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It was well past noon before Sakura opened her eyes. She got home early in the morning and was greeted by her parents open arms. Both of them were surprised to see their daughter in such ragged shape but were happy that she was alive and well.

Apon opening her eyes, she was greeted with the sun, and she smiled. It felt like ages since the last time she saw it and she missed it greatly. Turning over Sakura saw the time and bolted straight up. "IT'S AFTERNOON! I NEED TO REPORT TO TSUNADE!"

She wuickly got ready and made her way down stairs. As she walked into the kitchen she saw three familiar faces. Her parents and her sensei Kakashi. They all looked to be chatting but quickly quieted down when they saw her walk in.

"Kakashi? What are you doing here?"

"Well Sakura, you are concidered a rogue ninja still even if it was a mission, so once I got word that you were on your way back, I thought it would be best to escort you through town untill we got things cleared up."

Sakura's heart sank a little. She had forgotten that she was still concidered a rogue ninja, but she nodded in agreement. "Shall we get going Kakashi?"

"We shall."

Kakashi stood up and both walked out the door. Sakura lifted her face up towared the sun and let it warm her cheeks. Kakashi could only smile under his mask as he watched her. Then both began walking to the Hokage's mansion.

Their trip was not an easy one. Hostile stares and whispers were thrown like daggers their way, but Sakura kept her head held high. She had no need to act like a coward now.

"SAKURA!" A friendly voice broke the tention. Turning around Sakura was tackled by her good friend Ino. "YOU CAME BACK! PEOPLE SAID YOU WENT ROGUE, BUT I COULD NOT BELIEVE THEM! I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE SAFE!"

Sakura hugged her back and tears rolled down her cheeks. The two friends just held each other in the middle of the road hugging and laughing. Kakashi had to remind Sakura that she had a mission to report on and Sakura stepped away and nodded.

"Ino, I promise to explain everything later, I promis. Thank you for always believing in me." Ino nodded and waved Sakura off as both Kakashi and Sakura headed to the Hokage.

Once inside the office, Sakura was attacked with another hug. This time it was by her teacher, Lady Tsunade. "Sakura, welcome home." Tsunade stepped away and sat on her desk. "Now tell me. What do you have to report?"

The pinkette explained everything that had happened and what she found out. She told them about Orochimaru, the Akatsuki, Kabuto, and Sasuke. She did not tell them about the genjutsu she went under or about all her training she did with Sasuke. She knew that would complicate things more.

Tsunade listened to everything intently. "Thank you Sakura, for everything. You did a job well done. I will want this report in writing later, but you can go home and rest. I will announce to the village that you were not rogue, but only on an important mission. It will take time to adjust back, but things will be back to normal."

Sakura could only smile and nod at her words. "Hai, Lady Tsunade." She was ready to leave the office when Tsunade raised her hand.

"Sakura, before you go. I have something for you." Taunade stood up from her desk and stepped to the side. She beckoned Sakura forward to pick up what was on her desk.

Sakura's eyes went wide and she picked up the red Hidden Leaf headband. She remembered how she destroyed her original one before she left and tears welled up in her eyes again. She was so choked up, she could only whisper. "Thank you, Lady Taunade."

Sakura felt the tenuon in her shoulders finaly leave. She was in a place where she belonged. She was in a place where she was wanted. She was home.

Published April 19th, 2019

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