Chapter 12

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~
The pinkette look the Sannin in the eye as she spoke. She was finaly going to get some answers. She opened her mouth to begin but the person sotting in front of her began first.

"What is your goal Sakura?" His slithering voice took her by surprised. She was dumb founded by the question "My goal? To finish this mission of course but I can't say that!"

"Hmmm? Im waiting"

"It is to survive without the need of the Hidden leaf!" She started to fiddle with the string that was loose from her shirt.

"That's nice darling but what is your true goal in life?" He looked at her closley. It was as if he was looking right into her mind and Sakura hated it. She diverted her gaze somewhere else and thought long and hard about it.

She stopped fiddling with the string and once again made eye contact with Orochimaru. "My goal is to be able to support my teammates [who ever they are] and keep up with them. I want to be the best medic in the world and be of value!"

Orochimaru smirked and lifted his head to nod. "That is very admorable my child." Although he was complementing her, she had a feeling that he was scheaming something in that head of his.

"Now answer me this child. Do you think you can wake this creature up in a month or so? Be honest with me darling."

"Why is a month the deadline?" She dodged the question

With a sigh Orochimaru answered "We can not keep him alive much longer. We think he has a month maybe slightly more. We do not know what it takes to keep him up and going, but once he is up, that would no longer be an issue. Now can you heal him in a mo ths time?"

Sakura nodded "Hai, Lord Orochimaru!" She still had no clue what he was planning, but atleast she had a month or so to figure it out. "How did he get into a coma in the first place?"

"Thats for you to figure out darling." He begins to stand up. "I know Karin wanted you to try healing him again today, but If you do not want to risk your life quite yet to gather more information first, that is fine by me. I just want this done within a month. Do you understand me child?"

"Hai!" Sakura nodded but her heart started racing again and she was sure he could hear it. "I get the feeling I do not want to disapoint him."

Orochimaru walked out of the room and went into the maze of halls that was the hideout. Once his footsteps faded she glanced at the zetsu. "Let me see if I can communicate with that thing."

She carefuly walked over to the table. Her steps seemed to echo more loudly than normal. She placed her hand over his eyes and almost immediatly he could hear the craky annoying voice in her head.

"He he, back again I see, going to try and heal me again?"

"If you can take control of all the medics and you want to die, why not have them stab you or something?" Sakura's inner will demanded. She did notice this time he was not trying to get her to drain her chakra.

"Oh and miss all the fun and all the people I get to kill. I might have to die for the greater good, but that does not mean I can't have a bit of fun. He he."

She was starting to get a headache from his voice. "Tell me how you know the Yamanaka mind transfer jutsu?"

"Little nosey are we, well that is for me to know and you to never find out." All of a sudden she felt her body begin walking to the door and out of the room before she could control herself again.

"I could go back there and heal him, just to spite him. I can break free from that weak jutsu, but that means helping out Orochimaru. Gah I need more time." Sakura leaned against the door, deep in thought.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

Sasuke stood in the middle of the clearing panting. The stump that stood in the middle of the clearing ah more notches taken out of it by Sasuke's sword. He looked at it through narrows eyes, trying to imagine it as his brother bleeding out. "This is my goal!" he whispered to himself.

Looking up he could see it was past noon and he had been training for a few hours. "Has she already talked to him?" A certain Kunoichi crossed his mind and worry for her saftey rose with it. He did not know why he felt this way, he just knew that he was worried and there was no way he could let this feeling go on for much longer.

"I should go check on her."


He made his way back to the hideout and down the stairs. Going to her room to check on her, he realized she was not there. "Where is she." Panic started to rise up and he made his way down to the kitchen.

He was not trying to be quiet about anything though couldn't even if he tried. His heart pounded in his ears and baraly heard the greeting from Kabuto as he continued to look for her.

When he still could not find her he was starting to get mad. "Orochimaru wouldn't have done anything to her right?" He began walking faster to the back of the hideout. "There is only one place left that she could be."

He got closer to the room that held Zetsu and he could see some pink illuminated by a candle down the dark hall way. Apon approach, Sasuke could tell she was in deep thought.

"Sakura?" He tried to remain calm and cool as he spoke, but some worry crept into his voice.

The pinkette seemed to be startled out of her own thoughts and her emerald eyes went wide. She looked him up and down with concern. "Sasuke, are you ok, you are panting and covered in sweat?"

She seemed oblivious that he was just panicing like mad and only had concern for his well being. "I am fine Sakura, I was just out training." He looked her over. The thread dangling from her shirt seemed to be longer and there was sweat on her brow.

"Are YOU ok Sakura?"

Sakura nodded and put on her fake smile. "Of course Sasuke. Orochimaru is just a tad bit scary. I wish I could face him how you face him." She scratched the back of her head.

"I bet she was worried about him." Without thinking he embraced her in a hug. He could feel her jump in surrprise but she slowly relaxed in his arms.

Her pink hair tickled his nose. Sasuke could smell her shampoo, the same kind she always used. He also realized how much bigger he has gotten compared to her and how delicate she seemed in her arms. "Sakura, I know you can handle yourself... but I want to help you."

"Uh Sasuke... you are all sweaty" Her muffled voiced could be heard from his chest. He smirked and squeezes tighter before he let go.

"Hn." Sasuke turned away from her and started walking away.

"Hey Sasuke... next time you go train... Can I come along?" She called out behind him. He nodded.

"Only if you can keep up with me." He continued walking. Sasuke was greatful for being turned away from her necause he could not stop himself from smiling.

Punlished March 12th, 2019

Hope you enjoyed.

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