The next day

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Ruby woke up the next morning to Iain's arms wrapped around her she smiled and sat up slowly being careful not to wake him. He woke up a couple of minutes later and smiled at her she was sitting up and his head was almost in-line with her chest. He rested his head on her belly and smiled "I love you little one" he whispered kissing her stomach "and I can't wait to meet you" he whispered again. Ruby smiled and stroked his hair. They got up and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. They had something to eat and ruby wasn't really feeling it she only ate a bite of her egg sandwich Iain held her hand "Are you feeling alright?" He asked she nodded "I genuinely am I'm just not hungry" she said he smiled and nodded "Alright" he smiled eating his. They went to get changed again and Alicia and Ethan were sitting on the sofa when they walked back down "what are we going to do today?" Asked Alicia as the others sat down. "There's a spa just down the road maybe we could go and warm up in that?" Smiled Ethan the others all nodded "Do you fancy it Rubes?" Asked Iain she nodded "yeah sure why not" she smiled "alright" he smiled they all went and got changed and put their swimming costumes on and went to the spa Ruby couldn't really do much because she was pregnant she wasn't allowed in anything too hot so she just stuck to swimming although she didn't even really swim she found it nice sitting in a warm pool though. Iain walked out and sat down next to her on the steps of the pool "Alright?" He asked she nodded "yeah, I missed swimming I used to love it" she smiled Iain smiled and held her hand "shall we go for a swim?" He asked she nodded and they swam around for a bit they stopped sitting at the far end on the built in seat. Ruby held Iain's hand "your being a bit weird are you sure your Alright?" He asked holding hers back she nodded "yeah I just, feel a bit weird" she said he put his arm around her "do you want to go back?" He asked she shook her head "no, no I'm fine" she smiled kissing him quickly. They had a lovely day at the spa and all went home that night to hot chocolate and cookies in front of the fire and Tv.

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