Finding her

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Iain and ruby walked into the front room with Jan close behind "Are you sure he's gone?" Asked ruby Jan nodded "of course he is, he left ages ago I watched him walk out of the door" she said ruby nodded "I'll drop you back on my way" Said Iain she nodded "thank you" she smiled they walked through the ambulances and on their way grabbed their stuff and then walked out to the car park. Just then she saw her dad but it was too late he had seen her she wondered if he recognised her, she was nearly 22 now, maybe he wouldn't know it was her? She thought. "What?" Asked Iain as she almost froze "that's him" she said "can we go now please?" She asked Iain nodded and they walked towards the car "so you do work here?" He said ruby and Iain stopped and she nodded "we really need to be getting back" he said turning around "not so fast, who are you?" He asked "the boyfriend?" He asked again he shook his head "the paramedic partner" he said "ah so are one of them you did it then?" He said she nodded looking at the floor "I don't want to talk to you I want to go home" she said turning around "what have I ever done to you?" He asked raising his voice "what have you ever done to me!? You've hurt me in more ways than you could ever imagine! You killed my mum you should still be in prison now! Your a liar and your dangerous to be around you hurt me you hit and abused your daughter that was no older than 12 what kind of a person does that! It's disgusting! You know what I've seen a lot of things but nothing mounts up to the way you treated her! I hate you!" She cried walking off Jan walked out after she heard all of the shouting "what's going on?" She asked he turned after her and grabbed her arm and she screamed "let go of her!" Said Iain "what are you going to do about it?" He asked sarcastically "don't touch me!" She cried shaking him off "I'm your dad just forgive me" he said "no, no your not, your not my dad, you never have been and you never will be!" She shouted Jan grabbed her in her arms and ruby cried into her shoulder "I think it's time for you to leave and not come back!" She said raising her voice "I'm not going to give up on her!" He said "I think it's took late, she gave up on you a long time ago" Said Iain just then her dad pinched Iain Ruby grabbed Iain and moved his hands away from his face and looked at his bloody nose and bruised cheek. "Come on" she said "let me just say something first" he said "Iain" she said "i won't hit him I promise" he said ruby nodded and stood still "listen Alright, she's nearly 22 years old, she's the smartest, funniest most caring girl I've ever met, she cares so deeply for every one of her patients She's a great paramedic and she is brilliant at her job... she drives not only a car but an ambulance, she has her own little place and she has loads of friends to back her up when stuff like this happens okay listen she's done that all on her own, without you, she doesn't want you here, she doesn't want to see you and she doesn't want to know you, like I said she's nearly 22 and that means your too late because she's old enough to look after herself and say no to other adults, you don't rule her she can do as she pleases now, so I think you ought do as she asks because it's her decision and she's an adult" he said Ruby took him by the arm and turned around with him to go back into the ambulance station. "I'm sorry" she said as he sat down "you didn't do anything wrong, he did don't forget that" he said she nodded "let me look at this" she said cleaning up his bloody nose "it's not bleeding anymore" she smiled "your going to have a shiner on your cheek though" she smiled looking at it holding his chin he smiled at her "thank you" he said she smiled "that's alright" she said letting go of his chin and putting the stuff in the bin. "Leave!" Said Jan back outside "I want to see my daughter" he said "I don't think she's ever going to forgive you" Said Jan more calmly "why?!" He asked "a few knocks never hurt anybody" he said "anyway I don't do violence anymore" he said "you've just punched her best friend and one of my paramedics in the face!" She said "and those knocks they killer mum don't ever say they didn't hurt anyone, they hurt her too fracturing her wrist breaking her ribs she was 12! And younger!" She said "the stairs was an accident" he said "well after everything you did I don't blame her for thinking you tried to kill her I believe ruby, you should still be in prison now, now I suggest you leave my ambulance station before I call security and then you might get put down again for assault of a paramedic, it's gone up to a year now" she said he stormed off and drove away. Jan walked into ruby and Iain "he's definitely gone now, I watched him drive off told him he could get put down for another year for assaulting a paramedic on duty" she smiled Ruby nodded and Iain smiled at her "come on then let's get you home" he smiled standing up "you Alright Iain?" Asked Jan he nodded "ruby cleaned me up" he smiled "just a bruised cheek" jan nodded "have a good sleep" she said.

Seeing her DadWhere stories live. Discover now