Home time

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Ruby and Iain got out at the ambulance station they had a pretty hard day they went out to a little girl which they needed to fill forms in for as she needed a referral to social services. Ruby was quite touched by her story she left crying they walked into the ambulance station and Jan was sitting at her desk they knocked on the door and walked in "hello" she smiled "can we have social service referral papers please?" Asked Iain he could see Ruby's eyes filling with tears again and reached for her hand holding it with his she looked at him and smiled as Jan nodded and got up giving them to them "thank you we will bring them back in a minute" he said Jan nodded "Are you Alright ruby?" She asked she nodded and Jan saw their hands interlocked and smiled and nodded too "good good" she smiled they both walked out and sat on the sofa filling out their forms Ruby started writing in one box explaining what happened when she just burst into tears Iain put down his paper and pulled ruby in for a hug "it's alright" he said rubbing her back she held him tightly and cried into his shoulder "it's all going to be alright" he said she pulled away and he wiped her eyes and smiled at her "alright?" He asked she nodded and finished writing her statement and they handed them back in. "Perfect, have a nice weekend off" Smiled Jan as they passed her the papers "thank you" smiled ruby "and you" said Iain they both walked out to go home. They got into Iain's car and Iain started driving as they drove down The road he looked at ruby who was looking out of the window "do you want to stay at mine? My heatings broken I could do with a cuddle buddy" Asked Iain she smiled "you always know how to cheer me up don't you" she smiled he smiled and held her hand he pulled up outside hers "go and grab some of you stuff then" he smiled as she was in there he pulled out a little packet under his car seat, a box of condoms, he didn't expect her to sleep with him but he knew she was getting more confident and he didn't want to hurt her it was just precautionary. He kept them in there because he didn't want his little sister finding them at his. He put them in his pocket just as Ruby got in the car again. He smiled at her and held her hand as he drove back to his.

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