Chapter 8

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The library was stuffy and damp. The lack of light just made it more gloomy. The lack of clean air made the air stiff and musty.

"Bleh" the Pinkette muttered under her breath. "These poor books and scrolls..."

"Hn. This is Orochimaru's Library of hidden jutsus and other creatures. If you want information, this is the place to be at." Sasuke said as he watched the kunoichi pace the bookselves, gently skimming her finger over the dusty books.

"Any forbidden jutsu's?" She glances at him. He only nodded. "Any from the leaf?" she turned her gaze back back at the bookself she stood in front of. He silently walked toward her. "mhmm."

Looking up at him, she realized how tall he got. "Th-thank you, Sasuke." she whispered. He only nodded and and kept his onyx stare on her. She could not look away and when she realized how close he was, her face began to turn red.

"Uh... Sasuke, are you going to s-stay?" Sakura stuttered her question as she forced herself to look away to hide her blushing face. "Cha, I must look like a tomato by now."

"No" He reaches his hand up, but it looks like thought better of it and rested it back down at his side. "Maybe next time." With that he spun on his heels and walked out of the room leaving her very confused. "what was that all about? Aloof as ever." With a sigh she looked at the long rows of bookshelves. "Might as gather as much information as I can."


Sakura had been engrossed in all the knowledge she was reading that when there was a knock it startled her.

"CHA" she stumbled out of the chair that with a thud. "ow" She started to rub her sore bum. She looked up to see the red head standing there with a smile.

"Arnt you suppose to be the apprentice of the Hokage and you are startled like that?" She look disgusted at the site of the pinkette on the ground surrounded by scattered books and scrolls. She stood up and brushed the dust around her.

"Sorry, Did not realize I should not put that much trust in your ability to keep a hidden hide out hidden." Sakura started to pick up the books and scrolls. She could sense the anger building in the other kunoichi and a smile came across her face.

"Well just clean up your mess, dinner will be ready soon." With that Karin left in a huff and Sakura broke down in laughter. "I do not know who put a stick up her butt, but man she needs to cool it." Sakura slowly cleaned up the mess and knowing that no one was around to watch her, she stuffed a few scrolls into her bag.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~

The Ravenette sat at his table in his room reading a scroll. Down the hall he heard angry footsteps aproaching and someone mumbling under thier breath. He looked up in time to see Karin pass his door in an angry huff. As her footsteps faded away he could hear laughter from where she just came from.

The laughter he has not heard in a while but it brought back memories from when he was on team 7. Sakura always tried to me the mature one and act like Naruto was a nuisance, but every so often she would break and laugh at what ever was going on.

A smile crept across his face at the memory. After a few minutes, he could hear footsteps walking down the hall again. They were more relaxed as they came closer. Standing up, he walked to the door to catch the person walking by.

It was Sakura, carrying what looked like to be some advanced medical books. "Are you sure you should be taking those books out of the library?" His deep voice seemed to startle Sakura.

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