Chapter 4

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~•~ 🌸 Point of view ~•~
The pinkette kept walking untill she stood in front of the figure. With a bitter sweet smile she greets him. "Kakashi-Sensei... What are you doing here?" She looked up at her sensei and could sense the same smile she had underneith his mask.

"Oh I was just getting distracted by the path of life. I hope I am not too late." He uses his same old excuse from when team 7 was waiting for their first training day. "For once sensei, you are on time."

Kakashi only nodded and looked up at the stars. The night was clear with the same soft breeze. He then looked at Sakura and nodded. "Stay safe."

"Hai!" Sakura smiles and continued walking. She did not miss the worry and pain in his eyes, but she held her head held high. This was a mission she had to compleat

~•~ Kakashi's point of view ~•~
He saw his only kunoichi student walk towards the gate. He had to distance himself from her in order for this mission to go as planned. Even though he had trust in her, that did not mean he still didn't worry.

Her steps echoed in the night air as he stepped out in front of her. Kakashi studied her face as she came closer. She had a brave front on, but her red eyes gave it away that she had been crying. "Between losing your team mates and having the village turn on you, I don't blame you for crying. Just be strong like you have alway been."

They exchanged a few words and he looked up at the sky. "Obito... Rin... Keep her safe, along with the rest of my team..." He looked back at Sakura who glances upward herself, but focused her gaze back on him. "Stay safe."

"Hai!" She smiled and had a new look of determination. She continued on her way through the gate, her long pink hair swaying as her steps echoed in the night air. Her Haruno clan symbol proudly on her back. "She looks the same as if she was goinf on any other mission with the team. Speaking of which... Good thing Naruto is not here." Kakashi turns away chuckling to himself. "He would ruin the whole mission."

A leaf patrol come walking by and spot Kakashi. "Kakashi Hatake. What are you doing out here? Is there a problem?"

"No, I am just getting lost on the path of life" With that he walked away.

~•~ 🌸 Point of view ~•~
Once the gate was out of view, the pinkette started to pick up her pace. She knew Kakashi would not tell anyone of her leaving quite yet, but once word got out, the village would be demanding Lady Tsunade to send out  a search party for her.

Some frogs could be heard as Sakura jumped from treebranch to tree branch. As annoying as they were, she was greatful for the interuption from the silence. "Man these frogs remind me of Naruto... I wonder how that knucklehead is doing... Probably passed out after a hard day of training. Man he would freak if he knew what was happening."

Sakura was lost in thought when she thought she heared a screech over the sound of the frogs. The kunoichi came to a hault and listened quietly. She quickly cast out her senses trying to detect any chakra. Something could be heard from over head, and looking up, she saw a hawk swoop down and grab a snake that had been slithering below.

Sakura let out a sigh that she did not realize she had been holding. "Get it together Sakura" She shakes her head and continues on her way.

~•~ 🍅 Sasuke's Point of View ~•~

The ravenette was outside the hideout looking up at the stars. The night was clear and crisp. The moon illuminated the red and white fan apon his back. A hawk screeched from above and a white snake dropped in front of the ninja.

"Hn?" Sasuke looked at the dead snake and sighed. He unsummoned his hawk and went to observe the snake. A trickle of blood dripped from the puncure wounds of the talons.

"Gosh dang it. I knew I should not have used that freakin hawk. He is an idiot, killing one of Orochimaru's snakes." Sasuke frowled to himself. "I need to get better at the hawk summons."  Taking out his scroll and biting his thumb, Sasuke made a hand sign and pressed down on the scroll.

With a poof of smoke the same young hawk appeared. Sasuke let out a sigh and resed his chin in his hands and his elbow on his knee. "You again, hn... Im probably going to get a lec-" he stopped when some pink glisten in the moonlight.

Everything around him seemed to stop including time when he reached for the strand of hair that was tangled in the hawks feathers. "It can't be..."

Images from that night flashed through his head.

-flash back-

He was looking through the gates of Kohana and into the forest where power lies. Behind him was a girl with pink hair that he called his team mate. She was crying and he could only imagine the tears that stained her rosey cheeks. He couldn't bare to look at her.

"To me... To me...I would just be as alone as you..."

"From here on out... We all begin new paths..."


Sasuke froze in his his tracks. His heart clentched and his eyes went wide. He knew in his heart that she liked him, but he never wanted to face the fact. Some other words were exchanged, but it was all a blur.

Next thing he remembers is that she told him that she would scream. He looked once again into the forest and knew his goal lied byond those gates. He flashed behind her and he heard her gasp as he knocks her out.

"Thank you... Sakura." The raveneete catches the pinkette and he hears her mutter his name. He holds her tight and carefully carries her to the bench. He was forced to look at her tear stained face and the pain in his chest grew. He gently laid her down and softly brushes her hair from her face.

The pink hair was soft and he smiles softly. "You always did take good of your hair... Good bye... Sakura"

-end of flashback-
Sasuke gripped the strand of hair tightly. He knew it could be anyone's pink hai but he had a feeling in his gut that it was hers. "Sakura... You are the last person I want to see right now"

Sasuke looked over to the young hawk. The bird tilt his head and then let out a screech, causing Sasuke to shake his head. "Hn. Idiot."

Published March 3rd, 2019
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sasuke is finaly in this story.

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