Chapter 10

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~

The pinkette walked into the make shift garden. There were multiple herbs growing. Some tall and some short. The smell hit her at full force as soon as she opened the door and a smile creeped across her face. The sight, the smell, and even the taste in the air brought back memories from when she first started to become a medical ninja.

"Not a wide variety, but I guess this will do." she said to herself as she walked up and down the rows of plants. She did admit to herself though that she did not reconize all of them. "More reasearch for me to do." As she deletly touched a leaf.

She heard footsetps behind her and she turned to see Kabuto standing in the doorway. She nodded her head in greeting and tried to continue to look at all the herbs.

"Ah Sakura, there you are. Just the person I wanted to talk to."

"What is it Kabuto?" Sakura asked bluntly.

"You told Karin you have no idea why Zetsu is in a coma and why the medical ninja's are drained of chakra, but I know you better than that. Tell me what you know." He leaned on the doorframe and crossed his arms. There was no escape once again for the Kunoichi.

"I know nothing..." She looked at him straight in the eye. She held back the urdge to mess with the hem of her shirt. "I need to find out more about why they need this zetsu guy."

"Ah, what a shame." he fixed his glasses. "You know Orochimaru has been very welcoming to you, I wouldnt cross him you know." Kabuto smirked.

Sakura faked a smile. "And I am very greatful to him...You know it would make my job alot easier to know what this Zetsu does and how he ended up in a coma." She looked at a leaf and started to inspect it. "I do not like doing my job with one hand tied behind my back." She glanced at the silver hair shinobi to catch his reaction.

"Hmm. You make a valid argument, I will send word for Orochimaru to come visit you himself. He could fill you in on all the details. Maybe you can tell him why you are looking at the Lavender so intensly. We need him out of a coma, not to be relaxed more." With that he stood up straight and walked out of the garden leaving Sakura shocked.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

In the dark room, the ravenette was silently meditating. The only thing that shed any light was a small candle in front of him. The light danced across his face as he let out a long breath that disturbed the small flame. "I need to stay focus on my goal. There has been too many distractions recently."

He focused hard on the candle to clear his mind. He could feel the tiny bit of warmth that the light emmited on his bare chest. He thought about the night his family was murdered to recommit his goal. "Itachi, I will find you and I will kill you!"

He opened his eyes as a small knock disrupted the silence. Anger rose in the pit of his stomach. "What is it now!" He got up and moved towred the door. He sensed for a chakra so he knew who to expect but a voice from the other sode of the door gave it away.

"Sasuke... are you in there? Can we talk?"

"Sakura..." His anger slowly subsided and he opened the door to see her with a look of concerned plastered on her face. Her hand was raised as if she was about to knowck again and her emeraled eyes went wide when she realized he was right infront of her.

She looked at his bare chest and her cheeks went red. "I-I can come back l-later if you want." She stuttered. Her flustered look caused him to smile slightly.

"No... you are fine. Come on in." Sasuke stepped back and opened the door more for her. As she stepped in, she avoided looking at his chest to stop herself from blushing more.

"She has not changed has she..." He fixed his shirt so Sakura could relax more. Sasuke took the one candle and used it to light a few more candles to light up the room more before he closed the door.

She sat at the table and he sat in front of her. The candle light flickered in her eyes and for a moment he was cought by her beauty. He shook his head and put his blank stare back on her as she fidgeted in her seat, trying to avoid eye contact. This would be the first time they were truley alone in privacy since the night he left.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" Sasuke broke the silence.

Sakura jumped and her eyes went wide for a moment as if she forgot that she had a reason to be here. "What can you tell me about Orochimaru?" Her gaze locked on his and he leaned back in his chair.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Well Kabuto said he would call for him so he can answer all my questions, but..." she trailed off

"But what?"

"I have a feeling that something else is going on here." Her gaze clouded with worry as she looked apon her former teammate.

Sasuke was reminded what Kabuto said back at the other hideout. "They don't plan to keep her. As long as she stays useful, she lives, but Kabuto also made it seem like this Zetsu creature can help me bring down Itachi." He stared at Sakura for a moment before speaking.

"Right now, you are the only one that has survived Zetsu... Orochimaru needs him and right now you are the key... He is smart enough not to harm you, both Orochimaru and Kabuto." Sakura seemed to be soaking in every word he said and she seemed more visably relaxed.

"Is that it Sakura?" Sasuke looked at the pinkette closly. He was startled by what she asked next.

"Are you fullfillung your goal?" Her eyes were pained. "Probably remembering that night..." Silence filled the room as Sasuke just turned his head to look at anything else but her pained face.

She let out a long sigh. "I guess I will be going the-"

"I am." He interupted her and stared her down. "At a cost, but I am."

Sakura clasped her hands infront of her chest tightly and nodded. Silence once again filled the room. "I hate to see her like this..."

They both then stood up at the same time. Sakura startled a bit looked down at her feet. "I should get back to my room and finish up some stuff." She kept her head down and started to walk past Sasuke.

"Sakura I..." his mouth just opened but he had no clue what to say.

She looked up at him quizzingly. "Yes Sasuke?"

"Nevermind. Maybe next time." He reaches his hand up and pokes her forehead. This left her even more confused.

"Well, I uh, guess I will see you next time." She opened the door and walked out of his room. Sasuke went and closed the door behind her and his face turned beat red. "Why the fuck did I just do that?"

Published March 10th, 2019

School starts again tomorrow. Wanted to get one more chapter in. I seem to be better at eighting the intamate scenes instead of the action. Oh well I try. Hope you enjoyed.

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