3 months later

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Ruby was sitting in the ambulance station they had just finished their shift "I think you need to tell Jan soon" Said Iain sitting down and putting his arm around her "your nearly 4 months Ruby" he said "just a little while longer" she said "you know how dangerous this is" he said she nodded "I know but I can't do what I did last time" she said "What was that?" He asked "nothing Iain I did nothing" she said he smiled "all I did was sit at home and get fat" she said he laughed "I'm afraid working your still going to get fat" he laughed she laughed and so did he. They went home and had a good sleep before their shift the next day.
They're alarm went off at 5:30am and Iain climbed out of bed and got dressed walking towards his sleepy girlfriend still barely awake "come on sleepy" he smiled she sat up slowly and got out of bed getting dressed they headed to work and got changed and had a coffee before starting their shift. They went out to a couple of your normal calls and then got called to a stabbing specifically stating not to go on scene until the police arrive as the attacker was still in scene. Iain reached for Ruby's hand as they pulled up and she held it back "let's just sit and wait for the police to confirm its safe" he said "we can't leave him there dying" she said "remember your pregnant it's one thing to risk yourself but another to risk a baby" he said she nodded and just sat back the police walked over and confirmed they had searched and couldn't find him. Ruby ran over and Iain followed with the bags "he's in cardiac arrest start chest compressions and get something on that wound" said the police officer they nodded and Ruby started chest compressions and Iain stopped the bleeding just then someone shouted stop Ruby turned around and there was the man knife in his hand right behind her "Ruby" said Iain standing up "he's gone" he said to her about the patient the police were back now and he grabbed Ruby "one move I'll stab her!" He shouted "please just let her go" Iain almost cried the man moved behind the wall holding Ruby "please, I've got a little girl at home" she cried "you look too young to be a mum she'll probably end up like me" he laughed "please just don't stab me" she begged "why shouldn't I!" He shouted "I'm pregnant" she cried "it's one thing to kill me but to kill a baby" she cried everyone stopped when they heard that "did you know?" Asked the police officer "I'm her partner" Iain said the man let go of Ruby and she fell to the floor she picked herself up and the police arrested him she walked into Iain's arms "I'm alright" she said he could feel her body shaking against his "it's alright" he said rubbing her back "come on let's get you home" he said they climbed into the ambulance and a policeman walked over "we will follow you there we have some questions" he said they nodded and drove off. They pulled up at the station "why are the police here?" Asked Jan as they walked in with the police on their tail "I'm pregnant" said Ruby sitting down "oh Ruby" she smiled holding her hands "4 months pregnant" she said "why didn't you tell me you've just been out to a stabbing!" She said she let the police in and they sat down "you know it's illegal to let her work" he said to Jan "I'm well aware she's already got one and I made her stop she didn't tell me" she said "no but she told you didn't she" he said looking at Iain "I made him promise he wouldn't tell anyone, look I'll stop working nobody was hurt!" She said raising her voice "what if you had of been!" He said "I wasn't and there's so many what ifs in this world but I wasn't alright!" She said getting up suddenly she had a sharp pain in her side and held her stomach "Are you Alright?" Asked Iain she nodded and made her way out she walked into the staff room and sat down on the sofa "your right there are so many what ifs" said Iain "exactly" said the policeman "but none of those happened and now if you don't mind I'm taking my girlfriend home, to bed, to our little girl who wants her mummy" he said standing up and walking out to Ruby. Jan just shrugged "they're right she's okay she's going to stop now just drop it nobody was to know, she struggled with her last pregnancy had the baby blues didn't know what to do with herself that's why she wants to work she doesn't want that to happen again, I'll find her something to do to keep her busy don't worry she won't work anymore" she said they nodded and walked out. Jan walked out to Iain and Ruby "are you alright?" She asked Ruby nodded "I didn't realise Ruby, you've not got a bump" she said "you can see it when I'm not wearing my coat, I was going to tell you I just wanted to keep myself ticking over as long as I could" she said Jan nodded "don't pull tricks like that again" she laughed walking off Iain held Ruby close "let's go home,  I think today calls for an Isla hug" he smiled she nodded and they walked out and Iain drove home. They walked in it was only 5:45pm Isla was up with auntie Gem Ruby walked in and Isla walked to the door and ran when she saw her mummy Ruby bent down and hugged her "I love you so so much baby girl" she said Isla babbled to herself she looked at Ruby "I love you Isla so so much" she smiled kissing her cheek "mama" she babbled "what was that" smiled Ruby Isla patted her shoulders "mama" she babbled smiling Ruby kissed her cheek "that's right sweetie I'm your mama" she smiled Iain smiled and so did Gem.

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