Chapter 14

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The ravenette looked at the pinkette that was pinned benieth him. Both of then were panting hard. He held his blade against her neck as he looked her over. The blood on her shoulder has since dried but her skin glistened with sweat. Her eyes looked more jade like with the sun shining down on them.

Her eyes were not filled with hate for being defeated, but with content that she was able to break free from what ever darkness that was holding her back in the hideout. Her eyes were filled with happiness for just being here with him.

Domething rose up in Sasuke and he felt the need to be close to her. He leaned in closer and touched heads. He could feel her shock but she slowly relaxed.

"You have gotten stronger.... Sakura..." His deep voice rasped and he could feel Sakura's face get warmer. He looked straight i to her eyes and could see the red creep into her cheeks. Realizing what was going on he quickly got off of her and stumbled a few feet away. Sasuke covered his own face with his hand to hide his own blush.

The kunoichi slowly sat up and looked at her lap. Her hair fell infront of her face and covered her beautiful eyes. Her ears however, gave away the fact that she was blushing hard. "Th-thank you Sasuke." she was able to let out a whisper.

He held out his hand for her to grab. "Come on lets head back to the hideout." With his words Sakura quickly looked up at him and said.

"Oh do we have to go back already? I want to enjoy the fresh air a bit more!" Her pleading eyes bore into his soul. He knew he could not say no to her when she looked like this. "I wonder if she knows what she does to me." He lets out a sigh and then smiles.

"Lets go for a walk, but first, you should probably clean up that gash on your shoulder

Sakura looked down at her shoulder and her eyes widened as she remember that she was hurt. She brought her hand up and a green glow eminates from it. Slowly the gash was healed up. Dhe then stood up and got very close to him.

"W-what are-"

"Shhhh" Sakura silenced him and brought her hand to his arm where she first punched him. It was already bruising and started to swell. Once again he saw the glow. Her chakra felt warm like a spring today. Sasuke could feel her love and dedication to the work and possibly to him. It felt much nicer than Karin's chakra when she healed him.

"Sakura... do you still love me?" The auestion came out as soon as it crossed his mind. He did not even have a chance to sensor himself.

Sakura flinched at the question and the wind answered the silence between them. She bit her lip and moved her hand to his leg where she punched him as hard as she could. Never making eye contact with him.

"Well... does it?" he almost sounded desperate as he pleaded with wher for an answer.

"Does it matter to you Sasuke?" she whispered, though the pain was loud and clear. "I did not run from the village because of lies." She had stopped healing and started to tremble a bit. "I left the village because I could not argue what they were saying."

She lifted her head up and looked straight into his Onyx eyes. Her jade eyes brimming with tears. "I still love you..." Her voice was barely above a whisper and almost cought up in the breeze. She was trembling and Sasuke took her hands in his to steady her.

He pulled her into and embrace and just held her. "Even after all this time she still loves me..." He rested his chin on top of her head and gently rubbed her back. "She has gone through so much because of me..." He held her closer.

"Im so-" He was cut off by a new chakra. He did not reconize it but, something about it seem to trigger a long forgotten memory.

"Sakura" he whispered

"Yeah I feel it too." she whispered into his chest. He slowly let go of her and they both stood up silently. They both nodded and Sakura threw a kuni in the direction of their newcomer.

"Oh, I guess you found me." A stranger with an Anbu mask walked out from the trees. He had a cloak on but you could catch glimpses of his mid drift. Could not tell much more about him other than that he was Hidden Leaf Anbu.

"I am just here to take Sakura back to the village. She is too valuable to the village to let her go rogue. You understand that feeling don't you Sasuke." The masked man tipped his head. Anger rose from within him. He was ready to speak his mind when Sakura beat him to it.

"I MADE MY DESICION! I AM NOT GOING BACK TO THAT VILLAGE!" Sakura yelle out to the intruder. Weather it be a lasting feeling from their previous conversation of she still seemed to care, Sakura had a hint of pain in that statement.

"You guys were right. I was bound to turn on my village. I loved a rogue ninja more than my own home." She took hold of Sasuke's hand and gave it a small squeeze. He felt a small tremble in her hand and Sasuke took out a kuni.

"If you want to take Sakura, You will have to fight both of us!" He glared at the anbu.

"Well I see I can not win here, but I will be back with help. The village does not take kindly to traitors"

Sakura ran and punched him but apon contact, the anbu turned into ink and splashed to the ground. "An ink clone?" Sakura looked at the mess and sighed. "I knew it was too good to be true... Lets head back Sasuke." With that she turned around and made her way back to the hide out.

Sasuke stood there for a moment looking at his hand and remembering her touch before he shook his head and made his way back to the hideout.

Published March 14th, 2019

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