The hospital

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Jan walked in with Isla in her car seat when she saw Ruby staring just sitting in the waiting room. "Here" Said Jan wrapping her paramedic jumper around her so she wasn't cold. Ruby just looked up at her and burst into tears Jan sat down and pulled her into her grip "what's happened?" She asked "they think, they think he's got a bleed on the brain" she cried "oh Ruby he's going to get through this" she said wiping her tears "he tries to be so strong all of the time, for me, for Isla and I can't even notice this he's hurt Jan seriously it's my job to recognise that" she cried "you couldn't of known none of us would of Iain wouldn't of if roles were reversed" she said "I wish they were" she cried "now that's when you know you love someone when you'd put yourself through this for them to be okay" she said Ruby just looked down at Isla "your daddy's going to be okay I promise" she said holding her hand "I promise he will be here for everything... and so I will I" she said wiping her eyes. Isla looked up at her with big blue eyes "I love you Isla" she smiled Isla babbled and Jan held Ruby's hand "he will be alright" she said Ruby nodded. Just then Ethan walked out "is he okay" she almost cried "he's stable, we've found the problem and he's in no fit state to make a decision so the decision is yours" he said "the decision for what?" She asked "Iain has a subdural haematoma" he said Ruby eyes let a couple more tears fall "please tell me you can do something" she begged "we can" he said Ruby had got herself worked up and she was panicking "he's going to be alright isn't he Ethan" she cried she was panicking Ruby suffered from anxiety and Jan knew that "she has anxiety" Said Jan discreetly "shall we go and have a chat somewhere?" He asked she nodded and stood up with him he held her hands and helped her up "we won't be long" he said she nodded and picked Isla up playing with her. Ruby sat down in Ethan's office "he will need an operation and we would like to do it ASAP. However he can have a craniotomy" He Said "that's major complicated surgery" she said Ethan nodded "or he can have burr holes drilled" he said Ruby nodded "can you do which ones best for him" she said Ethan nodded "some doctors would recommend the craniotomy because there's a much lower risk of it not working but in Iain's case with a girlfriend and newborn baby at home and an impatient person like him I think in his best interests we should try burr holes first" he said Ruby nodded "Do that do anything just help him please" she said Ethan nodded "we will do everything we can" he said Ruby nodded and hugged Ethan.

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