Snowed in

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The next morning they all woke up and walked downstairs to only being able to see half out of their windows they were completely snowed in. They all stood in shock and then sat down in front of the fire eating breakfast Ruby didn't eat again she really didn't feel right she kept getting dull achey pains in her back. "My backs really hurting" she said leaning into his chest he held her close rubbing her back "let's go and get warm on the sofa" he said sitting down and wrapping her in a blanket laying her head on his lap. "I'm going to go and make a drink" she said 2 hours later sitting up Iain smiled "I'll do it he said "I'm alright I can do it" she smiled walking out. Alicia got up "I'm going to make one too do you boys want one?" She asked "I'm okay thanks" said Ethan and Iain she walked into the kitchen to Ruby holding her side board Alicia shut the door and rubbed her back "Alright" she said Ruby turned to face her tears streaming down her face "it's too early" she cried quietly "no, no it's not" she smiled pushing her hair out of her face. "It is Alicia I'm not even 8 months" she cried "your 35 weeks this baby is just eager that's all" she said Ruby nodded "I trust you Alicia" she said she smiled "good because everything's going to be just fine" she said Ruby nodded "now how about we get you upstairs comfy and I'll go and get Iain" she said "I need a hospital" she cried "you have a doctor a consultant a paramedic and your a paramedic were snowed in baby we can't get to the hospital" she said Ruby nodded and Alicia helped her upstairs "how about you get yourself into some pyjamas and I'll go and get Iain for you?" She asked "I don't want Iain, I want to do this with you, just you and me quickly and quietly" said "Ruby it can be just you and me of course it can but this isn't going to be quick or very quiet if I placed my bets" she said Ruby put her head in her hands "I just want Jan" she cried Alicia took her into her arms "come on let's go and get you comfy" she said helping her up the stairs when Alicia came down she walked into the front room "no need to alarm anybody but Ruby's gone into labour" she said "she's upstairs she's alright she just wants me" Said Alicia looking at Iain he looked terrified "Alicia she's still got 5 weeks" he said she nodded "I know, but most babies are born early, it will be alright I've tried to call Jan that's who she wanted but there's no signal I called 999 but they can't get through she's just going to have to have me" she said Iain started to panic "stop your not doing her any favours, she needs everyone calm, I've delivered babies before Iain I'm a doctor you've delivered babies before we're trained in it, Ethan's a consultant if we need any help we will shout but I'm so sure that everything's going to go brilliantly" she smiled Iain sat down and Ethan sat down next to him "I'll look after him you go" Said Ethan she nodded and ran upstairs Ruby was so uncomfortable laying on the bed "Alright Rubes trousers off sweetheart let's get you in this" Said Alicia picking up one of her baggy T-shirt dresses Ruby got changed and Alicia had a look "by what I can feel your about 6cm dilated" smiled Alicia Ruby sat up a bit and Alicia sat back with her on the bed holding her hand "I'm right here and I will be until this is all over" she said Ruby nodded and rested her head on her shoulder. They put the Tv on and tried to watch it for a bit "I need to get up" Said ruby 2 hours later she stood up and her waters broke Alicia smiled "we're on the way now Rubes" she smiled ruby nodded and held the bed.
"Please let me go and see her" Said Iain "Iain she's fine" said Ethan "how do you know that?" Asked Iain "Nobody has Shouted we haven't even heard any crying" he said "babies take a long time to come Iain and Ruby's fine with Alicia Babies are much more of a girls thing" he smiled Iain shook his head "I need to see her please" he begged "why don't you stay here and I'll go and see what they say?" He asked Iain nodded and Ethan ran upstairs and knocked on the door he could hear crying now he was closer Alicia walked over and opened it "Can Iain come up he's panicking about her Alicia he really wants to be with her" he said "you'll have to ask Ruby" she said opening the door wider Ethan walked in and sat down next to ruby on the bed "there's a man downstairs that really really loves you and wants to make sure your Alright" said Ethan she nodded and cried Ethan pulled her into his arms "shall I go and get him?" He asked ruby nodded and Ethan stood up Alicia sat down with her and rubbed her back "let me check you once more before Iain comes In" she said ruby nodded "about 8cm" she said she cried into the pillow "another 2 hours of this before I can even start pushing?" She asked "these 2cm might move quicker" she said comforting her knowing they wouldn't. Iain knocked on the door "come in!" Shouted Alicia he walked in slowly and saw Ruby pacing the bed sweating crying struggling he walked over shutting the door behind him and sat down on the bed ruby sat up and he wrapped his arms around her "I'm here now" he said rubbing her back Alicia smiled at them "I've got you" he said kissing her cheek "I'm so so sorry" he said "it's alright, it will be worth it" she smiled another pain hit her and she cried out. "I've got you" Said Iain rubbing her back. 5 hours later Alicia checked her and smiled "ready Rubes?" She asked she nodded and started pushing. 3 hours later the baby's head was born "one big push now" she said ruby pushed and her baby was born "you have a perfect baby girl" smiled Alicia rubbing her back "why isn't she crying?" Cried Ruby Alicia held her up and she showed off her fine pair of lungs Ruby relaxed back and sighed with relief. Alicia passed her to ruby and she smiled holding her baby close "your such a brave clever girl" said Iain ruby smiled "we're going to have an amazing little family and do this properly" Said Ruby smiling Iain kissed her head "I love you both so so much" he said she smiled "We love you too" she smiled kissing his lips. "I'm going to go and check Ethan's still alive and I'll be back with you, give you both some privacy you haven't torn she was small your very very lucky your so small and you just did that like an absolute pro" she smiled walking out. Iain smiled at ruby and climbed on the bed with her wrapping his arms around both of his girls Ruby cuddled down "Are you Alright?" He asked she nodded "just exhausted" she said closing her eyes "here" he said taking the baby out of her arms gently holding her to his chest and holding ruby in the other arm "get some sleep I've got her I promise" he smiled before she could answer she was already fast asleep.

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