Chapter 17

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~•~ 🍅 ~•~

He slowly opened his eyes. Sasuke looked around the room. He found himself on the floor and was slightly confused. Apon seeing the sleeping form of Sakura, the memories from last night flooded into him.

He looked her over. She seemed more relaxed and sound alseep. At somepoint in the night she must have let him go. He saw her pretty face and anger boiled within him. "Why would Itachi do something like this!? She has nothing to do with me! She shouldn't have to suffer!"

He looked at her a few heart beats more before he let out a sigh and headed toword the door. He needed answers himself so he went to the only person he could think of.

~•~ Karin ~•~

The red head was about to turn the corner when she thought she felt some strong chakra. "Sasuke?" she whispered to herself before she plastered herfel to the wall. Normaly she would be running to him and begging for his attention, but she did not expect him to be over in this hallway.

Glancing around the corner Karin saw the tall figure of Sasuke. He looked exhausted and almost dishevled. To her it seemed like he did not sleep much. He was walking out of Sakura's room. "What is here doing walking out of her room this early in the morning...Don't tell me..." She gulped.

Soon pictures of Sasuke trying to seduce her came filtering through her nind. Her cheeks went red, but then her thoughts turned almost into a nightmare of sorts. Sakura now replaced her in her own imagination and it was too much to bare. "No, no, Nooooo!" She shook her head wildly. "I have to do something about this girl! I don't care if she is going to die soon anyway, there is no way she is going to take my Sasuke!"

Sasuke had since rounded the corner to where she was at and interupted her thoughts.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

He rounded the corner of the hallway an nearly ran into a red head. She looked flustered at one of her fantasies she was having. He never really particulaly liked her, but Orochimaru found her useful, so he had to put up with her.

"Karin. What are you doing here?" He narrowed his eyes. After last night he did not trust anyone, and she herself was the one to bring up the fact that Sakura was going to die soon.

Karin shook her head. "Sasuke! What are you doing here?!" She snuggled close to him. She was an Uzumaki, loud like the other one he knew. She did not answer his question, and her hanging off of him was getting to him.

Lifing his arm to push her away he asked again."What, are you doing here?"

"Uh... headingto the kitchen to make breakfast. I have to do everything atound here since pinky refuses to help in the kitchen."

Sasuke was flooded with memories from when Sakura tried to cook for team 7 and he suddered. He was also ticked off by the way she refured to Sakura.

"Her name is Sakura and be thankful she does not help in the kitchen!" He wanted nothing more to do with her and he needed his answers. He continued walking and leaving the red head stunned.

~•~ 🌸 ~•~

Sakura slowley opened her eyes. Although she was waking up, she felt exhausted. Her head was fuzzy and her sight seemed a little blurry. Memories of last night were slowley coming back to her. "Was Sasuke really here or was all that just a dream."

She glanced at the candle on her table. Sakura picked it up and hurled it against the wall. Dream or not, she dispised that thing. "If Sasuke was here, I looked like a fool in front of him."

She pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her face between them. Sakura felt so lonley and wanted nothing more to return home. "It's like living a lie. I am so happy to be around Sasuke, but... I am lieing to him too.... Sakura snap out of it." She lifted her head and slapped her cheeks a few times. "You are on a mission and in the next week or so, I would have to make my escape."


Sakura made her way down to the mess hall. Karin was already there making some breakfast. The pinkette smiles and made her way over to her. Karin has been giving her the cold shoulder since the first encounter with Zetsu and she did not know why.

She leaned on the counter that seperated the kitchen from the mess hall. "Hey Karin."

... No response. She just conti ued what she was doing, but with just a little more force.


"What do you want Pinky?!" She glared at the pinkette and Sakura was stunned. Karin was being more hostile than normal.

"Or should I say Sa-Ku-Ra" she said in a mimicking tone.

"What is your problem Karin?"

"You're my problem Pinky!"

"What did I do to you besides heal your self inflicted wound hmm?" Sakura was livid. Before she thought it was best not to bring up the fact that she knew it was self inflicted, but that went out the window.

"Tsk!" Karin fixed her glasses. "You know nothing!"

"Then tell me you ungreatful brat!"

"I know what you did with Sasuke! I saw him walk out of your room this morning looking exhausted! I want to let you know that he is mine!" Karin looked like she just won the whole world with her nose so far up in the air.

Sakura was at a lost for words. "So Sasuke was there and it was not all a dream." Her heart began to sank when remembering how she acted last night.

She bit her lip and lowered. "I am so pethetic. Even on a mission I still look so weak." Sakura then raised her head and looked at Karin dead in the eyes. "What I do with Sasuke is none of your business, so back off if you know what's good for you." Sakura clentched her fist. She was trembling at this point trying to contain her anger and other emotions.

"Hmph... what ever." Karin was some how to stick her nose farther into the air and dropped the spoon she was useing to make breakfast. It splattered into the pot and sent food flying into the air. Some landed on Sakura's forehead and a snort came out of Karin.

The red head walked away leaving Sakura to simmer with anger.

Published March 24th, 2019

Sorry for slower updates. Family stuff came up and I am at an anime convention.

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