2 months later

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Ruby and Iain stayed at each other's and you could say were sexually intimate they were careful though Ruby took the pill and Iain used condoms, she sometimes struggled to take it at the same time everyday because if she worked night shifts she was usually asleep which messed it up a bit. Ruby was sitting in the staff room at work when Iain walked in "Are you Alright?" He asked looking at her she nodded unsurely Jan looked at her "you don't feel very well do you?" She asked Ruby shook her head "I'm going to be sick" she said running to the bathroom Iain looked at Jan "what's wrong with her?" He asked "I don't know, probably just a bug go and make sure she's alright, she'll want you over me" she said Iain nodded and walked into the toilets Ruby was sitting in the cubicle being sick he bent down next to her and rubbed her back holding her hair "shall I take you home?" He asked she nodded as white as a ghost she sat back into Iain's arms tears running down her face "Are you Alright?" Asked Iain wrapping his arms around her she nodded wiping her eyes and leaning into his shoulder "can we just stay here for a minute?" She asked he nodded and kissed her head and held her tightly. 10 minutes later Jan walked in "your both logged off" she smiled Iain smiled "thank you" he said "take her home" she said Iain looked down at ruby "come on" he said sympathetically helping her up slowly she got up and they walked out to the car and drove home. They walked into the house and ruby quickly ran to the bathroom again Iain walked in behind her and sat rubbing her back she sat up crying "I'm late Iain" she cried "oh ruby" he sighed "we will get you sorted I promise, it might just be a bug" he said "what making my period 5 days late" she cried "Alright" he said rubbing her back "why don't we get you in bed and I will go and get a test" he said she shook her head "I can't... Iain what if I am" she cried she was barely breathing panicking she held the door frame and started breathing heavily "Ruby calm down" Said Iain holding her hand "I think... I think... I'm having a panic attack" she said breathing heavily holding Iain's arms "your Alright calm down" he said rubbing her back she calmed down and closed her eyes taking a deep breath. "Alright?" He asked she nodded "what are we going to do?" She asked "we're going to go and buy a test and do it together I promise whatever the outcome we will be okay" he said she nodded tears falling down her face Iain helped her up and put his arms around her "shall we have a walk to the shop?" He asked she nodded and held his hand after they put on their coats. They walked down to the local shop and they didn't have one so they decided to walk to the pharmacy another good 20 minutes away. Ruby looked up at Iain as they were walking and she smiled "I love you" she said he smiled at her and put his arm around her back "I love you too" he smiled he kissed her head as they walked into the pharmacy. They walked over to the stand and Iain picked up a clear blue pregnancy test "this one?" He asked she nodded she they took it to the counter and paid. "Hoping?" Asked the woman smiling ruby didn't say anything "a bit unexpected" smiled Iain "Thank you" he said putting it in a bag as they left. They got back to the house and walked in Iain passed Ruby the bag "now?" She asked "it's up to you whenever your ready" he smiled she nodded and walked into the bathroom with it in her hands. She came out 2 minutes later and passed it to Iain "what is it?" He asked "I don't know you have to wait 7 minutes" she said he nodded "come here" he said sitting down in the chair she sat on his lap and cuddled up to him. "Whatever the outcome of this I promise you we will be okay, baby or no baby I still love you and I always will a baby isn't going to change that" he said "I just, I don't think I'm ready, I don't know anything about kids" she said "remember I'm older than you, I'll look after it I promise I'll even take maternity leave if you want" he said kissing her head "you'd really do that for me?" She asked "I'd go to the end of the world for you" he said she looked at him and smiled kissing his lips "it's been 7 minutes" Said Iain holding her hand she took a deep breath "Iain" she said "mm" he smiled "if, if I am, we're going to be okay aren't we? We're going to be good parents? Look after a baby love it care for it? Because we can can't we?" She asked he nodded "of course we can. You want children one day anyway don't you?" He asked she nodded "I guess your right just not this soon" she smiled "your young that is understandable ruby so understandable but if you are I think that's fate because I used protection I would never try to hurt you" he said she nodded "fate? That must of been what bought us together in the first place" she laughed he smiled and kissed her head holding it in his hand "ready?" He asked she nodded "you look" she said he nodded and turned it over picking up the box and looking at what meant what and then he slowly nodded his head Ruby bit her lip and nodded she looked at the floor tears in her eyes "listen to me" Said Iain holding her chin "if you don't want this baby there are options" he said "it's not that I don't want it, it's that I'm scared" she said he nodded "I know, what are you scared of the most?" He asked "giving birth?" He added she shook her head "that terrifies me but what terrifies me more is not being a good mum" she said "you will be the worlds best mum" he smiled kissing her cheek "I promise" he added she nodded and smiled "I hope your right because we're having a baby Iain" she said he nodded "we are" he smiled she still didn't look happy "oh god what have we done" she said putting her head in her hands "I can't do this I thought I could and I can't" she said "you do what you feels right" he said "but what is right Iain? Having a baby when I'm not ready? Giving my baby away? Killing my baby?" She asked she was so confused "I won't leave you I'm going to help you" he said she shook her head and cried "we were careful" she cried "I know" he said hugging her "I know baby" he said rubbing her back "we have work tonight Iain" she cried "your not going don't even try to persuade me" he said she cried into his shoulder "I've left my charger at work and everything" she cried "stop panicking" he said sympathetically she just cried "right I'm going to get you tucked up in here nice and warm and then I'm going to head to work get your charger and tell Jan we won't be in" he said "she's not going to let us off Iain not us both" she said "can I tell her? Because she will if she knows the truth" he said she nodded "everyone's going to find out anyway" she cried he nodded kissing her head they cuddled for a bit and Iain tucked ruby up and put the Tv on "get some sleep" he said kissing her head "I love you" he said she smiled "I love you too" she said as he left.

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