Chapter 20

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~

The pinkette stood right next to her door and pressed her ear against it. She could hear nothing. Along with that, there were no other chakra signatures between anyway near her.

Sakura slowly opened the door with a wincing squeak. Things always seemed to be the loudest when one is trying to be quiet. She slipped through the door and gently shut it behind her. With silent steps, she made her way to the green house. "Sakura... you should of prepped this ahead of time..."

Once inside the greenhouse, she felt like she was finaly able to let out a sigh of reliefe. Surrounded by the plants she felt the little freedom as if she was outside. She just wanted fo slide down the wall to the floor and just sit, sit and soak it all up, but she had a mission she had to compleat.

Sakura weaved through the plants amd collected what she needed. She even collected a few things what were rare back in Konoha and stuffed it in her bag. She was by the lavander and a few other calming herbs when she heard the door to the greenhouse squeak open.

She froze at the sound and glanced over. Her heart started racing and blood was pounding in her ears. Kabuto started walking over to her. He adjusted his glasses as he went. He seemed calm and not wanting to kill her for treason...yet. Sakura wanted to make a run for it, but knew that could make things worse.

"Sakura, what do you seem to be doing here at this hour?" Kabuto tilted his head slightly. The glare from his glasses prevented her from reading his eyes, but he seemed unawear of her plan., though he was good at fooling people into putting false trust into him.

"I was just grabing some lavander for some tea. I woke up from sleep and I can't seem to fall back asleep." She held out the Lavander in her hand and put on her fake smile. Her other hand was behind her back, messing with the string on her shirt.

Kabuto chuckled a little. "And what do you have in your other hand behind your back?"

Sakura was taken aback by his question and showed him her empty hand. "Nothing Kabuto." She started to walk past him to leave and he raised his hand to stop her from passing.

"You may have Sasuke's trust, but you still do not have mine."

Sakura narrowed her eyes. "I am not lookin for any trust. Besides you're one to talk." Sakura let out a huff and walked out. To keep up with her lie, she walked towred the kitchen. "Besides... Sasuke won't trust me for long." An ache in her heart began to throb a little.


Sakura was already back in her room without further incident. She began grinding up some of her herbs to creat her poison. Being a medical ninja, dedicating using herbs for healing, it hmfelt weird to be making a poison, but it was all part of her mission.

Apon making the poision she began to pack up her things. She even took some of the books and scrolls from the library and put it in her storage scroll. She smiles slightly to herself when she realized she could further her studies once she got back home. She took an empty scroll and scribbled a quick note to Sasuke. Guilt stabbed her like a knife  as she wrote it out.

She sealed it the same way she sealed her other scrolls and blew out the candle. Sakura stood there in the darkness for a few heartbeats, just prepping herself. She opened her eyes and turned and walked out of her room. She silently made her way down the hall and to the room with zetsu.

It was dark in there too, the only light came from the matchines trying to keep him 'alive'. It was a light blueish green light. Sakura took out the needle that held the poisio  and slowly walked over to the white creature. Her eyes flashed a deeper green with the light reflecting in them as she slowly injected zetsu with the poision. She could only hope this poision would work on him since he was not exacly human.

Once the poison was drained into the body she made a run for the exit. The poision would give her a few hours before it 'killed' zetsu and she had no idea if an alarm would sound or not. There was no turning back for her now as she slipped through the door.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

Sasuke tossed and turned in his bed. He felt that something was off, but could not put his finger on it. He did know however that Sakura kept appearing in his mind and he just wanted it to stop so he could sleep. "Why does she always do this to me.. even as kids I could not thinking about her at times."

His mind drifted off to distant memories from when they were young. A smile crept across his face. "I think I know what it is...but I need to focus on my goal... maybe after all this is done..." He flipped over onto his side and just stared at the wall. His face turned slightly red at his thought and did not even want to thi k about it further.

He sat up with a huff and swung his legs over the side of his bed. "Maybe some fresh air could do me some good." He stood up and frabbed his shawl as he made his way out through the door and down the hallway.

The feeling in his gut became stronger as he walked out of the hideout. It was a new moon out and pretty dark in the surrounding forest. It looked like it had recently rained so the air smelled fresh. Some footprints were in the mud but Sasuke shrugged it off to be Kabuto's. They seemed to match his size anyway.

The ravenette shook his head and made some handsigns. Garuda appeared in a puff of smoke and squawked at him.

"Hnn. Lets see how well you listen. Garuda, go find one of the many hidden scrolls I have around the forest for your training."

Garuda just tilted his head and let out another squawk. Sasuke let out a defeated sigh, but then the bird took off. Sasuke could only shake his head. "Stupid bird." he mumbled under his breath.

Just then a sound cane from inside the hideout and Sasuke raised his eyebrow. It sounded like an alarm, but what for. He grabbed his kuni from his cloak and stelthaly made his way back into the hideout.

A few feet in, a redhead came running towred him. "Karin! What is going on?!" he demanded.

"Zetsu is dead and Kabuto and Sakura are nowhere to be found!"

Published April 4th, 2019

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