Chapter 3

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~•~ Sakura's Point of View ~•~
— 6 months later —

Sakura laid in her bed as her clock ticked on. These past few months have been rough on her and she has hardly getting any sleep. She just stared up at the ceiling as her alarm went off. She didn't even bother to turn it off. This was her last morning in the village.

After a few moments, Sakura's mother walked into her room and turned off the alarm. If it was any other day she would be yelling at her to get her lazy butt out of bed from the kitchen. Her mother looked down at Sakura with a worried look and gently brushed the pink hair from her face. "Sakura, your hair as grown so long again..."

Sakura only nodded and looked at her mother with a soft smile. "Today is the day I show the village that I mean business." Sakura sat up and got ready. She brushed out her hair which indeed has grown long. She packed her things for later that night. She looked at her mom and gave her another smile. "One more day of training with Tsunade! I need all the help I can get." With that she gave her mom and dad a hug and walked out the door.

As she walked down the street she heard wispers. Looking around Sakura could see glares from her neighbors. Sakura let out a sigh "So this is how Naruto felt when we he was here..." Her heart ached when she thought about her old team mate and the way she treated him. "I really am a horrible person." Sakura shook her head and forced a smile. She had other thibgs to worry about.

"Hey, Forehead, WAIT UP!"

Sakura haulted and turned behind her to see a blond with light blue eyes running towred her. It was Ino her best frie- her worst enemy. Sakura smiled. Ino had no clue of the mission, but was one of the few people who stood by her side.

"Oh hey Ino Pig." Sakura giggled as her friend caught up to her. "Do you need anything?"

Ino shook her head, "Nah, just heading in the same direction as you." Ino smiled and the two kunoichis walked side by side down the road talking about stuff.

"Hey isn't that Lady Hokage's apprentice?"

"Yeah, have you heard the rumors that she can't be trusted?"

"Yup. I hear she is still in love with that criminal and isn't her team mate that nine tails brat th-"

"Shhh, you know we must not talk about that... even if it is true..."

"I wouldn't put it past her if she were to abandond the village as well"

Two female villagers godsiped as Ino and Sakura walked by. Sakura hung her head as if trying to hide from all the glares that were being thrown her way. Ino glared right back at them and everyone went quiet.

Ino turned to her friend with concern in her eyes. "Hey Sakura... Don't listen to those idiots. They don't know what they are talking about. Yeah you are annoying and a pain in the butt and my arch rival, but like seriously, You are the most loyal of all of us. So what if you still care about Sasuke, you would not turn your back on your team mates."

Sakura smiled at her warm words "Maybe Ino is not that bad after all." She giggles to herself and they continue walking towred the Hokage's office. On the way they ran into Hinata.

"Oh her Hinata, how are you doing?" Sakura inquired with a smile. Hinata jumped and looked startled. "O...oh hey Ino... Hey......Sakura..." Hinata stuttered a greeting. She avoided eye contact with Sakura and fidgited with her fingers. "I... should be going now... Bye Ino." With a bright red face she ran off.

Sakura was heart broken and Ino just sighed. "Hey Sakura, don't take it too personaly... Her father probably told her not to speak to you and you know how har father can be... even if he changed a little from the first chunin exams..." Ino was struggling to find words to comfort her friend. It broke her heart to see Sakura so heart broken. "Yeah, maybe you're right... Thanks Ino." Sakura faked a smile and they walked in silence the rest of the way.

In front of the Hokage's building was where their paths diverted. "Well I will see you around Forehead, I have to go train with Shikamaru and Choji." She gave Sakura a huge smile and waved as she ran off twored the training geounds which were in the opposite direction. Sakura smiled at Ino as she ran off. "Bye INO PIG!" "Thank you for everything." Sakura turned around and headed to meet the Hokage.

— Later that night —

Sakura was in her room looking around it one last time. She was going over in her head what Tsunade has tought her over the last six months. The pain in her teacher's eyes brought tears to the young pinkette. Reaching up she untied her blue headband and placed it on the end table beside her bed. Taking out her kuni she put a slash through her beloved village's symbol. Tears stained the metal as they rolled down her cheeks. Her quiet sobs were covered by the night wind.

She placed the headband by the picture of team seven and vanished out the window and toward the gates. She bitterly smiles to herself "Was this how Sasuke felt when he left that night? Probably not... he didn't care about us..." She continued walking to the gate as a figure stepped out of the shadows.

~•~ Third Person Point of View ~•~
— In a secret Hideout —

Karin was on her knees infront of a frail looking man, if you can call him that. She was biting her lip as the sound of matchines could be heard in the room.

"Karin, you know how I hate to be kept waiting." He smiled his pedo smile.

Karin gulped "Yes Lord Orochimaru, I have failed to find a suitable medic to help with this "creature", I myself will do it even if it cost me my life..." her voice was shaking. Lord Orochimaru held up his hand.

"That wont be necessary. Rumor has it that a very talented medical ninja with a large reserve of chakra will most likely be leaving her village. She is the apprentice of the slug princess and will probably be lost... I want you to go and find her and show her the path to greatness." His snake like voice rang through Karin's ears.

"As you wish Lord Orochimaru." With that, she dissapeared in a cloud of smoke.

Orochimaru turned to the man standing beside him. "Do not tell Sasuke about this quiet yet. It will be out little secret." He went into a coughing fit

Published March 2nd, 2019

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