Chapter 21

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~

She was panting as she ran through the forest. It was a new moon, so their was very little light. On top of not being able to ser where she was going, the muddy ground and branches slowed her down. The night was unnaturaly silent. The kunoichi could swear the whole world could hear her heart beat even though she tried to be as silent as possible.

Sakura knew she needed to put as much space as she could between her and the hideout. The more she could avoid confrontation, the better.

All of a sudden a chakra presence amergrd and a medical needle flew by her head. Sakura was able duck behind a tree. She reconized the chakra and gritted her teeth. "How did he find me so fast?!" Sakura reached into her bag and pulled out her kunai.

"Sakura, I was right not to trust." Kabuto's boice could be heard in the darkness. Sakura dared not poke her head out from behind the tree. She knew that she would have a hard time seeing him anyway. Focusing her chakra on her hands and feet she slowly climbed the tree.

"Not going to andwer me?" His voice slit the cold silence as she climbed. She noted that he had no moved from the last time that he spoke and his chakra presence has not moved either.

With an irritated tone, Kabuto spoke again. "Sakura, come out, or you afraid to fight in the dark." He snickered to himself. The dark was not her biggest issue, fighting her opponent that knew the terrain way better than her was what she worried about. Not wanting to play the hiding game any longer, she made her move.

She lept from the higher branch and aimed straight for Kabuto. His silver hair was hardly visible, but it was one of the few things she could see on him. Sakura focused her chakra apon her fist and it began to glow. It lit up her face slightly.

"CHAAAAAAAAA" she yelled as she came down. Kabuto was baraly able to dodge and she hit the ground, creating a small crater. Kabuto momently lost his balance, but quickly regained it. Both his hands began to glow with chakra as he formed his chakra blades.

His chakra also cast light apon his face, but Sakura could only see the pure malace in his eyes. Sakura readied both her hands and they began to fight. The only thing that could be seen is the glow of chakra and every so often the clashing of metal from the kunai. One could almost be mezmorozed by the dancing of lights in the dark night.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

The ravenette's eyes widen at the news. "Sakura is gone?" Sasuke pushed his way past the Uzumaki and ran back into the hideout. He went straight for the pinkette's room. Slamming the door open he was greates with an empty room. It looked as if it hadn't been lived in at all. It was totaly empty.

He slambed his fist on the wall "Damb it!" He spoke through his gritted teeth. "You said that Kabuto is gone too?" He glanced behind him as Karin cought up to him.

"Y-yeah... and Zetsu is dead!" The red head stuttered.

Anger began to rise up inside of him and he stormed over to where Zetsu was kept. Millions of thoughts were funning through his brain and he had no clue what to think.

"What caused his death?!" Sasuke growled at Karin.

"I...I don't know... his vitals just slowed down and came to a stop."

"Are you sure? Did you check him yourself?"

"No... I don't want to..."

"WHAT? YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE?" Sasuke spun around and faced Karin. "IF ZETSU IS DEAD, THEN YOU SHOULD BE FINE!" He shouted at her.

Karin let out a small squeak and scurried over to the white creature. Her hand began to glow woth chakra and for the first time she examined the creature. Her eyes went wide with realization.

"Sasuke... Zetsu's coma was a simple fix... and he was poisoned!" She whiped around and faced Sasuke.

Sasuke was looking down at his feet. His hair covered his face and his hands were balled up into fists. "Was she just useing me?" His anger was slowly boiling over into full on rage. "I need answers!"

He whipped around and ran out of the room and down the hallway. His footsteps echoed loudly as he could careless about being silent. He made his way out of the hideout and into the dark woods.

~•~ 🌸 ~•~

The two of them still clashed. Flares of chakra were being flashed around the battle field. Sakura aimed a right punch and Kabuto weaved to the right. Sakura continued with the momentum and spun on her left foot as she brought up her right leg for a kick.

Kabut raised his arms to block the kick and took it on full force. He skidded to the left and was left panting. Blood dripped down his arm. "Not bad for the apprentice of the Slug Princess, but not good enough!"

Kabuto charged at her. Sakura readied herself and aimed a left hook at him as he got closer. He ducked down and with his chakra blade, went to go stab her in the gut. The blade made contact with flesh and a moment later, Sakura took her elbow and slamed him full force into the ground. Dhe then jumped away from his reach.

Blood was flowing down Sakura's side. The blade stabbed deeper than what she planned on. She raised her hand and began to heal herself as Kabuto staggered to his feet. He began to heal himself as well.

Both of them stiod there facing each other in the dark. The only light was from their chakra. Both were panting hard but were ready to make their move when a faniliar boice could be heard in the darkness.


Published April 11th, 2019

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