The problem

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Ruby slept through the night Iain and Alicia had made the baby a small bed built up with blankets so she couldn't fall out and they had somewhere to put her down. Iain slept in the other room with the baby just so ruby could have a good nights sleep with no crying although he did have to wake her up once for a feed. The next morning at 6am the baby was screaming for food Iain held her close and walked into Ruby "Ruby" he said quietly she didn't stir "Ruby I think she's hungry sweetheart" he said shaking her gently she was sweating and red and flustered Iain pulled the blanket off of her and felt her head her temperature was through the roof she opened her eyes slowly and weakly "I'm cold" she said pulling the blanket back over her Iain knew something was really wrong and ran to get Alicia "Alicia!" He said running into her room "there's something wrong with ruby" he almost cried she got up and so did Ethan and they both ran into the room "She's boiling but she's saying she's cold she's so so weak Alicia help her!" He cried "we're going to help her just calm down" she said Iain was rocking the crying baby crying himself Ethan walked over to him "let me have the baby ill go and see if she will take a bottle of water" he said Iain nodded and passed her to Ethan he sat and held Ruby's hand "I think she's got some kind of infection she need a hospital and antibiotics" she said "Alicia we don't have that!" He cried "the snows getting better it's starting to melt we will get her help I promise, I'm going to call 999" she said Iain nodded and held ruby close. "They are going to try to get here as fast as they can they're sending a helimed" she said Iain nodded "come on Rubes let's have some of this off" she said taking the blankets off of her and her jumper and long sleeved top leaving her in her bra and shorts Ruby grabbed Iain's hand "is she... is she alright?" She asked weakly Iain nodded "Ethan's looking after her so we can look after you" he smiled stroking her head she nodded and closed her eyes again. "Alright Iain cold flannels ice cold bowls of water quick as you can" she said he nodded and ran down the stairs Alicia sat next to ruby and held her hand "your going to be alright" she said she nodded "stay strong for your little baby girl" she said ruby nodded and gripped her hand "don't leave me" she said "I'm not going anywhere" she said. Iain ran back in with everything "I don't think she's got an infection Iain" Said Alicia "what then?" He asked desperately. "I think she's got scarlet fever" she said "how has she got that?!" He asked "that woman gave her a towel when she was cold I bet that woman had it" she said Iain put his hands to his head "so we need to get out!" Said Alicia "and make sure that baby and us have a vaccine as soon as were at the hospital" she said he nodded "we can't leave her!" He said "Ethan's had it before" she said walking out with Iain "Ethan!" Said Alicia running into the front room "is she alright?" He asked "she has scarlet fever I think, we can't be in there we've not had it, but you have" she said he nodded "don't touch that baby either of you" he said laying her down "if she needs anything you get me!" He said she nodded and they sat down in the kitchen away from the baby Ethan walked into Ruby's room and sat down next to her "I'm afraid your stuck with me" smiled Ethan holding her hand "why? Where's Iain?" She asked "Ruby we think you have something called scarlet fever, Iain and Alicia haven't had it it's very contagious" he said "I've had it, when I was little I can't get it again so I'm going to have to look after you" he said she nodded "what about my baby?" She almost cried "she seems fine they're not touching her they're going to shout me if they need anything" he said ruby nodded and Ethan pressed the cold flannel to her head "am I going to die?" She asked "no, we just need to break this fever" he said she nodded and held his hand "just don't let me die I've got a baby that needs it's mum" she cried "that's not going to happen sweetheart" he said she nodded and closed her eyes. An hour later Alicia Shouted up to him "this baby wants feeding!" She shouted Ethan ran downstairs and made a bottle of water up feeding the baby "how is she?" Asked Iain "she could be better the fevers still going but um she's talking and aware she's alright at the minute she's not deteriorating" he said Iain nodded and sighed with relief. "Alicia try and ring 999 again see if they have an eta" he said she nodded and sat down as Ethan went back upstairs. Alicia knocked on the door "they still can't get through" she said Ethan sighed "okay thank you" he said Alicia walked back downstairs to Iain.

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