3 months later

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Ruby was 7 months pregnant she wasn't very big again but uncomfortable was an understatement. Iain was at work she wasn't due for another 2 months. He walked in at 9:30pm and the baby monitor was going off. He walked into the living room and Ruby wasn't there and then he walked upstairs to Isla, when he walked in Ruby looked so uncomfortable she was holding Isla in one arm she was screaming her head off and she was holding the cot with the other "hey, hey come on" he said taking Isla out of Ruby's arms "are you alright?" Asked Iain rubbing her back she nodded and took some deep breaths "it's probably just braxton hicks again" she said breathing in heavily "come here" he said holding her close Iain lied Isla back down and gave her the dummy she had spat out and she soon went back to sleep. Iain helped Ruby to bed and got her laying down "Are you sure your Alright?" He asked she nodded and held her stomach Iain lied down with her and put his arm around her "did you have a good shift?" She asked he nodded "nothing special" he smiled she nodded and closed her eyes rubbing her stomach. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" He asked she didn't know what to do with herself it was really hurting "no, no I'll be alright" she said he nodded. A couple of hours later they were still awake "I need to get up" she said sitting up Iain got up and walked around to her as she was trying to stand suddenly her waters broke "Iain" she almost cried "don't worry, don't panic it's going to be alright" he said she nodded and held his hands "let's get you to hospital" he said "I don't want to" she cried they had planned to have this one at home "I know you want to have it here but this baby is 8 weeks early and on the off chance it might need a hospital let's do what's right for this baby" he said she looked up at him and nodded "Duffy is on shift I've seen her" he said she nodded and Iain went and got Isla and put everything in the car Ruby walked downstairs and stood by the door as he strapped Isla in "we can drop her at Gems on the way" he said Ruby nodded and he helped her into the car. Gems was only round the corner Iain quickly dropped her off and then drove to the hospital "Iain, Iain this baby is coming" she cried he held her hand "don't push sweetheart not yet 5 more minutes" he said "Iain stop" she cried "Ruby we can't stop you can't have it in the middle of the road" he said she took a deep breath and tried her best but she knew this baby was coming "Iain stop please please stop" she almost begged. He pulled over and Ruby undid her seatbelt "listen to me" she said he nodded and held her hands "you know what your doing, so do I we can do this" she cried he nodded and helped her into the back of the car, he called for an ambulance and Ruby pushed with everything she had in her she pushed again. "The heads here Rubes" he said she nodded "ahhhh" she cried and her baby was born she smiled as she heard it cry "your such a clever girl" he smiled wrapping the baby up "we've got a little girl" he smiled she smiled and held her close to her chest "the ambulance is here" he smiled cutting the cord. Jan got out and ran to the car "everyone's fine" said Iain smiling "she's had it" he added smiling Jan looked in the car and smiled "oh Ruby" she smiled Ruby smiled back "let's get them to hospital" she said Iain took their baby and Jan helped Ruby out onto a stretcher "you Alright?" She asked "more than Alright I didn't think she was going to breathe" she almost cried Jan smiled "she is and she's got a fine pair of lungs too" she smiled Ruby smiled "I'll just get you to the hospital so they can deliver your placenta" she smiled Ruby nodded and sat looking at Iain and their baby Iain saw her and passed her to Ruby she smiled at her on her chest "unbutton this a bit Rubes so she's on your skin" she said helping her undo the buttons on her shirt the baby looked quite happy with its mummy. Jan smiled at them as they pulled up in the hospital. "Let's get you both sorted and checked over and then we will get you sent home" she smiled she nodded as they went in Iain was now holding the baby they took her straight through to maternity and onto the ward "okay this is our very own lovely Ruby Spark" she smiled Ruby smiled "gave birth in the car about 15 minutes ago" she added "everything seems perfect" she smiled "Iain has the baby, baby girl" she smiled everyone smiled and congratulated them and Duffy walked over "she just needs her placenta delivered" she smiled handing her over "perfect you've done all the hard work without me" she smiled taking her through to a room. They delivered her placenta and then Ruby sat up and Iain walked in "where is she?" She asked "they've taken her through to NICU just for a couple of days, she's still quite early" he said she nodded and he sat down on her bed "you did amazing" he smiled holding her hand "that was so much better than the first" she said Iain smiled "a lot quicker" he smiled he sat back on the bed with her and wrapped his arms around her "I love you" he said into her neck she smiled "this was unexpected wasn't it" she smiled "what was?" He asked "everything, me and you it was never expected not by anyone" she said Iain smiled "I think your probably right" he smiled she smiled and kissed his lips "we've got an amazing little family" he smiled "haven't we" she smiled "this is everything I thought I didn't want but now there's nothing I want more" she smiled "you didn't want kids?" He asked she shook her head "no I didn't even think I liked children but now I have my own the love for them that you have it beyond any love I've ever felt" she said Iain smiled and kissed her head "our girls will have the best life they can possibly have I promise" he smiled she nodded and he kissed her lips they cuddled down "I wish I had my mum here, your more than enough but my mum would be the biggest bonus" she said tears in her eyes "what your dad did to you and your mum was horrific and your mum didn't deserve that one bit and I wish as much as you she could be here to see her two perfect girls and you as the most brilliant mother following in her shoes I'm going to treat you like a princess because that's the way you deserve to be treated" he smiled she smiled and nodded he wiped her tears and kissed her head "what about a trip to see our little princess" he asked she nodded and smiled. They walked out slowly to NICU as Ruby was a bit sore. They walked in and Ruby sat down in the chair as Iain picked her up and passed her to her "what are we going to call you little one" smiled Ruby playing with her hand. "What about emma" Said Iain "after that little girl" he asked Ruby looked up at him and then back down at their baby and nodded "I think that's an amazing idea" she smiled almost welling up Iain smiled and sat down next to her "she'll be proud of you, you were a critical part of that little girls last minutes" he said Ruby held his hand and rested her head on his shoulder "I love you" she said he smiled and kissed her head "I love you too" he smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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