Seeing him.

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Ruby and Iain were getting ready to head home after a shift at work they both were tired after 12 long hours and drained from the things they had seen like every shift but they were laughing and smiling as they unloaded the ambulance. "I'm going to put the kettle on Rubes coffee?" He asked she nodded "thank you" he smiled as he walked off just then she saw a man walking through the door she took another quick glance and then realised it was her dad. She ran into the staff room and locked the door behind her so it looked like nobody was there. Jan was sitting in there and Iain was in the kitchen "ruby?" Said Jan "shush!" She said sitting down with her Iain made his way over and sat down in the chair putting the cups of coffee down "what are you doing?" Asked Jan "my dads here" she said quietly "why's that a bad thing?" Asked Iain "I don't want to see him, not now, not ever" she said "let me go and tell him to leave I won't even tell him that I know a ruby spark I'll just say he can't be here" Said Iain ruby shook her head "Iain he's not nice, at all" she said shaking her head "what's he done?" She asked "can I explain later?" She asked he nodded and Jan peered out of the window and he saw her and started walking over "in the kitchen both of you go on!" She said ruby and Iain stood in the kitchen and shut the door. "I'm looking for my daughter" he said "and who would your daughter be?" Asked Jan "her names Ruby, Spark maybe" he said "I don't know of a ruby at all?" She said confused "oh, I got told she worked here for the ambulance service" he said Jan shook her head "can I speak to the boss please?" He asked "your in luck I am the boss, Jan Jennings nice to meet you" she smiled holding out her hand he shook it and then nodded "well, what am I supposed to do now!" He said "I'm sorry but I can't help you" she said "are you sure there's no ruby?" He asked "no, sorry. I think you've got the wrong place, anyway You'll have to go I'm locking up indoors for now" she said he turned around and walked off out of the ambulance station. Jan walked into the kitchen with them both and smiled "he's gone" she smiled "thank you" she said "your welcome sweet, so why don't you like him?" She asked "whilst I was growing up my mum did everything for me, he put her in hospital 6 times in 2 years but hurt her so many more. I didn't understand when I was only 7 or 8, well I still don't really understand now but when I got to about 10 or 11 I started to realise what he was doing was wrong and he was hurting my mum, I started shouting when he hit her trying to get him to stop so he used to hit me and hurt me and shove me around I have scars from him, he pushed her down the stairs once whilst I was there and I was on the stairs and as she fell I fell down with her, she was much more hurt than me 12 year old me got off with a fractured wrist and 3 broken ribs and a superficial bang to the head" she said sighing "what happened to your mum?" Asked Jan "she hit her head and had a seizure just as the paramedics got there they wanted to leave me with him but I said no, he was going to hurt more I was hurt too I needed to go to a and e but my mum was so poorly I wasn't the priority they thought he would take me in the car but they took me with them and I sat in the front because they didn't want me seeing my mum like that, she had another seizure on the way and arrested I remember the paramedic going faster it was scaring me they got my mum to hospital still doing CPR and minutes later she passed away" she said tears falling down her cheeks "I'll never forgive him for that As long as I live, that's why I'm a paramedic" she smiled Iain and Jan looked shocked "I didn't even know you had lost your mum" said Jan she nodded "and at such a young age, where did you go?" Asked Iain "my grandparents took care of me until I was 18 and then I moved away to uni and now I'm here, they're still there call me everyday, text to make sure I'm okay" she smiled "they've been one of the biggest and best parts of my life and I was so lucky I had them" she said Iain smiled sympathetically "did he not get put in prison?" Asked Jan "yeah, I told the police that it was murder but him against a 12 year old obviously he was going to win so he got 9 years, it's been over 9 years and he's out again" she cried Jan pulled her in for a hug and held her close "I'm sorry you had to go through that Ruby, I really really am" she said "nobody deserves that let alone an innocent naive little girl" said Iain she nodded "I know but what's done is done and I know my mum would be so proud of what I've done with my life but that's why I'm so cautious with people I don't know and being closer to men because I'm scared that the same will happen to me so if I just stay on my own then nobody can hurt me" she said they both almost walled up "home come on Rubes" Said Iain smiling.

Seeing her DadWhere stories live. Discover now