Chapter 5

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~•~ 🌸 ~•~
It has been a few days since she left the village. The clear night that was the night she left now turned into a cold rainy day that has lasted three days. The kunoichi had to trudge oneven though she was soaked to the bone.

She was nearing the place where medical ninjas were disapearing and she was on high alert. The rain began to pour harder and Sakura had to soon look for shelter. "just great. How am I suppose to find anything like this."

Sakura continued ger journy little while longer untill she found an old fallen hollowed out tree. "This will have to do, though I have to be careful not to light this whole thing ablazed when I start a fire."  She started to gather wood that was not too sopping wet to start a fire, when she heard a cry of pain.

The Kunoichi went on high alert. "Sakura be careful, this could be a trap to catch medical ninjas." She slowley made her way through the pouring rain to where she thought she heard the cry. She was going to give up when she heard it again, but much closer. "Right on the other side of those brackens."

Sakura grabbed her kuni and pushed away the bracken branches with her other hand untill she could see a female about her age. The girl looked to be about her age and was soaked to the bone. Her red hair was full of mud and water mixed with blood began to pool around her. A pair of glasses were laying aways from her and a bloodie kuni laid beside them. The broken branches around her indicate there was  a struggle.

"help... me..." the female moaned and rolled over on her side to show a huge gash down the side of her back. Sakura threw out any percautions and went straight into action. "Hang in there. I am a Kono- I am a medical ninja, I can help you!"  Sakura cought herself before fully identifing herself. She placed her hands over the wound and started emitting chakra to heal her.

"Weird... the angle of the gash seems ro be self inflicting...These are probably the people I am looking for. This is how main characters in books feel like with this stroke of luck. Sharanoo this is not the gime to be thi king like that, focus!"

Sakura was able to close up most of the wound before she picked up the red head and ran for her temporary shelter. "can only do so much in the pouring rain." On the way back, the kunoichi fainted.
A few hours pass before the wounded stranger woke up. Sakura risked building a fire in the hollowed out dead tree. To her luck, nothing other than the twigs she gathered has caught on fire. When the girl started to stir, Sakura went over there to check on her.

"Mmm... where am I?"

"In a dead tree, but you should be safe for now. You got a nasty acratch there on ya. Do you remember what happened?"

The girl blinked a few times and tried to squinting to see her rescuer. All she could see was a pink and red blob. Sakura realizing what was happening reached over and gently put the glasses on the girls face. She looked at her red eyes and tried to study every movment of her as she got her bearings. Only the noise of the small fire broke the silece between them.

"Well do you remember what happened to you?" Sakura asked again, but this time, a little more sternly. She was tense and had one of her hands behind her back hovering over her pouch, ready for an attack.

"N-no I don't" The girls voice cracked. She looked down at pile of herbs a few feet away and then down at her bandaged side. "Did you do this for me?" she inquired.

Sakura only nodded and began to relax a bit. "Do you have a name?" The girl nodsed and slowly sat up, wincing as she did. "Y-yeah. Karin. Karin Uzumaki."

Sakura's eyes went wide for a moment. "Uzumaki? Is Naruto some way related to her." "Well Karin, looks like you had a nasty attack, but you should be fine." Sakura avoided eye contact with her and started to busy herself with making some herbal tea.

She handed Karin a cup of tea "Drink up, we need to replenish those liquids." Karin nodded and took a sip. She made a face like it was discusting, causing Sakura to chuckle. "Never said it was good."

Karin nodded and slowly sipped her tea in silence. After a few minutes of just listening to the rain and fire, Karin finaly broke the silence. "So are you on a mission?" She raised an eyebrow and looked for Sakura's reaction.

Sakura narrowed her eyes. "What makes you ask that?"

"Well, I only assumed. I have heard of the stories of the pink hair kunoichi who studies medical ninjutsu under the wing of the Hokage. Also your clan symbol on your back...The only thing I do not get is where is hour headband."

Sakura only had a cold hard stare at Karin as she listened to her reasons. "I think I just found my target. Here goes my acting skills."

"Well you are right on one thing... I am Sakura Haruno but I am no longer part of Kohana. Im done with that place. Their noses are so far up in the air that they can see their rear ends." She practicly growled that last part. Sakura was clenching her fists so right that her nails digged into her palms.

Karin nodded and smiles sweetley. "You know. If you have nowhere to go... I need a medical ninja for a uh er... situation. If you are willing." Karin began to sweat a but at her mess up.l, but Sakura only nodded. "Let me think about it. I do not want me being a rogue ninja bring you harm."

"Oh! You will not have to worry about that! A-and of course you can think about it!" Karin replied excitedly.

Smiling at the response the pinkette prepares her sleeping mat. "Well with that offer, I trust you enough to go alseep around you." She giggles. "If you need anything dont be afraid to wake me." With that Sakura laid down and pretended to go to sleep.

Karin beilieving that she was alseep, silently sent a message to Lord Orochimaru.

~•~ 🍅 ~•~
The Ravenette walked to Lord Orochimaru's room. His steps echoed in the dimley lit hallway as he walked. He had been summoned by Orochimaru. "Probably to talk about my stupid hawk and his snake." "Hn."

Sasuke didn't even knock when he entered the room. "You called, Orochimaru?"

"Ah Sasuke, make yourself at home."

"Cut to the chase. I should go back to training."

"Ah yes, I know your hawk killed my snake. I would have that hawk put down, but since I am feeling so merciful, I will let it live" Orochimaru amircked as Sasuke felt slightly releaved. The hawk may be young and dumb, but Sasuke has been training that hawk aince it practicly hatched. Let it be the one thing he protect.

Before Sasuke could respond, there was a knock at the door and a silver haired man walked in. He asjusted his glasses before he spoke. "Lord Orochimaru, a message from Karin. Looks like that leaf shinobi has gone rogue and she has gained their trust."

Orochimaru chuckled "That is great news Kabuto."

"Wait! What do you mean a Leaf Shinobi has gone rogue? Who are you talking about?" Sasuke demanded. His blood slowly began to boil

"No need to be jealous Sasuke, you are still the only one who is worthy, but this shinobi is vital in helping us the tailed beasts and other jutsus that the Akatsuki harbor."

"Orochimaru! Who is this shinobi?"

"Oh getting a little protective of your former home? Getting homesickness are we?"

"Tsk. I have no home" The proud Uchiha turned on his heels and stalked toward the door.

The snake master called after him. "They are none of your concern"

Published March 3rd, 2019

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