

I know it is not a perfect story, but I enjoyed it. I always wanted a SasuSaku story where either Sakura was kidnapped or where Sakura turned her back on the village. I know you have to stretch your imagination a bit, but hey, it worked out.

I also did not want any sex scenes for this story or even kissing. I wanted it to end where it could possibly fit into the original story. I just wanted to show the struggles of pre insane Sasuke.

Last thing. Let me know if you want a second book to this story, or just a new SasuSaku story all together. Just message me or leave a comment.

🍄🎐 Happy Reading 🎐🍄

    ~Sakura Cherry Cat

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