Chapter 6

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~

Birds were chirping in the morning. It was as if they were singing for joy that the rain ad finaly stopped. Looking over her shoulder Sakura could see that Karin was still alseep and decided to scout the area better and maybe find a place to wash off all the mud.

"Probably should leave something begind so she does not freak if she wakes up while I am gone." Rumaging through her bag she found a small empty scroll and wrote a quick not about her wareabouts. Setting it down, the pinkette left the hollow tree.

Following the downward slope, the young kunoichi was able to find a small stream. She watched the sun glisten off the water before she started ro wash her face. The cold water apon Sakura's face, woke her up more and she smiled.

"This will probably be the last moment that I will be able to feel this free for a while." Sakura lifts her face toward the sun and lets it warm her cheeks. "Sakura... it is time to be on your A-Game now. Time to show your worth."

She slowly makes her way back to to the hollow tree with a slight spring in her step. A delicious smell wafted toward her as she near the tree. Poking her head in she saw the red head making a stew. "Hey I promise this will taste way better than your tea."

Sakura smiles and nodded as she sat down. "Karin, I decided. I will help you."

With a huge grin the Uzumaki replies. "Eat up, I will show you your new home after we eat."


The two kunoichis made their way to the border of the land of Sound. They chatted about dodferent hair products and fashion but could not quite get information that they wanted from each other. Both concluded it would all come in time.

"Well here we are! This is our secret hideout. Just to let you know, once you enterthere is no turning back. Only way you are leaving is in a body bag." Karim stared down the pinkette. Sakura could only nod and hold the stare back.

Karin grunted and performed a handsign that moved the braken and a stone that covered a stairway leading into the dark ground. The two decended into the darkness as the opening was resealed by the stone and braken.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

The Uchiha made his way down the darken halls and toward the exit. The more he thought about what Kabuto and Orochimaru said, the more he became unseasy. "I know the new project needs medical ninja's and they said that a shinobi from the hidden leaf might be helping out... It can't be her... wait why do I care?"

He turns on gis heels and starts walking back to where he came from, but another thought crossed his mind. "There was the pink hair that my Hawk came back with... no no no. His range isn't anywhere near the Hidden Leaf village yet so it can't be her....unless she did go rogue... no she is too loyal and Naruto would never allow it... I should go check for more information on Itachi."

His cold stare never gave away his thoughts as he mae his way back again to the exit. Apon the exit, Kabuto sat there waiting.

"Heading anywhere Sasuke?"

"Just going to gather more information about Itachi." Sasuke snapped and Kabuto chuckled. "You sure you are not going to go check on our new member of our "team"?"

"Nope. You said yourself that it does not concern me." He continues up the stairs.

"You are right, besides SHE is probably going to be dead at the wnd of the month if everything goes acording to plan, or SHE will be dead by tomorrow morning... Have a good trip Sasuke."

Sasuke nearly froze at what Orochimaru's right hand man said, but he kept his calm as he walked out. Once the hideout was out of sight, he started running. Before he knew it his feet started careing him in the dorection of the other hide out.

~•~ 🌸 ~•~

Sakura followed Karin through the twisting passages theough the hideout. A strange chakra could be felt and it slowly became stronger and stronger. The pinkette slowly became uneasy.

"Soooooo, where are we going?"

"You will see." Karin said cooly. Her pleasent personality from before seemed to have dissapear. "She is not worried about tricking me anymore. I better be on my toes."

Sakura was finaly lead into an open room with some medical equipment and a table with a human? A white humanoid creature was apon the table. It was the source of the strange chakra.

"Wh-what is that thing?" Sakura's voice cracked.

Karin smirked. "Our specimin that Lord Orochimaru needs. Unforenatley it put itself into a coma and we need a medical ninja to get him out of it."


"Yup. Do you want to back out now?" Karin asks while pulling out a kuni.

"Of course not. I will ne glad to help him. I am done with the Hidden Leaf." "Tsk. I could beat you in a fight I am not afraid of you. I just need to keep playing along to get information."  Sakura thought after her response.

Sakura made her way over to the table. "Does it have a name?"

"Yes, Zetsu."

Sakura nodded. "Well let start with an examination." Karin nodded and held her breath as she watched Sakura start useing her chakra. As Sakura started she could hear faint footsteps down the hall.

"Lets get this over with....wait this is so simple I just have to do th-"

"I don't think so" A high pitched voice could be heard in Sakuras head and she slowly began to lose control over her own actions. Sakura was forced to pour her chakra into nothing while it slowly drains.

"Wait!!! this in the Yamanaka technique that Ino used on me during the first Chunin exams. AH HELL NO. THIS VERSION IS SO MUCH WEAKER THAN INO! SHANAROO" Sakura's inner took over and Sakura auickly stopped her healing, but she was a tad late. "My chakra.. I think Im going to... Pass out."

Sakura fainted and hit the ground.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

The ravenette was running was running through the halls of the hideout. "Please Please Please be alright" He could feel the warm familiar chakrabut he also noticed it slowly getting weaker.

"Crap" Sasuke ran faster and into the room intime to see a body hit the floor. A pinkette laid there by the table.

"Dang it. This whore died too." Karin let out an exaasperated sigh and then noticed the other person in the room and perked right up. "Sasuke!"

"She is not dead. Your abilitly should of detected that but she is not dead." Sasuke was panting but was able to hold his composure. He then whispers it again "She is not dead"

Published March 3rd, 2019

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