The next day

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Ruby woke up the next day to Ethan placing a wet flannel on her head again she smiled at him and he smiled back "how are you feeling?" He asked "much better thank you" she smiled "your fevers broken your getting better" he smiled she smiled and held his hand "thank you Ethan thank you so so much" she said "your welcome sweetheart" he smiled "do you want me to get Iain?" He asked she smiled "is it safe I don't want him to get it too" she said Ethan nodded "your fevers broken he can't catch it now" he smiled she nodded and sighed "I haven't given it to anyone have I?" She asked Ethan shook his head "I don't think so but we won't know for another day" he said she nodded "Are you feeling alright now though" he said she nodded "horrible still but much better than I did" she smiled he nodded and rubbed her arm "I'll get Iain" he smiled she nodded and closed her eyes "her fevers broken she's going to be okay, she's asking after you" said Ethan to Iain "but what if I get it?" He asked "you can't her fevers broken" he said he smiled and nodded walking up the stairs he knocked on the door and walked in slowly to a very weak poorly looking ruby. "Hey" she smiled quietly "you are high maintenance aren't you" laughed Iain sitting down with her she smiled and held his hand "I love you" she said "I love you more" he smiled kissing her head. He climbed into bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her "it's been too long since we've had a nice cuddle" he said kissing her head she nodded and smiled "it has hasn't it" she said closing her eyes and going to sleep.

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