A week later

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Iain was leaving for the weekend for a stag do he was a bit hesitant "Iain go I'll be okay" she said "are you sure?" He asked "Jans going to come with me tomorrow, ill be alright I'll send you a picture" she smiled "I'm so so sorry" he said "it doesn't matter it's going to be one of many" she smiled Iain smiled and kissed her lips "I love you" he said "I love you" she smiled as he left she watched him leave and then sat chilling out for the evening on her own. The next morning ruby walked into the ambulance station an hour before her scan, she walked into Jans office she was terrified to be honest she just didn't want Iain to worry and have a bad time "are you Alright Rubes?" She asked she nodded "Are you excited?" Smiled Jan standing up "not really, I told Iain everything was fine because I didn't want to ruin his weekend away but it's not Jan it's really not" she cried Jan stood up and walked over to her and hugged her "I know your scared I know but it will get better I promise" she said rubbing her back "and ruby your going to have a friend for life your going to have a baby and whatever you think, you can look after it you get a decent wage you have a home and your an amazing person that's going to be an amazing mum" she said wiping her tears Ruby shook her head "I don't have a home Jan, I don't have enough hours in a day how are we supposed to look after a baby when we work 12 hour shifts together?" She cried "don't you worry about that, you've got months and months before this baby is born you don't need to worry about that we will sort something out, Nanny Jan can come and babysit" she smiled Ruby let out a bit of a laugh and Jan hugged her "Alright?" She asked Ruby nodded wiping her eyes "now let's go and check this little one is cooking nicely" she smiled Ruby nodded and stood up with Jan as they walked into the hospital. They sat down in the chairs outside the room and Ruby looked scared so scared Jan looked at her and put her hand on Ruby's knee "we're going to do this together" she smiled ruby nodded and looked at Jan "we're all going to look after you and this baby" she smiled ruby nodded and a nurse walked out not just any nurse it was Duffy "Ruby?" She asked calling her name Ruby looked at Jan "could you have asked for anyone better" smiled Jan "someone who didn't know me" she said "Duffy won't tell anyone" Smiled Jan ruby nodded and stood up Jan rubbed her arm and stood up too they walked towards Duffy and ruby grabbed Jans hand "it's alright I'm here" she said holding her hand gently. "Ruby? Your expecting?" Asked Jan she nodded a terrified look plastered on her face "don't be scared sweetheart I won't tell anyone I promise" she smiled greeting her and letting her into the room ruby saw the bed the ultrasound machine things she wasn't ready to see her breathing started getting quicker as they walked further into the room "Ruby" said Jan turning to face her she was panicking having a panic attack she had tears streaming down her face "Ruby Ruby look at me" Said Jan Duffy just stood watching them "Ruby your Alright your safe" Said Jan "let me" Said Duffy Jan let go of ruby and Duffy took her place "your upset and your very overwhelmed your having a panic attack and you know that, ruby breath in and out calm down" she said ruby nodded breathing heavily she relaxed and started breathing normally again "your scared sweetheart anyone would be, you've just got to trust in me that I know what I'm doing and I'm going to get you through this" she said Ruby nodded "I do trust you I trust you so much but I'm not ready for this, I need Iain" she cried Duffy held her in her arms and she cried into her shoulder "and you don't have to have this scan until Iain gets back tomorrow" Smiled Duffy wiping her eyes with her thumb ruby nodded "I really love him but I'm not ready for a baby" she cried "just you wait I promise hang on until you've had this scan with Iain. I'll book you in for Monday at 8am? Is that alright?" Asked Jan ruby nodded "thank you" she said "do you want me ruby or someone that doesn't know you?" She asked "you, please you" she cried Duffy nodded "that's alright you can have me the whole way, I promise I'll be here the whole way" she smiled rubbing her back Ruby just cried into her shoulder.

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