Chapter 19

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Sakura was at her desk reading over the Yamanaka scroll again. Her body hurt all over. She had spared with her former teammate. Although she herself has gotten stronger, Sasuke himself has grown as well and she was still not at his level. "Cha! I need to work harder so I can be at his level, but at the rate he is going... ugh." She leaned back in her chair a bit and pokes her forehead. "Someday..."

She shook herself and went back to reading. Sakura was nearing the end of the scroll and was about to give up. Then something cought her eye.

A lower level Yamanaka clan member reported to the head of the clan that he was attacked by a white beast. Apon investigation, there was nothing to be found so it was concidered a prank.

"Hmm... that is all it says about that... I wonder if that beast was Zetsu.." Sakura tried to find out more information. "It says this happened around the time Kakashi became a jounin... I wonder if he knows anything?" She then reminded herself that she is on her own on this one and slumped in her chair.

Sakura rolled up the scroll and set it apon the table. Once again she leaned back in her chair and stared up at the ceiling. The flickering shadows apon it mezmorized her for a moment. The shadows seemed to dance apon her walls. They almost looked liked wings and the events from a few nights prior came rushing back to her.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, Sakura sat up straight in her chair. As she did so, there was a knock at her door. She glanced over at the door as it slowly opened. A raven haired Uchiha walked through the door hilding two plates of food. He walked over to her and set a plate down in front of her and he sat down across from her and started eating his own food.

"Sasuke?" the Pinkette asked.

"Hn." was his only reply.

Sakura smiled and looked down at the food. It looked delicious, well except for the pile of tomatos apon it. She looked at the clock and noticed it was well past supper. "He brought me food..." She smiled to herself and once again out of habbit, gave Sasuke the tomatos and he gladly ate up.

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They ate in silence. When ever she found a tomato, it ended up on his plate. It was like the old days. He looked apon her as she ate and he thought to himself that he never wanted it to end. "Why did you follow me... You are going to die soon because of it. This was why I left you back at the village."

At the moment all he could do was worry in silence as he watched her eat her food. The way she tucked her long pink hair behind her ear as she ate. The way she expertly used her chopsticks to bring her noodles to her soft lips. He watched it all. Sasuke could only soak up the sight in front of him.

"Hey Sasuke.... Thank you. I guess I did not even notice that I misses supper." the kunoichi thanked him with a small smile.

"Hn." He could only reply with that. He onew if he said anything else, he would have trouble staying even toned with her. To his surprise Sakura broke the silence.

"You are probably wondering why I am even here." She looked down at her hands. He could tell she was fighting a battle within herself.

"When I left the village.... my plan was not to try and find you... I just wanted to find a place where I can be useful and not looked down apon...." She clentched her hands in her lap. "I stumbled apon Karin and she said she needed help. I thought this was my chance. Never in a million years I though I would be helping Orochimaru... the guy who...."

She trailed off and she glanced up at the Uchiha. He could see the pain and conflict in her eyes. He knew what she was thinking. Orochimaru was the one who 'stole' him from the village, from her team. Sakura was also so loyal to the village, just cause she left it does not mean she wishes harm against it. Kind of like him. He does not wish harm for the village.

"You know. You do not have to stay here... Orochimaru is not your only option." Sasuke looked at her. Her jade eyes grew big as she looked at him in surprise.

"But... but... this could help you reach your goal?" She did not sound as if she fully believed what she was saying but the concern in her eyes told him that she did want to help him.

"Hn... Do what you want and don't worry about me." He did not want to push it farther since this could help him according to Orochimaru, but he also did not want to see her dead either.

He looked apon her and saw that her shoulders seemed more relaxed then before. She all of a sudden looked exhausted as if she was just running for three days straight and that she could finaly relax.

"Hey Sasuke... Thank you." she softly murmered.

"Hn... you already thanked me for the food."

"Oh... I guess you are right." She looked up at him and smiled. The look apon her face told him that she wanted to say more but couldn't. "What are you going through Sakura?" He had no clue what she was hiding but he just wanted her well. A tear rolled down her face and she quickly wipped it away.

"ah sorry something must have gotten in my eye." She turned her head so she would not have to face him. Sasuke's heart ached. He wanted her happy but how could he do that when Itachi was still alove ready to squash Sasuke's own happiness. Sasuke felt his own inner battle. The one he had to fight everytime he was around team 7, around her.

Sasuke stood up. He did not know what to do anymore and he thought it best to go leave and clear his head. He started for the door, but felt a tug on his arm. Looking back he saw Sakura holding onto his sleeve. The look in her eyes were the same from when he left the village. Telling him not to leave.

He sighed and knelt down in front of her. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. He slowley wrapped his arms around her and held her close. They stayed like that for a while. "Sakura..."

She slowley fell asleep in his arms. He slowly picked her up bridal style and laid her apon her bed. He gently brushed the hair from her face and smiled softly to himself. Sasuke stood up straight and walked out of the room and slowly closing the door behind him. He leaned on the door. "Please don't die." He walked to his room.

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She opened her eyes as soon she heard his footsteps fade off down the hallway. She quickly sat up.

"Tonight is the night."

Published March 28th, 2019

Hey guys. The story is slowley coming to an end. Let me know if you want a sequel to this.

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