The next morning

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The next morning ruby woke up at 8:30am their shift started in half an hour and it took them that long to get there. She looked at the clock and jumped up "Iain!" She said climbing out of his grip he woke up and looked at the clock jumping out of bed they got changed and brushed their teeth quickly their hair was a mess they looked like they had been out of the night and hadn't gone home they ran downstairs pulling on their shoes and Iain ran into the kitchen grabbing 2 apples "quick" he said as they ran out of the door wrapping their coats around them. Iain passed her an apple and they ate whilst they drove to work. They arrived at 9:20, 20 minutes late they crept in slowly hoping Jan wouldn't see them but she did "so what's happened to you two long night? Your usually the punctual ones" she smiled standing in the doorway they both turned around and looked at each other "well clearly spent the night together whatever you were doing" she smiled they didn't deny it but they didn't agree either Jan smiled and shook her head "go on your logged on" she said they both walked to get changed. "I can't find a hair bobble" Said ruby sighing "here" he said "why have you got that?" She Asked "you gave it to me the other day it was still in my pocket" he pulled her hair into a pant tail and she laughed "I think I'm best doing that if we don't want to scare the patients" she laughed he laughed and she tied her hair up he held her waist behind her and kissed her neck from behind "I love you" he whispered in her ear she smiled and turned to look at him "I love you too" she smiled kissing his lips and then walking out to the ambulance. "Professional Iain professional" she laughed just then they walked into Jan "yes you two professional" she said they both stopped and looked at her wide eyed and then down at the floor "can you two keep your hands if one another or shall I interfere and come with you both?" She asked smiling Iain looked up "I think we will be alright" he smiled "Ruby?" She asked "mmhm" she said a bit embarrassed "are you sure?" She asked ruby nodded surely. Iain smiled at her and Jan walked away leaving them to walk to the ambulance in peace. "Do you think she knows about us?" Asked ruby Iain smiled "she seemed to" he laughed ruby smiled and held his hand "in that case can we do this?" She asked intertwining her fingers in his he smiled "your trouble Ruby Spark trouble I tell you" he smiled kissing her cheek and then getting in to drive.

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