Going to the house

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Ruby and Iain grabbed a drink and headed to his car after saying bye to Isla and Bea, "I promised her I'd find her mum, she'll we head to the house?" Asked Iain she nodded and they drove to the address there wasn't any police there so they knocked thinking the woman might be there alone and he had been taken. There was no reply Iain pushed down the handle and walked in Ruby closely following. They heard shouting "wait here" said Iain "no I'm coming" she said back quietly he held her hand and they walked into the kitchen where a man had a rolling pin and a mug of something threatening a woman who had clearly already been hit he didn't see them there and swung the mug the boiling hot water going all over ruby he stopped and stared and Iain quickly ran her over to the tap turning it on cold and running her arm under it taking off her jumper which she luckily had on tears were streaming down her face as she run it under the water it had gone red but not to the point of blistering they were quick enough. "Right that's enough!" Said Iain grabbing the rolling pin out of his hands. "Who are you?!" He shouted "were paramedics alright, off duty, but Ruby found your little girl in an alley on her own, cold, shaking and scared she's at the hospital now and that's where we plan on taking you" he said looking at the woman bleeding flashbacks were just hitting ruby anxiety, adrenaline running back through her body. The man walked over to ruby and grabbed her "let go of her!" Shouted the woman getting up off of the floor "don't hit me please" sobbed ruby pulling against his grip "I've been hit enough times before" she sobbed under her breath "what was that!" He said shaking her she didn't reply "this ones a bit of a wuss isn't she" he smiled hitting her around the face and letting her fall to the floor just then sirens pulled up outside an ambulance and 3 police cars they all walked in Jan was shocked to see ruby and Iain there and ruby in Iain's arms on the floor. The man got arrested and jan helped the woman into the ambulance on the bed and ruby and Iain into the back. "So you two look like you've been having fun" she smiled passing ruby an ice pack to hold to her face and covering her burns in cling film as she sat there staring into thin air tears streaming down her cheeks "I'm so sorry" said the woman looking at ruby Iain put a hand on Ruby's shoulder and she jumped "Are you Alright?" He asked she nodded and wiped her eyes "what's wrong?" He asked "bar the fact your probably sore" he smiled lifting her chin up "it just... oh nothing" she smiled "it bought back memories, flashbacks" he said she looked into his eyes and nodded "and they won't go away" she cried "Alright" he said hugging her "Alright" he said holding her as she cried into his chest. They arrived and Ruby walked in with Jan just to get checked over and Iain pushed Ella the woman in. "Is she going to be okay?" She asked he nodded "it bought back memories I think" he smiled pushing her through "what?" She asked "she was similar to your Isla, beaten by her dad, the only difference was her dad killed her mum, a man raising his hand to her again just bought it all back I think" he said she looked so sorry "I am so sorry" she said he smiled sympathetically "don't worry she'll be alright" Said Iain she nodded Iain walked over to the cubicle ruby was in with Duffy and walked in. Ruby was sitting in her white T-shirt and trousers with Duffy seeing to the burns on her arms "just superficial you were lucky with boiling water" she smiled ruby didn't respond Duffy walked out with Iain "what's wrong with her?" She asked "her dad used to hit her and a man raising his hand to her again everything's just come back" he said Duffy looked at him "her dad used to hit her?" She asked quietly he nodded "he killed her mum" he said walking in to see her he sat down and she looked at him "it's not going away, I can see it, it won't go away Iain it's replaying and replaying in my head and it won't go away" she cried he hugged her tightly as she collapsed into his arms "it just won't go away" she cried he rubbed her back "were going to get you better" he said she nodded and he wiped her tears. Ruby soon fell asleep with Iain holding her hand "come on then baby let's go home" he said waking her up she sat up and Iain wrapped his jumper around her keeping her warm "you know how to look after her" smiled Duffy "just keep that dressing clean and don't get it wet" she smiled Iain nodded and held Ruby's hand "come on then" he smiled they got into Iain's car and Ruby spoke up "Can I come back with you tonight, please?" She asked he nodded "you weren't staying on your own tonight anyway" he smiled she smiled and held his hand "thank you" she said he smiled and held hers back they pulled up at Iain's and they got out "I've got a spare toothbrush in a packet and I'm sure you'll look great in one of my shirts" he smiled holding her close to him as they walked in she smiled as they shut the door Iain made her some toast and a hot drink and she sat and ate with him. It was late 1am to be precise and they were really tired. Iain walked upstairs and grabbed ruby a flannel pyjama shirt which would drown her anyway he walked downstairs and passed it to her "I can imagine this will be comfier" he smiled she nodded and thanked him and walked to put it on she came back downstairs 5 minutes later and stood at the doorframe she did look very cute in it. Iain smiled sitting on the sofa and she sat down next to him he pulled the blanket up over them both and they watched some TV he wanted to take her mind of things. 5 minutes later they were both asleep cuddled up together on the sofa.

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