Talking to Jan

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Iain walked into the ambulance station and picked up Ruby's charger "your early, like hours early" said Jan standing at the door "I came to tell you we can't come into work tonight" he said "what?" Asked Jan "Ruby, she's at home she can't work and she can't be left on her own for 12 hours" Said Iain "why?" She asked "Jan she's not in a very good way please can you just trust what I'm saying is true because it really is and you know that we would be in if we could be" he said "well I need a reason to write it down" she said "come and talk to me in my office" said Jan Iain nodded and followed behind her she shut the door and sat down "so?" She asked "Ruby's pregnant" he said Jan didn't know what to say "what?" She asked "she's devastated and I can't leave her not for 12 hours she can't be on her own she's in the worst place right now and she's so confused" he said Jan looked gobsmacked "oh Iain what have you done" she said putting her head in her hands "it was an accident I swear it was Jan we were careful" he said "clearly not careful enough and now you've got one of my paramedics up the duff" she said raising her voice "don't take this out on me Ruby knows it was an accident she knows that I didn't mean to hurt her and think about her you can't make her work like that paramedics are allowed to have children you know maternity leave is in the job description" he said "go on go home to her" she said "thank you" he said walking out. He walked back into the house to Ruby asleep on the sofa he smiled at her and plugged her phone in and then sat down in the chair watching the Tv she woke up half an hour later and Iain smiled at her "your alight go back to sleep" he smiled "Iain can we go to work?" She asked sitting up looking at the time on her phone "what?" He asked "I need to take my mind off of it and I can't change it I'm pregnant Iain and that's that. I've just got to get on with it" she said he smiled "we've got the night off we don't have to go out" he said she stood up and sat on his lap "but I want to go out I'm not going to be able to work for very long now, let's make the most of it" she smiled he kissed her head "Are you sure?" He asked she nodded "positive" she said Iain smiled and held her hand "come on then let's go and get ready we've got an hour" he smiled she stood up and so did he they walked upstairs into the bedroom Iain got changed and ruby changed her trousers and then pulled off her top she stood looking in the full length mirror in her bra and trousers Iain smiled at her sympathetically and walked up behind her hugging her from behind putting his hands on her belly "I love you" he whispered in her ear she put her hands on his on her belly "I love you too" she smiled he passed her the top and she put it on and they walked downstairs and sat down drinking tea. She looked at Iain "I want to keep it" she said Iain smiled at her and held her hand "I'm glad you said that" he smiled she smiled and held his hand back "if we go now we can get you booked in at maternity" he smiled she nodded taking a deep breath "Are you sure about this?" He asked holding her hand as they walked out she nodded "yeah, I am going to need your help though I can't do it alone" she said he smiled "you won't have to" he smiled. They got in the car and drove to work. When they arrived Jan walked out "you two really don't have to be here" said Jan "we want to be" Said Ruby walking in to the staff room Iain looked at Jan "she does want to be here" he said "I don't want her to mess up" Said Jan to Iain "she won't I'll watch her" he said "I don't want her working Iain" said Jan "she's alright" he said "she's not in the right mindset to treat patients" she said walking in after her there were 10 other paramedics in the staff room when Jan walked in after ruby. Ruby was standing at the sink getting a drink. "Ruby go home" Said Jan she turned around to face her "I want to work" she said "your in no fit state to work go and get some rest" Said Jan Ruby didn't want to be treated like this for 9 months so she put her foot down "I'm not an invalid Jan I'm pregnant! Pregnant people can work!" She said walking out Iain stood in the doorway and let her go as Jan turned around everyone looked shocked. Jan walked over to Iain to find ruby "she is right Jan you can't discriminate against her she's allowed to work" he said "Iain she's pregnant she's 22 do you not think that's affected her mentally?" Asked Jan walking outside with him "of course it has but giving this to her will just make it worse for her she wants to work and she's not going insane she's just upset that's all, she's human she's allowed to get upset" he said she smiled at him "your going to make one hell of a dad" she smiled "thank you" he smiled "you look after her good" she said "I do try to" he smiled "let me go and talk to her I'll let her work" Said Jan he nodded and walked into the staff room as Jan left to find Ruby. Ruby was sitting outside with some tissue in her hands from drying her tears Jan walked over slowly and sat down next to her "go and get changed" she said rubbing her arm Ruby smiled "I promise I won't mess up Jan" she said Jan smiled "I know you wont, listen Ruby I care about you so so much your more like a daughter to me than a colleague and honestly I just hate seeing you hurting" she said Ruby smiled "I promise I'm going to be alright it will get better than this and Jan your going to be a nanny" smiled ruby Jan smiled "don't say that" she laughed pulling ruby close "you know I think the main reason I am scared is because I don't have my mum and doesn't everyone need their mum when they have a baby" she said welling up again "I'll be there if you want me I'd like to be there for you" she smiled holding her hand ruby rested her head on her shoulder "thank you I'd like that" she smiled looking at Jan she smiled and kissed her head "go on you" she smiled ruby nodded and got up walking to get changed. Iain was sitting in the staff room when ruby walked in changed "ready?" She smiled Iain smiled at her and stood up "come on" he smiled grabbing her hand and walking out with her. They worked that day it went fine ruby enjoyed taking her mind off of it. They pulled up and got out walking to the locker room "how did it go?" Asked Jan "I'll catch you up" Said Ruby Iain nodded and carried on "it was just another day at work" Smiled Ruby Jan smiled at her "I wanted to ask you something" she said "what's that?" Asked Jan "I have a scan booked for a week today I'll be 12 weeks, um Iain's away for the weekend with his mates and I don't really want to go on my own" said Ruby Jan smiled and held her hand "of course ill come with you" she smiled Ruby half smiled and hugged Jan "thank you" she said "anytime" Said Jan rubbing her back.

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