Lunch break

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They drove back to the station for lunch "what do you fancy?" Asked ruby getting out "mmm? I don't know? I'm sure I can think of something" he laughed kissing her cheek she smiled "behave yourself" she laughed Jan saw them walk in and smiled she was genuinely happy for them. Ruby went to walk to the kitchen when Iain grabbed her hand and pulled her into the locker room shutting the door behind him Ruby smiled her back against the door and lent in to kiss Iain they got a bit passionate and ruby wrapped her legs around Iain as he picked her up kissing her neck her hair had fallen out of the pony tail and they were out of breath just then someone banged on the door and they stopped "Iain" she whispered wide eyed and shocked he put her down and she tied her hair up as the door opened to Jan standing there Iain patented to be stood at his locker getting his lunch out and ruby sat on the bench doing her laces up which had 'apparently come undone' "get out come on" she said they both walked out heads hung low and walked into the kitchen "coffee?" Asked Jan "no thank you" Said ruby "I'm alright thanks" Said Iain "you two can't keep your hands off each other can you?" She asked smiling Ruby was so ashamed "what do you mean?" Asked Iain "oh for gods sake I was your age once you know!" She said Iain laughed quietly but ruby was dead serious and ashamed "go on get out" Said Jan smiling Iain walked out "I'll be out in a minute" Said Ruby he nodded and walked out "I was joking Rubes you can do what you want in your lunch break" Smiled Jan she shook her head tears in her eyes "what was I thinking? Really ruby" she said wiping her eyes "you love him and that's normal Rubes that's okay and he loves you, at this age you should be having fun" she smiled "there's fun and then there's stupidity" she said "your not stupid your doing what anyone else would Ruby your 22 years old your allowed to have fun you don't have to feel guilty for it now go on you've got patients waiting" she smiled ruby wiped her eyes and nodded and smiled as she left. She climbed into the ambulance and Iain smiled at her as she got in "have you been crying?" He asked "I felt so stupid" she said Iain held her hand "your not stupid you were doing what any other 22 year old would" he smiled she looked at him "promise me you won't leave just like everyone else does" she said "of course I won't whatever made you think that?" He asked "I don't know I guess I'm just not used to anybody sticking around" she said he pulled her close "that's going to change" he smiled.

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