Iain comes home

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The next day ruby was sitting on the sofa when she got a phone call from Iain he was going to ring when he needed picking up from the airport. He called her number and she answered her phone "I'm home ruby any time your ready" he said she smiled she loved hearing his voice "I'll come and get you now" she said "thank you, I love you" he said "I love you too" she said shutting off the phone getting up. She drove to the airport and parked walking in to find Iain she saw him waiting and ran over to him he stood up and held out his arms "I couldn't do it Iain" she said "couldn't do what?" He asked "I had a panic attack" she said welling up he held her tightly and rubbed her back kissing her head "you mean the scan?" He asked she nodded "it's booked for tomorrow at 8 so You can come" she said he smiled and wiped her tears "I love you" he said she smiled "I love you too" she said. "Come on let's go home baby" he said holding her hand "I want to meet your friends first" she smiled wiping her eyes he smiled at her "Ruby this is Parker, Fletch, David, Leon, Callum and finally the groom himself James" he smiled she smiled and said hello to them all "so this is the lovely lady we've been told about" smiled Callum ruby smiled "What are those tears for?" Asked James "nothing, nothing" she smiled shaking her head "oh darling don't get upset" said James comforting her Iain looked at Ruby and she nodded "I'm pregnant" she said James Smiled "Iain! Congrats mate!" He said hugging him they all congratulated them both and Ruby smiled "you don't have to get upset about that! Alright kids are annoying and hard work mine are but they're the best thing in the world!" Said Leon Ruby Smiled Iain was glad she was being reassured. "I'll see you boys soon" Said Iain they all said their goodbyes and then got back in the car. "So feeling better?" He asked she nodded and smiled "I feel like I'm part of a proper family" she said "that's because you are" he smiled holding her hand "I love you so so much" he said she smiled "I love you so so much too" she smiled Iain put his hand on her belly as she was driving she smiled and he kissed her cheek "I missed you" he said "I missed you too" she smiled they were driving along just listening to the radio when the car in front of them swerved and flipped ruby screamed and Iain went to grab her she put her foot on the brake and they stopped banging into the car in front both airbags came out. Iain was holding his arm in front of ruby "are you alright?" Asked Iain "I think so" Said ruby pushing the airbag out of her face "I can't get out" she said trying to open her door "the cars there Rubes" he said opening his door and climbing out "come on" he said helping her climb over his seat "Are you sure your Alright?" He asked she nodded "yeah positive" she said nodding holding his hand "Alright" he said they walked over to the car in front when they realised the people were hurt and couldn't get out. "Iain there's a baby girl in here!" Shouted ruby "Alright we will get her out" He said running round they called 999 and opened the door ruby climbed in and unclipped her car seat lifting her out "Alright sweetie it's alright" Said ruby holding her to her chest "there's a little boy too" Said Iain Ruby handed the baby to a woman that had stopped and climbed in to get him out he was about 3 he seemed fine had no obvious injuries the parents were still in the car both unconscious and had weak pulses ruby passed him to the woman and he stood watching as all of the emergency service vehicles pulled up besides a cut on her forehead Ruby was fine and Iain just had a graze on his side "leave them now ruby" said Iain holding her "let me look at your head" he said she stood back and watched they walked over to the kids "you two are so brave" Said the woman "were paramedics" smiled Iain Ruby held her side and the car with the other hand "what's wrong?" Asked Iain "nothing" she said gritting her teeth just then Jan walked over "what's wrong?" Asked Jan "it's hurting" she cried "come here" she said sitting her in her car "lift up your top" she said lifting it up "you've got no obvious injury" said Jan "ah" she cried holding her stomach "okay ruby in that ambulance now come on" she said "they should be prioritised" she cried holding Iain he held her tightly and rubbed her back "there's another 2 ambulances they will take them" Said Jan ruby nodded and Iain helped her into the ambulance "lay down Rubes see which way is better" said Jan ruby lied down with Iain's help and held his hand tightly "I'm here" he said "okay Jeff quickly!" Shouted Jan he started driving and Jan gave ruby some gas and air "big deep breaths" she said Ruby cried into it and Iain kissed her hand "Jan do something" Said Iain "she can't have anything not until she's been checked over Duffy is waiting for her in resus" she said Iain nodded and Jan stood up "let's get this top off ruby" said Jan pulling it up "stop no" she said "why? It's not like Iain hasn't seen it all before how else did you end up this way" she half laughed ruby smiled "I just want to wait for Duffy" she said "listen Rubes I'm just trying to make duffys job easier when we get there" she said Ruby nodded and lifted her top up "okay if it hurts where I press you tell me" Said Jan she nodded and Iain kept hold of her hand jan pressed on her stomach so lightly and she cried in pain "stop!" She cried "Alright sweetheart Alright" Said Jan covering her with a blanket and pushing her hair out of her face "we're here now" Said Jan they rushed her into hospital where Duffy ran over and some other doctors "okay this is Ruby Spark she was in a car accident low impact has a small laceration to her head but is suffering with severe abdominal pain tender to touch she is also about 12 weeks pregnant" said Jan as they changed over everyone nodded "she also has a rather impatient boyfriend waiting outside" Smiled Jan "Ruby, Ruby" Said Jan holding her hand "mm" she said pulling the mask away from her face "I'm looking after Iain okay sweetheart" she said Ruby nodded "don't let him worry I'll be okay, we will be okay" she said putting the mask back on her face jan nodded and kissed her hand walking out. Iain was pacing the ward outside "is she alright?" Asked Iain Jan nodded "she told me to tell you not to worry they will both be okay" she said Iain nodded "I know but oh I love them both so much" he cried Jan nodded "I know" she smiled sitting down with him. Duffy walked out to get Iain "Iain your being asked for" she smiled he stood up "she is okay we think the pain is predominately due to her and baby having a very rapid heart rate which is understandable but we do need to perform a type of pelvic ultrasound she's alright shes not in any pain anymore but um, these ultrasounds can be a little painful and I think shes going to want someone there" she said "what do you mean? Is it going to hurt her?" He asked "it might do but I promise Iain it will be a little bit nothing like the pain she's been in" she said he nodded and walked in she was sitting up well aware of everything. "Ruby" he said standing at the end of her bed "I don't bite" she smiled Iain walked over to her bedside and sat down on the bed "I love you" she said "Ruby I was so so scared something was really wrong with you" he said "there's not I'm sure I was just panicking" she smiled holding his hand "Duffy said You um have to have some special kind of ultrasound" he said she nodded "I'll be alright don't worry" she said "what do they do?" he asked "that's not for you to worry about" she smiled "can I have a cuddle?" She asked he nodded and sat on the bed as she moved over and he wrapped his arms around her and they cuddled down he placed his hand on her belly and she placed hers on top of his. "We're going to have a perfect little family" she smiled he kissed her lips "we are" he said just then Duffy walked in "we're not going to do a um an ultrasound we think it was definitely down the heart rate and now it's gone down and you not in pain we don't want to put you through that we do want to keep you in for 24 hours to monitor you though" she said Ruby smiled and so did Iain "thank you" she said "I also have some news" she said "Ruby how far along did you think you were?" She asked "12 weeks that's how many periods I've missed" she said "I think you've miscounted because the scan shows your heading more towards about 18" she said Ruby looked like she was about to have a heart attack "don't get your heart rate up again!" Said Duffy smiling "that's nearly half way" said Ruby Iain held her hand "I know give it 2 weeks and you can find out the gender" she said Ruby looked at Iain "don't worry, don't worry it's going to be alright" he said "shouldn't? Shouldn't I have a bump?" She Asked Duffy nodded "I would of thought you would have a bit of a bump but you are very tiny Rubes but your baby looked well when we had a quick look you might of just looked like you had put on a little bit of weight" she said Ruby nodded "oh god Iain we're going to have a baby in 22 weeks!" She said he nodded and smiled at her holding her face in his hands gently "listen to me, 6 weeks earlier or 6 weeks later that baby isn't going to be any different maybe he is more ready to meet us than we thought" he smiled "he?" She asked smiling he smiled and kissed her lips "definitely!" He smiled she smiled "in your dreams" she laughed "what do you want to bet on it?" She laughed "nights of crying" he said she held out her hand "your on" she said he laughed and shook it. Duffy smiled at them both.

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