Chapter 9

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~

When walking into the mess hall of the hideout, Sakura noticed it was a bit brighter in here. There were two sets of long tables with benches on either side. Each could hold about 10 people. On one side of the room there was a window and a counter that looked into the kitchen, and opposite of that was a map of the surfounding area.

Next to the map was wanted posters. Walking over to get a closer view, she reconized a few. "There is Karin, Orochimaru, Kabuto... There is Sasuke... That must be Itachi, looks like an older Sasuke." Sakura skims over the posters "Wait there is bounty on Asuma Sensei's head... And Kakashi Senei's head as well." Her eyes drift over to a newer looking poster.

"WAIT! That's me! What an awful picture that they used for me! Why I aught to beat who ever put this picture of me!"

"Isn't it weird to see a wanted poster of yourself? Hmm Sakura?"

Sakura whipped her head around to see a silver hair man just a few years older than her. He had big tound glasses and a smirk she could not forget. "Kabuto."

"Long time no see Sakura, here you went rogue and decided to help us out." Kabuto said even keel. There was someing sinister to him. "Definatley not putting on an act this time are you Kabuto."

"Yeah, long time no see Kabuto." Sakura faked a smile and scratched the back of her neck. She realized how close he was and she did not like it. She tried to take a step back but she was already backed into a corner. "I got to get out of here fast. This dude gives me the creeps."

"Kabuto. What are you doing here!"

"Ah Sasuke, I see you decided to check in on our new comer after all." Kabuto smirked and stepped away from Sakura as she let out a sigh of relief.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

The ravenette was still pondering what Sakura had said to him as he entered the mess hall. It was pretty empty like normal, but he cought sight of a splash of pink in the corner. He could tell it was Sakura.

She seemed to be trying to keep her cool with the man who had her cornered. "She said she could take care of herself, why doesn't she just push him- Wait that's"

"Kabuto. What are you doing here!" Sasuke demanded.

"Ah Sasuke, I see you decided to check in on our new comer after all." He smirked and stepped away from Sakura who looked relieved. She scooted out of the way and stepped to the side.

"That does not concern you. Bow why are you here!" His blood began to boil.

"Ah well, Sakura here" he cought Sakura before she could fully escape and wrapped his arm around her shoulder "is the only medical ninja to survive Zetsu, so Orochimaru decided to have me come down here and take a look into things." He smiled at Sakura who looked like she was ready to punch Naruto, but this time her target was somebody else. "Orochimaru figured to be here as well Sasuke." He looked back at Sasuke. "Good thing Orochimaru is not up for training." He smirked.

Kabuto knew full well that Sasuke would not raise a finger against him. Not as long as he needed something from Orochimaru.

"Tsk. What I do does not concern you." They just glared at each other for a while before Sakura broke the silence.

She grabbed Kabuto's hand and lifted it off her shoulder and she turned out of his graps. She gave him a small squeezes which Sasuke noticed he winced in pain a little. "Hn"

"Well if you excuse me boys, I am going to get some food from the kitchen" She smiled as if nothing happened and walked to the kitchen. The Ravenette glanced over at Kabuto who was rubbing his hand and staring at Sakura with a smirk.

Kabuto turned to Sasuke and whispered. "I wonder if she still has feeling for you. Not like you care since you left her all alone that night." Kabuto laughed a little and walked out of the meas hall. "I will see you two later, I have a report to finish."

Sasuke growled under his breath. "That Bitch." He looked over ar Sakura who was trying to have a conversation with Karin in the kitchen but it was not looking like it was going to well. She glanced up at Sasuke and smiled before she walked back out of the kitchen with some food in hand. "Does she still have feelings for me?"

She went to go sit down and Sasuke went into the kitchen. Karin was stirring a pot of curry. Some rice was cooking right beside her. "Oh Sasuke!" Karin looked up at him. Her face tirned red. "Would you like some curry? I made it myself?!"

"Sure, what ever." Sasuke responded in his cold tone. His mind was somewhere else as Karin served his food.

"I will be right out there to join you Sasuke!" Karin called after him as he left the kitchen.

"Hn." was his only response. "How annoying" He looked around the hall and saw Sakura still sitting in the same spot. Without even thinking his feet took him over to her. He sat down and began eating.

He looked over and saw her seperating the tomato chunks from the rest of the curry. In one swift movment she dumped the tomatos on his plate. He began to eat them without question.

"I see you still are not a big fan of tomatos, hn." Sasuke smirked at her.

The Pinkette's eyes went big as she realized what she just did. "I-I am so sorry! I-it was out of habbit and I just a-assumed you still did not mind." The kunoichi stuttered and her face turned red as one of the tomatos. He reached over to her plate where she missed one and picked it up with his chopsticks and plopped it in his mouth. Sakura hid her face behind her hands.

Sasuke was taken back when they were all on a team again. Sakura had found out the food she ordered had tomatos in it and she made a face of discust. She turned to me and Naruto if we wanted her tomatos and we both said yes. From then on she always gave us her tomatos whenever she got them.

"Its fine Sakura... guess we are on the same team again." He said with a soft smile on his face. Sakura looked at him again, her face still red but she had a soft smile as well. He could tell with the sparkle in her eye that she was remembering the same thing.

"I guess we are... Sasuke."

~•~ Danzo ~•~
-Somewhere in the Root hideaway-

An old man walked across the bridge where a boy about 14-15 stood with a scroll in hand. Everything was back except his very pale middrift and arms that were exposed in the very limited light. "Sai my boy, do you have that wanted poster I wanted you to draw up?"

"Hai, Lord Danzo." Sai stood up and handed the scroll to Danzo. "I did the best I could with the discription you gave me. She seemed very ugly to me."

Danzo only nodded. "Thank you. In a few days time you are going to replace the other Anbu I have watching her. Do not dissapoint me."

"Hai!" with that he dissapeared in a cloud of smoke.

Published March 9th, 2019

Hope you enjoyed the story so far. To let you all know, my spring break is coming to an end so back to college and work. My updates will not be as frequent but I feel that I got enough chapters to get new readers hooked. Have fun reading.

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