A week later

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Ruby and Iain were back at home with their baby. They were happy together and their baby girl was fine. They had only been home 2 days Ruby was being monitored in hospital previous to that. They were sitting on the sofa in the evening and Isla (their baby) was in bed asleep. There was a knock at the door Ruby was basically asleep on Iain's chest "let me get that" he smiled getting up slowly he opened the door to Ruby's dad "oh so she does live here" he smiled "Ruby!" shouted Iain she got up and walked to the door "leave" we're the only things that escaped her mouth "just let me come in" he said "I don't want you here" she said he walked in anyway and sat down her and Iain stood up looking at him "what do you want" she said Iain had never seen her hate someone so much. "What's all of this" he said picking up the teddy on the sofa and pointing at the cot. "Babysitting" Said Iain "and they bought all of this" he said he nodded suddenly the baby monitor went off and Iain held her hand "I'll go" he said she nodded and he walked upstairs he walked down with Isla in his arms she was barely 2 weeks old. "Let's go get mummy" he smiled walking down the stairs as she stopped crying "mummy" said her dad as Iain walked in Iain stood and looked at Ruby "she misses her mummy" said Iain "your her mummy" He asked looking at Ruby "no!" Said Iain. "Can you leave, please" she said tears in her eyes "oh my god she's yours!" He said Ruby sighed and nodded "okay she's mine alright yes she's mine but that has nothing to do with you now leave!" She demanded now "sweetheart" he said walking closer "don't sweetheart me!" She shouted the baby was screaming "Ruby take Isla upstairs calm down sweetheart" he said passing the baby to her she held her close to her chest "she's going to have a good life not like mine" she said walking off. Iain sat down on the sofa with her dad "I honestly want to help her" he said "I guess that's one thing we have in common" he said "listen, what you did to her and her mum is unforgivable she won't ever forgive you for that" he said he nodded "I want to be part of this baby's life" he said "that's never going to happen and you know that" he said he nodded and stood up "I'll leave" he said "I'm sorry" Said Iain "for what?" He asked "you must of had your life go very wrong for you to feel like you needed to murder someone" he said Ruby walked down when her dad started to raise his voice Isla was in bed again she stood by the door as her dad punched Iain around the face "stop!" She shouted running to Iain grabbing him "hey hey it's okay" she said as he sat on the floor her dad pushed her out of the way "you don't love her" he said walking out Ruby stood up slowly and walked over to Iain on the floor looking at his bloody lip "what happened?" She asked "I tried to speak to him Ruby but he clearly wants to be part of this baby's life" he said she sat down on the floor with him and hugged him "I love you" she said he looked at her and smiled "you haven't said that in ages" he smiled "I don't say it enough" she smiled kissing his head "now sit here and I'll get you an ice pack and some tissue" she smiled standing up "Are you okay?" Asked Iain she nodded and smiled as she got up. She sat down with him again and wiped his bloody lip and he held the ice pack to his cheek Ruby smiled sympathetically "I love you too" Said Iain holding her hand he noticed the blood on her arm "what's this?" He asked "I don't know must of caught it when I fell" she smiled wiping the blood with the cloth. He held her hand and they sat for a while before they headed off to bed for a sleep. The next morning Iain woke up to Ruby holding Isla next to him "morning" he smiled "you've got a shiner" she said stroking his cheek he sat up and smiled then frowning "does it hurt?" She asked "not unless I smile" he tried to laugh but he almost cried "that's really hurting isn't it?" She asked putting her fingers through his hair he pulled away and Ruby got up putting Isla down and sat down on the bed "Are you Alright you look a bit peaky" she asked holding her hand to his head. "My head hurts a bit but apart from that I'm fine I promise" he said holding her hand she nodded "maybe we should go and get you checked out" she said "just to be on the safe side Iain please" she said he looked up at her "it's not necessary Ruby" he said "Iain, I um I can't lay here like this with you worrying, please it's a head injury Iain please" she almost begged he nodded "get yourself sorted and get Isla sorted and then I'll go" he said she nodded and let go of his hand getting up and picking Isla up she got dressed and got Isla dressed and then got Iain some clothes "here" she smiled passing them to him he sat up slowly and lent over the side of the bed and threw up "Alright Iain Alright" She said rubbing his back "lay down" she said he lied on his side and Ruby grabbed her phone "can I have an ambulance please" she almost cried holding his hand they put her through. It was taking ages she wasn't getting anywhere Iain was being sick he was coughing she was scared her medical knowledge wasn't kicking in nothing was her baby was screaming. She turned off the phone and rang Jan "Jan Jan please it's Iain help me!" She cried down the phone "Ruby you need to ring for an ambulance" she said "no I need you please!" She Shouted "Alright lovely ill be 5 minutes from home get an ambulance" she said Ruby nodded and turned off the phone "Iain Iain please Jans on her way and so is an ambulance" she cried holding his head up "I love you" he said "oh Iain please just stay with me" she cried he held her hand "Jans coming" she cried he wiped her eyes "I'm alright" he said leaning forward she hugged him and kissed his head "I love you so much" she cried into his shoulder "I love you" he said. Jan knocked on the door and Ruby looked out of the window "it's open" she shouted Jan ran in and ran up the stairs "oh this is a state" she said walking in "please help him" she cried getting out of the way Jan sat down next to Iain "you look a bit rough" she smiled he nodded and lent over the side of the bed being sick in the bowl again "we really need to get you in don't we" she smiled Iain nodded "he turned so quickly" cried Ruby Jan settled Iain down and the paramedics turned up and Ruby just stood in hysterics she didn't know what to do with herself "please help him" she cried Jan got up and walked over to her "come on calm down" she said taking her into her arms she cried into her shoulder "he's going to be alright" she said "Jan he hit his head yesterday" she cried "okay guys stop what your doing!" Said Jan "what do you mean?" She asked "my dad came round and Iain was down here with him and I was with Isla and he hit him on the head" she cried "okay treat for suspected internal head injury" said Jan they nodded and took him into the ambulance "i um I need to go with him" she cried "I need to get Isla" she said picking her up and her bag she was screaming "please Isla please stop your making mummy's head ring" she said impatiently "please Isla" she cried holding her Jan held out her hands and took the baby and the bag "go with Iain I'll meet you there, with the baby" she said Ruby nodded and ran downstairs following them and jumped in the back of the ambulance with them. "You've got to be patient with your mummy Isla she's having a rough time and so is your daddy" she said rubbing her back.

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