The next morning

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The next morning Iain woke up at 9am to Ruby's head on his lap she was fast asleep he smiled and sat just reminiscing on things for a while when she woke up "morning" he smiled she looked up at him and sat up "morning" she smiled "how are you feeling?" He asked "better" she smiled "thanks to you" she added he smiled and looked at her cheek which held a shiner of a bruise on it "shall we get another ice pack on that see if we can bring the bruising down?" He asked she nodded and followed him into the kitchen they sat down at the table eating some toast and fruit with ruby holding the ice to her face "is your arm alright?" He asked she nodded "less sore than my face" she smiled "you've got a proper shiner on your face" he smiled "well at least he'll get an extra year for assaulting me" she smiled "I'll take a punch for that, let him be locked up for good nobody deserves to be treated that way" she said "no they don't" he smiled she smiled back "Shall we go and see if they're still at the hospital?" He asked Ruby nodded "let's pop back to yours first" he smiled "I've got some jeans in my bag from work I can just put them on and my white T-shirt" she smiled he nodded and they went upstairs and got ready Ruby walked out just in her jeans and T-shirt and slipped her trainers on "wait here" he said running upstairs he grabbed a hoodie and ran back down passing it to ruby "it's cold out" he said she smiled and put it on and they got into the car and drove to the hospital. "Ruby Iain how are you?" Asked Noel "could be better could be worse" smiled ruby "good thank you" Smiled Iain "we just wanted to know where Isla and her mum were, the 2 we bought in yesterday when we were off duty" he asked "Islas in paediatrics and her mums on wyevale wing" he smiled "thank you" he said they walked to wyevale wing hand in hand and Iain poked his head around the door to her mum "hello" smiled Iain walking in with ruby close behind "hi" she smiled weakly "how are you feeling?" Asked Ruby "I'm alright how are you that bruise looks nasty" she said ruby smiled or tried to without what felt like cracking her face "it's nothing honestly" she smiled the woman smiled at her "thank you, both of you so much" she said "your more than welcome" Smiled Iain Ruby nodded "anytime" she smiled "we just came to check you were okay can we go and find Isla?" Asked Iain she nodded "she'd like that" she smiled "is she okay?" She asked "she's got a couple of injuries but nothing life threatening" she smiled ruby nodded "that's great" she smiled "I'll see you later" she smiled as they walked out they found Isla asleep and they sat down beside her "she looks exactly like I did, laying there just so, so helpless and scared, didn't have a hope in the world" she said tears in her eyes "you did have a hope in the world" Said Iain "the only difference is her mums alive and my mum wasn't" she said Iain put his hands on her shoulders from behind and started almost massaging them she held his hands on her shoulders and lent her head into his hand "can you promise me something?" She asked "anything" he said "promise me that you'll look after me, I feel like I need looking after, I'm only 22, I haven't got anyone Iain nobody but you" she said turning to look at him "I'm always here for you and you know that, I promise I'll always look after you if you need looking after" he smiled she nodded and stood up wrapping her arms around him and hugging him. "Why don't you bring some of your stuff over, stay with me for a while I'll set up the spare room, I'd like a flat mate" he smiled she nodded "I promise as hard as it seems right now you'll find it easier like you did before" he said she nodded and they heard something Isla had woken up "hey" smiled ruby "thank you" she said weakly "that's alright you rest up now" she smiled holding her hand Isla nodded and closed her eyes again "Are we okay to go home?" Asked ruby Isla nodded "the nice Doctor Bea she's looking after me" she smiled ruby nodded "she is a nice doctor" Smiled Iain Isla nodded and went back to sleep and Iain took Ruby's hand "I don't think she's the only person that needs sleep" Smiled Iain ruby nodded and he put his arm around her back as they walked out. They got back to Iain's and ruby had fallen asleep in the car she hadn't slept for very long the night before and Iain knew that. He got out quietly and opened her door picking her up carefully and walking her inside. He got in and lied her on the sofa taking off her shoes and pulling a blanket over her "you get some sleep" he said pushing her hair out of her face and smiling at her as he sat in the chair and turned the tv on.

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