Chapter 23

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Sakura waved off Naruto as Jiraiya dragged him away in a poof of smoke and the lighted toad with them. She was left alone in the dark.  The kunoichi  had to wait a few moments to let her eyes adjust to the darkness. In the mean time, she just closed her eyes and just wished to be back in her bed.

Naruto had offered that she go with them for the night, but she refused. She had to get back to the village as soon as possible and she did not wish to bother Naruto anymore than she has. "Come on Sakura... you are stronger than this."

She leaned her head against the tree and opened her eyes up to the sky. Since their was no moon, the starts shined brilliantly in the sky. The night sounds have since returned

Soon a shadow blocked the stars for a moment before it circled back around. Sakura was confused on what it might be. She brushed it off as her eyes still adjusting. With a sigh she got up to her feet and headed on her way.. Before long though she thought she was being followed again.

She did not have much energy to fight and was starting to regret not going with Naruto, but sje had made her choice and had to deal with it. She grabbed her kunai and was ready to fight untill the very bitter end.

The pinkette jumped to a higher branch and turned to face what ever was following her. She could detect no chakra and she could not see any movment behind her whats so ever, but she could hear something. It was slinking in the dark and it was begining to speed up. It was getting closer.

All of a sudden a white snake lunged for her neck. She could not see it untill it was practicly in her face. She let out a scream, but it was drounded out by a screech from above. A shadow with sharp gleaming talons came swooping down. It was a hawk and it cought the snake mid air, causing blood to sprinkle on Sakura's face. As quickly as the hawk appeared, it dissapeared just as fast.

"Garuda..." Sakura was breathing hard and was still recovering from the shock. Her mind was realing and her legs were shaking. She just slumped against the tree as she could no longer stand. "Why was Sasuke's hawk here?..."

She stayed there for a few moments but knew she had to continue on her way. She was definatley not safe there. As much as her body screamed for sleep, she pressed on.

~•~ Third person point of view ~•~

A hawk was flying over the tree tops with a snake in it's talons when it felt pain in its leg. The Snake had bit the hawk and caused the hawk to drop its prey. Not wanting to lose its catch the hawk swooped down again for the snake, but somethingg else cought its eye.

It swooped and dived in a bush and reapeared with a scroll in hand. It flew high into the night sky and went on its merry way.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

Sasuke was speeding through the forest when he cam apon a lone man walking through it. The man looked exhaused and weiry and his glasses reflected the little light there was. The Ravenette came to a hault.

"Kabuto.. What are you doing here?" Sasuke said in a deep looming voice.

"Your little traitor of a girlfriend." Kabuto growled.

"She is not my girlfriend." he hissed back. "Now what is going on?!"

"Sakura killed Zetsu and made a bee-lime to the Hidden Leaf. She was just useing you this whole time." Kabuto explained.

His words made Sasuke's blood boil and rage ringing in his ears. "How dare She! She Will Pay!" Without another word he was off again. He thought he heard Kabuto call something out to him about Naruto but he pushed it to the back of his head. "I should of only focused on my revenge. Damb it Sakura! This is why I did not want you around!"

He sped through the woods and came across a clearing. Chakra lingered in the air and broken tree limbs were scattered around. Blood spattered the ground. It was still kind of fresh so he knew he had just missed the battle.

"She can't be far!" Anger pounded through his veins and it gave him energy to push on. He had only gone a few feet further when he thought he heared a distant scream that was quickly covered up by a screech of a hawk.

"Sakura?" His anger was quickly replaced by worry and he went on toward the source of the scream. He did not even notice the hawk flying overhead. He just pushed on.

About ten minutes later, he stumbled apon a kunai on the ground. It was Sakura's. A small amount of blood splattered the ground and unease grew in his stomach. "Sakura... are you ok?" He had totaly forgotten his anger.

A screech from above broke his thoughts. It was his hawk. "Garuda!" Sasuke called to his hawk and raised his arm straight out. A scroll was dropped in front of him. "Wow did you finaly find one of my scrolls?" Sasuke grumbled to himself as the hawk landed on his arm.

Blood dripped from the talons and onto his arm. A bit of snake skin tangled with some hair was dangling from them as well. Sasuke bent down and picked up the scroll and realized it was not his. He let out a sigh.

"Garuda... lets head back." He took the snake skin, hair, and scroll, and started heading back to the hideout. "She will be ok I guess. She is not worth my time anyway." Sasuke lied to himself as he walked back.


Sasuke sat in his room and inspected what he had found. The hair was pink and he was able to peice together what happened. Glancing over at Garuda, he had a small smirk on his face. "Thank you... Garuda."

Apon inspection of the scroll, he saw that his name was written on it with beautiful handwriting. It was also sealed. "Sakura? What are you up to?" Remembering her hand signs, he released the seal and read the scroll. Anger, guilt, and relief welled up inside him as he read the note.


This was my mission, and my mission had nothing to do with you. Please do not be mad at me. I hope I did not set back your goal to far. I will still be waiting for your return when you reach your goal so stay safe.


He was mad at her for not telling him the truth, guilty for believing that she would use him like that and not being able to protect her from who ever, and relief that she would not have to stay in the hell hole any longer and had death looming over her.

He placed his hands on his eyes and leaned back in his chair. "Gah! Sakura. Why do you do this to me?! You stay safe as well." He let out a sigh and sat straight up in his chair. "Nothing I can do about it now."

Standing up, Sasuke threw away the snake skin. He left the hair, the kunai that he found and the scroll on the table. He was exhausted and laid down on his bed. He turned over and blew out the candle; leaving him in compleat darkness.

The End

Published April 19th, 2019

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