Taking her home

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Ruby and Iain got in the car she didn't know what to say she was just so angry and upset that he'd showed up thinking he could make things right. "I really am sorry ruby" said Iain holding her hand "it's not your fault I have him as a dad" she said he smiled "forget about him your mum wouldn't want you thinking about it" he said "I just really wish my mum was here, I don't have anyone Iain" she cried looking at him "is your mum buried in the cemetery here?" He asked she nodded he pulled over in the car in the lay-by and Ruby looked confused "why have we stopped?" She asked "we're going to go for a walk" he said she sighed "really?" She asked he nodded and got out and so did She it was cold and she didn't have much on, he wrapped her up in his jumper from the back and they walked to a little shop. "Buy a bunch of flowers a pretty bunch" he smiled she nodded and got some flowers and so did he. "Iain where are we going?" She asked "just follow me" he said they walked down an alley and came out at the cemetery. "My mums buried here too" he said Ruby looked up at him tears in her eyes "I haven't seen her for 2 years nearly I used to come here all the time" she cried Iain grabbed her hand and held it gently "I haven't been for over a year either, let's go and do this together" he said she nodded and they walked into the cemetery. Iain's mum was one of the first in the gate he lied down the flowers Gem kept it in good condition it was so pretty. Then they walked over to Ruby's mums. "Lilian?" Asked Iain she nodded "that was her name" she smiled he nodded and Ruby was devastated at how horrible looking it had got. Iain pulled out his bottle of water and tipped some on the grave stone washing away the dirt and ruby sorted the stones and lied the flowers down. "Forgetting about them, it's not going to do us any good, we have to remember them and the good lives they lived with us" he smiled she lent into his side "except my mum didn't live a good life with me did she? She spent it being beaten and hit and watching her terrified little girl" she cried Iain rubbed her arm on the side "she loved you, she lived for you" he said Ruby nodded and cried into his shoulder "Iain my mum isn't going to be here for anything she hasn't been here for anything?" She cried "she didn't see me graduate, she didn't open my GCSEs or A levels with me, she wasn't there when I started my first job or my forever job she's not going to be here if I ever get married or have children, Iain everyone needs their mum when they have a baby" she cried "you know what if you need someone there one day when your having a baby you call me, I don't care about time the day just call me I will be there call Jan she'll be there too, because we love you and your our family, you have family and that's us, None of us are perfect, Jans son drug deals she never speaks to him now she classes us as her children because our mums aren't here think of her as an adopted mum" he smiled "and me. I can be whatever you want me to be, big brother, best friend, nobody" he smiled she smiled "you are my best friend and your like a big brother to me" she smiled he smiled and kissed her head "there's someone else we need to see before we go" he smiled she nodded "Who's that?" She asked Iain held her hand and they walked to another grave a clean one, not very old it read 'Samantha Nicholls' Ruby and Iain just looked for a minute "I miss you Sam" Said Ruby Iain burst into tears and ruby pulled him into her grip "my mum will look after her our mums will" she said holding him close he nodded "I miss her" he said "I know, And I know she misses you" she said rubbing his back Iain smiled and stood up straight wiping his eyes "I didn't think it would still get to me like that" he said in tears "your upset, id be worried if you weren't" she smiled he smiled and he held her hand "come on" he smiled they walked back to the car and started driving back "Do you want to come back to mine for a bit you can have dinner?" He asked she nodded and smiled knowing how upset that had made him feel and she loved Iain's company maybe as much as he loved hers. They pulled up outside his and got out walking in. "I'll make us coffees make yourself at home" he smiled she nodded and sat down in the living room, 5 minutes later Iain still wasn't back she got up and walked into the kitchen to see him leaning over the sink looking out of the window tears streaming down his face Ruby placed her hand on his back carefully and he turned to smile at her "I'll be alright" he smiled Ruby nodded and wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him he hugged her back and rested his head on her shoulder. They stayed like that for a minute and then the kettle boiled and they parted to make coffee. They sat in the front room watching TV and drinking their drinks and just chatting when it was soon 9:30pm "I best go, Ive got work tomorrow" she smiled Iain smiled standing up "I can drive you if you want, you don't have your car here" he said "I'll be alright" she smiled as she put on her coat "Are you sure?" He asked she nodded "I'm a big girl Iain" she smiled he gave her a hug "thank you" he said "I should really be thanking you" she smiled "I'll see you tomorrow" he smiled she nodded and walked out she got halfway home when she heard crying down an alley way it sounded like a child Ruby was a bit hesitant to walk down only being a young girl herself but she did, she headed down slowly and saw a little girl only about 7 curled up in a ball. "Hey" Smiled ruby getting the torch out on her paramedic coat. The little girl looked up "what's your name?" She asked "Isla" she said "Isla how old are you?" Asked ruby "6" she cried "Alright sweetheart where's your mummy?" She asked "at home, my dad he's not nice, he hurts me and her so I ran out and now I don't know where I am" she cried memories came flooding back to ruby hitting kicking swearing "come on let's get you out of this alley i promise I'll get you some help" Smiled Ruby she nodded and held her hand getting up "I just need to ring my friend who's going to help you too. My names Ruby and I'm going to call Iain Alright we work for the ambulance service we're paramedics" she smiled "I don't want to go to hospital" she cried "you don't have to I'm off duty I'm not working now I was just walking home from Iain's house when I heard you" she said Isla nodded "can you help my mummy?" She asked "I can call the police to help her" she said Isla nodded and ruby got out her phone "Do you know your address?" She asked "Bottom road number 45" she said "okay" she said dialling 999 "police, I have a 6 year old girl with me has run away from home I'm a paramedic she's in safe hands she doesn't want the police here she's quite shocked and scared so I think it's best I keep her for a bit but her mum is at 45 bottom road and she's run away because their dad is assaulting them" she said "we will be there as quickly as we can" he said "thank you" Said ruby "that's all arranged, help is on its way for your mum" she smiled Isla nodded "now let's get you some help" she smiled ringing Iain "are you alright ruby?" "Yeah I'm fine I've just found a little girl I need you to come and help me, please" "where are you?" He asked "outside the alleyway by the new Lidl" "Okay I'm coming now" he said "can you bring a blanket please?" She asked "of course" he said he rushed there with a blanket and walked over carefully "you didn't say it was man" said Isla cowering behind Ruby's back "I promise he's not going to hurt you "I promise" she repeated "how do you know?" She asked "he helps people on a daily basis every day he saves lives and I work with him he's my partner" she smiled Isla still wasn't sure "look" she said holding out her hand Iain held it and ruby gave him a hug showing Isla "he's not going to hurt us" she smiled Isla walked closer and held out her hand and Iain held it carefully bending down "you look cold Are you cold?" He asked she nodded and he got the blanket out of the car "there we go" he smiled wrapping it around her. "What are we going to do with her? She doesn't want to go to hospital" she said "what if we go with her?" He asked "you've got a nasty bump on your head will you come to the hospital if we go with you we can stay with you until they get your mummy there" said Iain the little girl nodded and ruby smiled. "We can take her in the car" Said Iain ruby nodded and zipped up her coat she was freezing "there's another blanket in the back if you want it" Smiled Iain she smiled and got in the back with Isla laying the blanket over her lap she strapped them in Isla in the middle seat ruby put her arm around her and they pulled up at the hospital 15 minutes later they got out and Isla held Ruby's hand and walked into the hospital "you two aren't on shift are you?" Asked bea as they took her in "no we just found her" she said bea nodded "she's very hospital shy is it okay if we stay we promised her we would if she'd come in" Said Ruby bea nodded "of course anything for our 2 best paramedics" she smiled "Where's the mum?" Asked bea "the police are on it, she's at home apparently the husband isn't the nicest of people, also she needs a female doctor she's quite scared of men, she hid behind ruby when I came" Said Iain bea nodded "I'll take her I'm not too scary am I?" Asked bea smiling at her she shook her head "I like your hair" smiled the little girl "thank you, it's nice and red isn't it" Smiled bea she nodded "Do you want to come with me and leave these paramedics to go and get a drink?" She asked Isla nodded and held Beas hand.

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