The kiss

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Ruby woke up an hour later feeling a bit rubbish. Her head was hurting she hated sleeping in the day she always woke up to feel like it. She sat up slowly holding her head "Are you Alright?" Asked Iain she nodded "yeah just got a bit of a headache, I always do when I sleep in the day" she said he got up and walked to the kitchen getting some paracetamol and a glass of water and taking it back in to her she was sitting with her head in her hands. Iain sat down next to her and passed her the tablets "paracetamol" he said she smiled and took them "thank you" she said putting the glass of water on the table. She lent into his shoulder and Iain wrapped his arms around her "what about some fresh air do you think that would help?" He asked she nodded "maybe" she said he stood up and held her hands helping her up they put on their coats and boots and walked out in the cold Ruby really didn't feel too great but she knew it was only because of the little power nap. They walked about for half an hour when Iain reached for her hand she turned to look at him and then she smiled holding his back. She had never felt this way about someone before but she knew it couldn't work he was 7 years older than her. They kept talking and walking until it was 2pm "shall we go and get some food there's a nice little coffee shop around the corner" Said Iain she nodded and smiled at him still holding his hand they walked in undoing their coats and finding a table they had some food and a drink and made their way back to Iain's. When got to the door Iain turned to face Ruby she smiled at him and he smiled back "Thank you I don't know what I'd do without you Iain" she said Iain lent in and kissed her it all happened a bit fast and until their lips were touching ruby didn't realise what had happened. He pulled away from her and she looked confused "that's um, that's not what I meant" she said "I'm so sorry" he said "I should, I should probably go" she said "No ruby wait" he said as she walked off "ruby, ruby" he said she just carried on walking he had never regretted something so much in his life. He knew she had nowhere to go other than home so he left her knowing she would be safe.  6 hours later there was a knock at the door it was 9pm it was really dark and really cold Iain got up and opened it to Ruby "Ruby" he said "you look really cold" he said "I've not been home, I've been thinking, walking mainly and building up the courage to come back because I'm a right wuss, I didn't mean what I said earlier I do like you Iain I was just scared" she said he smiled at her and grabbed her hand "come on your freezing" he said pulling her in she smiled and Iain turned the heating up and got her a blanket she sat down on the sofa wrapped up in the blanket and Iain bought her a mug of hot chocolate in "I know your into this health thing but hot chocolate wont hurt you once in a while" Smiled Iain passing it to her she laughed and he sat down next to her "do you want me to run a bath? Or you can have a shower? I don't want you being cold that's all" he said pushing her wet hair out of her face "I've got nothing here Iain I need to go home" she smiled "yeah well your not walking home like this you'll get hyperthermia I'll make you a deal" he said "what's that?" She asked "let me run you a bath and I'll go and get your stuff whilst your in it" he said she smiled "you just don't give in do you?" She smiled he shook his head "not when it's something worth fighting for" he said she smiled and lent her head on his shoulder "I'm going to run you a bath" he said getting up she nodded and smiled as he walked up the stairs 10 minutes later he came down "baths ready, Gems getting your stuff don't worry I won't go searching through your underwear drawer" he smiled she smiled back "you wouldn't find much if you did" she laughed he smiled and watched her walk up the stairs. He left the house locking the door behind him and drove to Ruby's Gem gave him a bag of her things and smiled "have fun" she smiled "don't start Gem how old are you anyway" he laughed she smiled and he left. He walked back in and walked up the stairs "you Alright Rubes?" He asked through the door "yeah" she said "I've got your stuff where do you want it?" He asked "wherever it's fine" she said "I'll put it in the spare room" he said she nodded "thank you" she said he did that and then walked downstairs. He was watching the Tv when ruby walked down she was wearing an oversized night shirt and a pair of shorts and she had her wet hair up in a bun. Iain smiled at her "better?" He asked she nodded "thank you" she smiled "your welcome" he smiled back she sat down on the sofa with him but not that close "are you feeling better?" He asked she nodded "yeah I am thanks" she said "so ready for work again tomorrow?" She smiled "I guess I'll have to be" he smiled "you know I really love my job" she said "me too just some of the stuff we see it's upsetting that's an understatement" he said ruby nodded "I'll never forget Emma as long as I live I will never forget her" she said tears in her eyes Iain edged closer and hugged ruby "and she'll never forget you and how you helped her" he said putting his arm around her Ruby nodded and rested her head against his chest not letting him see the tears in her eyes "id be worried if you weren't upset your only human just like the rest of us" he said she nodded looking up at him he smiled and kissed her head. Ruby looked up at him almost contemplating what she was about to do and then she lent forward and kissed his lips "I love you" she said quietly he smiled "I love you more" he smiled hugging her they were both full of smiles. "Do you know how terrified I was to say that" she smiled half an hour later "why? I'm not scary am I?" He asked "I've never said it to anyone before" she said Iain smiled at her almost sympathetically and held her hand "that's because your sensible" he laughed she laughed too "you were definitely that boy that told all the girls you loved them at 14 weren't you" laughed ruby Iain pulled a confused face "definitely not" he laughed "saved myself all for you" he smiled "yeah yeah" she laughed. "Alright trouble I'm going to bed" he laughed getting up he helped her up and she smiled at him "the spare rooms set up" he smiled kissing her head she nodded and smiled "I'm not ready yet" she said he nodded "and I didn't expect you to be" he smiled she smiled back and kissed his lips "I love you" she said "I love you too" he smiled holding her hand "come on then" he smiled as they walked up the stairs. In the morning at 3am Ruby woke up to a crash of Thunder she jumped she hated storms it was the one thing she was terrified of she used to climb into bed with her mum and her grandparents when they happened and now she had nobody. She lied there clutching the covers shaking she was so scared she got up slowly and walked to Iain's room and opened the door he was lying awake "did it wake you too?" He asked ruby nodded "I really don't like them, I'm just being a baby but Ive always hated storms so much, can I just sit in here with you?" She asked he nodded and lifted up the covers next to him "want a cuddle?" He asked she nodded and climbed into bed cuddling into his chest. "Thank you" she said looking up at him "I much prefer you in here with me anyway" he smiled resting his head on hers "me too" she smiled and they both drifted off to sleep cuddled in one another's arms.

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