At home

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They got in put Isla to bed and then collapsed on the sofa. Iain smiled at Ruby "you've got me for life now" he smiled looking at the ring on her finger She smiled "I was going to anyway" she smiled looking up at him he smiled and kissed her lips they lied down on the sofa kissing "make the most of this whilst you've not got a bump in the way" she smiled he smiled and kept kissing her just then the baby monitor went off and Isla was crying Iain laughed and Ruby got up "mamma will go and sort her" she laughed walking upstairs he smiled and sat back on the sofa. She walked back down and sat down with her putting his arm around her and putting a hand on her belly "you've been putting on a bit of weight haven't you" he smiled she laughed and nodded "it would appear I need to go on a diet" she laughed he smiled and looked into her eyes "I really didn't know this is what love felt like" he said Ruby smiled and held his hand "me either" she smiled he lent forward and kissed her and they cuddled down on the sofa and fell asleep together. The baby monitor went off at 6am and Iain woke up slowly getting up lying Ruby back down on the sofa he walked upstairs and picked Isla up "shhhh don't wake mamma she's sleeping" he said she stopped crying and they walked downstairs Ruby woke up as the door closed "sorry" Said Iain as she sat up "no, no it's fine" she smiled he sat down and turned on the Tv they all cuddled and Ruby and Isla went back to sleep leaning on Iain. He smiled at his perfect little family he loved them all endlessly he didn't know what he would do without them.

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