Chapter 15

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~

The pinkette did not bother to wait to see if Sasuke was followin her. She knew Anbu would be watching her from a distance to make sure she would not slip any vital information, but to alright challenge her, puts the mission at risk. "Orochimaru is already taking a huge risk with allowing two highly wanted rogue Leaf ninja's in his hideout, but now that they know Anbu is in the area...." She started biting her thumb nail. "Let me see if Tsunade has anything to say about this."

She could hear the ravenette catching up to her so she took a deep breath to calm her nervs. Her freaking out would not help the situation.

"Hey Sakura. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I just thought I did a better job at hiding. Guess Anbu are really that good..."

"Hn... They have lurking around here long before you. When medical ninja's show up dead, you tend to attract alot of attention."

Sakura nods slowley. "If Anbu was already here, whats the point of me on this mission?" She reaches the enterance and haults. She looks up at the blue sky as if she may never see it again. "I should probably stay in the hideout untill we can figure this Zetsu thing out."

Sasuke only nodded in agreement and opened the tunnle. Both decended into the darkness. Sakura had to wait a moment before her eyes could adjust. Her skin was already craving the touch of the sun again. She was almost repulsed by the smell of the musty air and it took all of her strength not to run out and be free again.

She made her way towored her room with Sasuke following her. She had no clue what he was doing but she did not mind his pressence. His demeaner was much colder from when they were on a team together, but he still had that charm that she fell in love with.

Apon reacher her room, she boticed her door was slightly ajar. Sakura thought she had closed it, but she could have been mistaken. She was really excited to be going outside so she that she could have been careless.

Apon opening her room, she saw that everything was in order. Her books and her scrolls were all over the place still, but that was the way she left it, though she had a feeling that something was off.

She was startled out of her thoughts when a hand was placed on her shoulder. Turning her head she saw it was Sasuke's. His Onyx eyes seemed to flicker with concern, but mostly they were focused in on her eyes. She felt that he was peering into her soul and searching for something.

His face gave away no emotion, but the touch of his hand told her that he was longing for something. Longing for what, she did not know. Her heart began to race and she could feel her cheeks turning red. Sakura prayed that he was still adjusting to the darkness, so that he could not see what she was going through, though he probably could.

Sakura could no longer stand the silence that was between it, so she broke it. "Y-yes Sas-Sasuke?" She stuttered.

He seemed to be startled out of his thoughts and he slowly removed his hand. His eyes looked like he wanted to say something, but his mouth stayed silent. Her heart pounded even more in her ears and she was sure he could here it.

He finaly was able to open his mouth and break the silence himself. "Training was cut short today. We should get together again. Even if it is just doing simple things in an empty room."

His voice was deep and raspy and it sent chills down Sakura's spine. It was her turn to long for something and that was to continue talking to her.

"Y-yeah.. we should do that.." her voice seemed to go a bit higher than normal and her whole face turned red.

"Well I guess I will see you..." He seemed like he wanted to stay but could not think of any reason to stay. He stared at her few moments more before he bowed and exited the room. Sakura's heart clentched as he started leaving. She wanted to call out to him, but did not know what to say. She could only watch as his crest dissapeared behind the corner.


It was well past midnight when Sakura looked up from her studies and at the clock. She let out a sigh. Her eyes felt heavy and her head felt burnt out. Her body screamed at her to go to asleep and she gladly listened to it as she got ready for bed.

She bent down and blew out the candle before she laid in bed. The sweet smelling smock drifted into her nose and she smiled. It was nice not to smell the musty air. She laid her head down apon her pillow and closed her eyes. Sleep took her over instantly.

She opened her eyes and seemed to be in darkness surrounded by mist. She could see and hear nothing.

"Hello?" She called out and a pair of red eyes appeared in the mist to answer her. She gasped.

"The Sharringon..." she whispered.

A figure apeared behind those eyes. He looked similar to Sasuke but much older. She reconized him from the files she sorted for Lady Tsunade. "Itachi"

She trued to back up, but her body would not listen. She wanted to scream, but her lips were sealed. He slowly inched closer before he stood right infront of her. Her body was shaking. "What is going on?"

He broke the silence. "Do not heal Zetsu if you know what's good for you. Orochimaru wants to use Zetsu against the Akatsuki."

Her lips were finaly able to move again. "And why would I care about that? Ypu guys threaten my village!" she gaspe at what she said and quickly covered her mouth.

"I do not care about your stupid mission. If Orochimaru gets the secrets of Zetsu, do you thi k he will only stop with the Akatsuki? He threatens not only us, but you, the village, and even Sasuke." His eyes narrowed.

Sakura was stunned. "The Village is in danger? and so is Sasuke?"

"Wait how do you know about my mission!" She asked the Uchiha but his only response was disolving into a flock of crows and swarming her. She started to scream and the smell from the candle tickled her nose. "A Genjutsu!"

She released herself from it and fell to the floor by the candle. Before she it the ground a pair of strong arms cought her.

Published March 19th, 2019

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